Why The Democrats Are The Party Of SLAVERY And VICTIMIZATION

Land property rights come from government.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

They are also frequently abridged by government in this paradigm.

I don't have much time left right now to discuss this, but I would like to sometime soon. I have to go help some elderly people figure out how to avoid having their home seized by your government.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

They are also frequently abridged by government in this paradigm.

I don't have much time left right now to discuss this, but I would like to sometime soon. I have to go help some elderly people figure out how to avoid having their home seized by your government.
It isn't theirs anyway. The gov't acquired it through genocide and let them borrow it in exchange for payment.
I think if a person gives actual consent it is different than consent under duress. What two adults agree to is not my business to control.

I would not have turned you away for wearing a hoodie, but I don't own the bar in question. I respect your right to own your property though and don't think I have the right to make you serve me or associate with me.

It seems like you think some people have the right to force another to serve them or interact with them. Why?

In your lawless society, who would determine if consent was under duress or not?
Should we all be able to take whatever we physically can and only keep what we can protect?
"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"?

It seems like you think some people have the right to force another to serve them or interact with them. Why?
Because I believe all people have the same rights, appointed authoritative figures aside.

What do you think of "libertarians" who think civil rights are just the government forcing integration?
I will keep my opinion of those people to myself. What I would ask them "What is this the Middle Ages"?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

They are also frequently abridged by government in this paradigm.

I don't have much time left right now to discuss this, but I would like to sometime soon. I have to go help some elderly people figure out how to avoid having their home seized by your government.

so they haven't paid their taxes either?..payment plans are available..
and this:


Well there is calling out racism and then the WKI calls of racism. I am willing to bet that you, Shish, actually mingle with minorities and not completely isolate yourself from minorites and call others racist.
No doubt racism is alive all over the world from all races and probably always will be.

What is WKI?
I am not familiar with this acronym and have seen it few times already.
Also I need a definition on minorities because I would hate to misinterpret what you are saying.
What is private property and why if something is private has a non owner dictated the terms of ownership?

Your question relies on a faulty assumption that a thing private can also be a thing public...cognitive dissonance face.

If you open a bakery in a building not owned by you, and you are open to the public, you are a public business. You do not have the right to exclude people based on race, gender or sexual preference.

If you buy a building, open a bakery in that building and open to invited select members, you are a private business. You have the right to exclude whomever you choose.

Done, and done.

Have a nice day!
If you open a bakery in a building not owned by you, and you are open to the public, you are a public business. You do not have the right to exclude people based on race, gender or sexual preference.

If you buy a building, open a bakery in that building and open to invited select members, you are a private business. You have the right to exclude whomever you choose.

Done, and done.

Have a nice day!

Circular argument. Click your heels 3 times Dorothy and you and Toto will be home by suppertime.

A public business is also a bit oxymoronic.
Provide proof please?

Buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

Self evident.

The people that were the purported owners of property prior to the government intervention all fall into that category. Can you deny that the nature of ownership was changed when the government edict happened?