Why water cure!


Well-Known Member
I know soaking buds in water for a bit removes the green chlorophyll, for medibles maybe?
if non active stuff is washed away the "potency" increases by weight right?
I also read of Africans burying their fresh harvest for months, allowing it to mold underground to
a slick black color, and say this is their grade a. wtvr


Well-Known Member
What... What....... The fuck no. So many nos. Rite soak e. But wouldn't that increase the chances of mild. And in the article they say to gently use a thick towel or paper towels to dampen off excess water. Wouldn't you loose crystal heads and ruin the shapes if the buds


Well-Known Member
no, I know people who wash their harvests every time. might not even be a bad idea. ever look at your stink sock? the prefilter gets dirty aye? imagine how much of that dirt sticks to your produce? if drying in a controlled room like we do wet buds wont be an issue.
those crystal heads, called trichomes, are made of wax and contain the active ingredients we seek. careful water dunking wont dissolve wax. yep, could knock a few off, so what, I got plenty of them . many get damaged when you sniff, or bump, or walk by and stick too a plant, or during trimming too. no worries.
i havent washed my buds yet, but might try just to see what kind of debris is discovered....could become a part of harvesting for me maybe....