Why this one plants is messin up


Well-Known Member
So I got this one GDP clone that is giving me a hard time..I put them in flowering a couple days ago and all the others plants are doing great but this ones leaves is curling up nd lookes like its dying and don't know why..have 2000w hps, temps are 77 and rh is around 40-50, soil is miracle grow I know I know it's bad but it's all I had this time..heres the pics of the curling messed up one and the other that are doing fine



Well-Known Member
Yea never thought of having it high just around the normal. It's just that one plant that's really fuckin up..idk this strain grand daddy purple from kens is kinda weak to any kind of condition, the smoke is grade A butttt I might switch back to Jamaican dream which is really really good and more resistance


Well-Known Member
yeah what he said^^^^^^.. but on the real.. looks like the soil is super dry for a clone also they look like there nute burt.. the soil is i guess a high nitrogen soil.. so there's your issue get different soil and water them babies..


Well-Known Member
So miracle grow is high in nitrogen? For now on I promise I'm using fox farm cus this miracle grow has been causing prob for a couple batches now..