Why the drama???

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LOL, failed logic... Hitler fought for Germany in WWI... By default, he was a German citizen - just like USA gives citizenship to peoples that join and serve.

I can't help it if you only know what you were taught in the public school system. I'll pretty much GUARANTEE I have more formal education than you. So you think only idiots join the military, eh?
public school educates just fine above the mason dixon line, its when you head south that you get all the nonsensical religious indoctrination.
please man, get some therapy. for your own good, the military did nothing to help your mental state, maybe you have deeper problems than you could imagine.
Haha... love the hypocracy on this site... all these tough internet warriors :)

Doesn't matter to me. You all know sooooo much. When you are all on your death bed, you can all look back on the killer chronic you grew, haha. And buck can look back on how he was able to marry well, I suppose.

But the fact is 90% here are the typical brainwashed Americans that only knew what they were spoon fed. Have not lifted a finger to keep themselves "free" - whether in thought or liberties. .. but the funny part is, I see you all crying when the man makes it hard for you to grow your ganja... haha... now that's pretty pathetic.
So the the Amercians, the Russians and Jews conspired to create the holocaust but its Illegal to deny the holocaust in Austria. hmmmm
The Germans in my family (the ones with accents still) while ashamed of Nazi actions, are more embarrassed and angered by deniers.
Deniers don't follow the rules for treatment of evidence, further shinning a light upon their willful ignorance.
Here's a list of 17 countries where it's illegal to deny the holocaust: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Don't go to these places and deny, you may have to be accountable for your ignorance.
And regardless, I was overseas in the military in war zones so people like you can grow your plants and post on message boards - you're welcome :D

So how is it that you are so far from how the supply line actually works ? Post your DD-214
Here's a list of 17 countries where it's illegal to deny the holocaust: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Don't go to these places and deny, you may have to be accountable for your ignorance.

australia as well.
I can't even imagine the depth of stupidity it takes to deny something that has so much evidence. There are museums with artifacts, thousands of photos, witnesses from almost every nation, survivors, sworn testimony of former Nazi guards, soldiers, officers, American and Russian troops, German civilians that lived in all the towns the death camps were in. He takes the word of another criminal mind over all that evidence. Just nucking futs. Section 18 for sure.
I can't even imagine the depth of stupidity it takes to deny something that has so much evidence. There are museums with artifacts, thousands of photos, witnesses from almost every nation, survivors, sworn testimony of former Nazi guards, soldiers, officers, American and Russian troops, German civilians that lived in all the towns the death camps were in. He takes the word of another criminal mind over all that evidence. Just nucking futs. Section 18 for sure.

You don't have to imagine it.

We all get the privilege of observing it in politics virtually every night anymore.
So the the Amercians, the Russians and Jews conspired to create the holocaust but its Illegal to deny the holocaust in Austria. hmmmm
The Germans in my family (the ones with accents still) while ashamed of Nazi actions, are more embarrassed and angered by deniers.
Deniers don't follow the rules for treatment of evidence, further shinning a light upon their willful ignorance.
And marijuana is said to be illegal in the USA as a scheduled 1 drug because it has no medicina value - what's your point? You say governments never lie to protect their interests?
kinda funny hearing someone who admitted to going overseas and killing ppl without question on the orders of someone else brainwashed.

But ok
We live and learn - I was foolish, I use to believe in fairytales... So what? I grew out of it - try it.
Here's a list of 17 countries where it's illegal to deny the holocaust: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Don't go to these places and deny, you may have to be accountable for your ignorance.
Been to 8 of those countries, so what? Marijuana is illegal in many of them as well - I guess countries can make stupid laws, huh?
So how is it that you are so far from how the supply line actually works ? Post your DD-214
Uncle Buck has already admitted to be stalking members who disagree with him - no thanks. Besides, got nothing to prove to a buch of douches that know nothing except growing weed :)
Initial intel says he claims to be former EOD. I can find out for sure.
Combat Engineer - 12B, but thanks for trying.

you just got your "formally educated" ass corrected by a dropout from arizona state university.

it is at this point that you should start smashing yourself with the nearest heavy, blunt object.
Was on cellphone - never said I'm the spelling bee champ of the world... Gee, shocker - you a drop out and all. Guess it's easier selling weed on the street corner like you do.
I can't even imagine the depth of stupidity it takes to deny something that has so much evidence. There are museums with artifacts, thousands of photos, witnesses from almost every nation, survivors, sworn testimony of former Nazi guards, soldiers, officers, American and Russian troops, German civilians that lived in all the towns the death camps were in. He takes the word of another criminal mind over all that evidence. Just nucking futs. Section 18 for sure.
Nope, honorable discharge - even got shiny good conduct medal... Just because you never did anything with your life, don't hate bro :D
I've only wandered in their by accident. I don't venture into that mess on purpose.
It's "there" bro... Now if I was Uncle Buck, I'd point it out to ya and tell ya how stupid you are... But I'm not - I know it was a slip up. But Uncle Buck thinks spelling, context, and punctuation makes him an Einstein - haha, good luck with that buckey :)
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