Why The F*CK Aren't My Plants Growing!?!?!??


Well-Known Member
Put them under light, in a bowl of alot of COLD water, i think they'd be fine, But 3 weeks is a long time.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i know it's pretty long. Shit...what should i do about nutes? should i put excess nutes to spand over the weeks or just dont give it nutes?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt give it extra nutes you risk burning it, but your gunna want to be able to give it the nutes it needs before you leave, and make sure the rez is topped off as much as possible, youll come back and there will be no water in there


Well-Known Member
Yeah im planning on filling that baby up to the top. and im hoping that my air-stone and motor is delivered before i go. do you think it's neccessary to have the 2 extra cfls that i am using or is it just a waste


Well-Known Member
Man, more lights is always better. If you can manage to get some more CFL's do it. I reccomend the 42W ones. There like the regular curly ones. But there bigger

Hemp Guru

Active Member
wats an aerogarden...i managed 2 build ma grow room usin equipment 4m regular garden stores, the lights carbon filter and tent were 4m a grow shop.


Well-Known Member
GUYS!!! I NEED HELP....ok so im goin away for 3 weeks and i dont want people peeping in and seeing the light and all. I have it in a cabinet but there's no front to the cabinet. should i build some front part to put on or will there be tooo much heat and it'll catch on fire? its 2 45 watt cfls and the 3 aerogarden lights. What should i do???? need help A.S.A.P


Well-Known Member
Take it with you?? :)

Maybe move it to another room? Or put lights and lamps on timers to come on so it looks normal?

Good look anyway i hope its survived for when you get back .... oh and that the plants alive too. :)


Well-Known Member
I put it in a dresser and have the timer set up but when i check on it inside it's really hot. is that a fire hazard? and should i just take away the cfls and use the regular aerogarden bulbs until i come back?