why was my thread closed?

the state of oregon doubled fees for OMMP and reduced services (you have to mail it in now).

they have no problem making millions off of cannabis, but god forbid someone try to feed themselves or pay their rent with their excess meds.

you always had to mail it in
Incorrect sir, this will be my fist year of having to mail it in. Up until this year all I had to do was go down there, and hand it to them in person, and pay my fee.
you have always had the choice to mail or take it in in person up until this year. this may be your 1st year i have been mailing mine in for years now.
its all illegal the sale of marijuana. what part of that don't you understand
its gone because RIU got rid of it because um i wonder why..
and i am pretty sure it was my own thread i started and shut down do to the arguing

how are sales of MJ relative to being reimbursed for expenses/cost of production . . .. . . . .your girls must be at work you better call em and ask for advise cause you make no sense, and are looking a fool

so if new changes in the real law on the books here in Wa changes so venders are protected and i post your going to "black list" that info like BIG BROTHER from the HILLS of Arizona, which has some of the most extreme drug laws to date

no wonder this site is a JOKE, old members leave because of BS like this, then all you got is UNCLE BEN and a slew of CFL growers with auto flowerers and crap info from less then credible sources . . .kinda like this mod here
P.S. I wish there was a MMJ NPO as large as Unicef...LOL. I'm talking a small NPO dispensary.

I was talking about NPO's in general. technically all MMJ services outside of colorado are required to be "non-profit". and i'm sure some of them are great and honest, but my point is that having non-profit status does not automatically mean a organization will be less corrupt than a business. and vice versa

and investors and boards have nothing to do with what im talking about. thats corporate stuff. mabye we are having a miscommunication here. when i say profit is essential, i mean that it is essential for a business to make more than break even, so they can save up money to invest in better services/goods, hire more employee, raise wages, incur losses, etc. that is essential to growing and upkeeping your business. now if were talking personal profit. then no thats not essential. but it is an big incentive to start a business, and if someone is running a quality business, treats there customers well, and pays fair wages, i see no reason they shouldn't make some money from that.

either way i'm sure we can both agree that the state needs both places to tend to recreational users, and places that help patients who are terminally ill, cant grow there own, or are struggling financially to get low cost quality medicine.
thats why i give my exes away to other ommp indoor grower, not sell or ask 4 reimbursements.i know what it cost to grow very good quality meds for just a couple hundred buck.. tell me why does one need to recoup that cost, that is not nothing.

You're making a big deal about people talking about selling because it's illegal under federal law, right? So how is giving away cannabis any different under federal law? Is giving away your excess cannabis legal under federal law?
I was talking about NPO's in general. technically all MMJ services outside of colorado are required to be "non-profit". and i'm sure some of them are great and honest, but my point is that having non-profit status does not automatically mean a organization will be less corrupt than a business. and vice versa

and investors and boards have nothing to do with what im talking about. thats corporate stuff. mabye we are having a miscommunication here. when i say profit is essential, i mean that it is essential for a business to make more than break even, so they can save up money to invest in better services/goods, hire more employee, raise wages, incur losses, etc. that is essential to growing and upkeeping your business. now if were talking personal profit. then no thats not essential. but it is an big incentive to start a business, and if someone is running a quality business, treats there customers well, and pays fair wages, i see no reason they shouldn't make some money from that.

either way i'm sure we can both agree that the state needs both places to tend to recreational users, and places that help patients who are terminally ill, cant grow there own, or are struggling financially to get low cost quality medicine.
I agree with everything except the "Corporate Stuff". That isn't just corporate stuff, it's any business with investors. If you take funds with a promised return, you are required, BY LAW, to make decisions regarding the company that will have the greatest return on investments. It's business ethics. An NPO has a choice. A for profit does not. Unless your rich to begin with and can fund an entire business. That's what I meant.

And yes, I would like to see a separate avenue for patients. You can't bitch about Big Pharma, then turn around and gouge medical patients.
the state of oregon doubled fees for OMMP and reduced services (you have to mail it in now). mygirl did you miss the point in what was said its ok for the state to rape us but if we sell meds its wrong
you have always had the choice to mail or take it in in person up until this year. this may be your 1st year i have been mailing mine in for years now.

This is what I'm talking about. Why didn't you say that from the beginning? Your original statement was, and I quote "You always had to mail it in". You spew so much misinformation it is not even funny. Being a MOD you should not give people false information. I'm not saying you should be a know it all on every subject, but don't make a statement like it is a fact. You could say something like ( I'm not sure but I think we always had to mail them in ). Remember the debate that went on a few months ago where numerous people tried to correct you, and you still tried to stand your ground like you were right, when in fact you were incorrect.
the state of oregon doubled fees for OMMP and reduced services (you have to mail it in now).

they have no problem making millions off of cannabis, but god forbid someone try to feed themselves or pay their rent with their excess meds.

Or even be reimbursed for their labor. Apparently the state of oregon feels people who grow medicine for other's time is not valuable, or that they don't spend more time taking care of a larger garden. It's ALMOST as if they wanted to discourage it.... ;)
you have always had the choice to mail or take it in in person up until this year. this may be your 1st year i have been mailing mine in for years now.

Really dude? Do you not see at this point you're arguing for the sake of arguing? Because his point was that you CAN'T take it in now and you HAVE to mail it in (because they want to get as much money as they possibly can from you). You're not representing as a mod very well at the moment. Are you just trying to show zildjian up or...? because I can't figure out why you are still arguing at this point. Looks really bad from a third party perspective.
i really don't care about state laws

Then why in hell are you a medical marijuana mod? Medical marijuana is granted via state law, not federal. If you don't care about state law then you should be having nothing to do with something that is solely based on state law.

A moderator not knowing wtf he is doing, now there's a first, never in my years did i think i'd see such an occurrence.