Why the hell do people seem to have such an interest in shrooms and salvia here?


Well-Known Member
A lot of people seem to consistently be talking abou first-timing shroomies and salvia.... seriously to anyone whos never tripped:
A) DO NOT start with salvia. it's not even a trip. it's fucking.... IMO exceptionally uunejoyable. You will bug if you get good enough on it.
B) stop eating dirty fungus that evolved on animal shit! stay with clean shit for god's sake!


Well-Known Member
Not all shrooms are grown on shit, and yeah its a fungi who cares its a plant its much better than smoking some nasty meth or some shit.


Well-Known Member
i agree. what the hell is wrong with shrooms. yeh actually most are grown on rice and shit like that and then the shit is always pasteurized. I would eat shrooms over acid and ex anyday of the week. its def all natural man. but salvia....yeah its fun to do it once and it was my first trip but i didnt quite know what it was capable of......although i torched alot.....damn friends trying to get me fucked up!lol


Well-Known Member
A lot of people seem to consistently be talking abou first-timing shroomies and salvia.... seriously to anyone whos never tripped:
A) DO NOT start with salvia. it's not even a trip. it's fucking.... IMO exceptionally uunejoyable. You will bug if you get good enough on it.
B) stop eating dirty fungus that evolved on animal shit! stay with clean shit for god's sake!
low class

it's worthless to even debate someones lame opinion.

A) stop eating blotter paper with nothing on it
B) stop eating blotter paper with research chemicals on it
C) stop eating blotter paper with shitty drity lavendar LSD
D) stop eating pills that are only repressed vitamins instead of MDMA
E) stop eating pills with meth and heroin instead of MDMA
F) stop eating pills with shitty dirty partially reacted sassafras oil

and finally, stop questioning/abusing other people's choices in drug use.

at least when i grow/eat mushrooms, i know what i'm putting in my body. when i grow/extract/eat mescaline, i know what i'm putting in my body.


Well-Known Member
I seriously dont know what any1 sees in salvia.That shit is buggy as hell.I only tryed it one time ..never again,it was a totaly f$$%ed off experience for me and i didnt smoke weed after that for like 2 weeks.Some really weird shit.


Active Member
I've tried salvia twice. The first time I smoke strait salvia, got sick to my stomach and didn't trip at all. The second time, i smoked it with weed and didn't trip at all, but still got half sick to my stomach. I really want to try that fungi tho!!! I've heard great things