Why were my recent posts/threads deleted?


Well-Known Member
i just click my profile and when i check my recent posts and thread, they are all gone leading up the start of 2012...:-?:-?

Has this happend to anyone before? might it been because i was posting a lot of threads without replying much?:neutral:


Well-Known Member
i dont believe this hack bullshit.......I can notice lots of other members posts before that date you stated and they arent deleted...only certain posts??


Well-Known Member
i just click my profile and when i check my recent posts and thread, they are all gone leading up the start of 2012...:-?:-?

Has this happend to anyone before? might it been because i was posting a lot of threads without replying much?:neutral:
The problem is, there is a toilet in the same room with the main server database. Potroast had come down with some mean Taco Bell afterbirth while drunk and he vomited all over the marijuana database hard disks by accident. Then we drew a penis and other cool stuff with permanent marker on his face while he was passed out on the floor. I believe things will be back to normal in a few months.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you bro get out while you can .. Most of us have migrated to a new location man.. Check it out

A safe and secure site and lots of good info and growers.. Hope to see you around!
Might just take you up on that and jump ship, they might only be focusing on big grows but who knows

JUST JOINED! The site looks great can't wait to have a juke around.


Well-Known Member
You guys are pioneers for leaving RIU while it is sinking. I wish USA citizens would have started leaving the country since Dumba... I mean Deputy George W. Bush started running the federal toilet of america. I live outside and just fucking fine, and there are ounces of kush to smoke for each man or women. Peace.