Why The Democrats Are The Party Of SLAVERY And VICTIMIZATION

Liberal school of negro control 101

Dependency (the only way the black man can succeed is via the helping white hand of the liberal)
Victim status (keep blacks thinking they are victims even to the point that they are born into "victim underprivileged status"
Guilt complex ( try to recruit other whites for the crusade by persuading them they are guilty and privileged)

i do not think i have ever seen one of these anti racists at riu tell a positive story about a black person
they are only interested in showing the black man or woman failing or experiencing hardship
they will then try to directly attribute this hardship solely to race which is a false dichotomy
removing all responsibility from the individual concerned

anyone that disagrees is accused of white supremacy , so i guess Zo is a black white supremacist, like our friend Clayton bigsby

They use their empty cries of "racism" to foster their own brand of hate. I think most can read their lame playbook.
not in the least.

they want a 'life at conception' act passed, a federal, top down, nanny state collectivist grab at power.

they have no regard for states rights. they want to impose their christian sharia law on all.

When do you feel it is wrong to perform an abortion? Minutes before birth? When?
then why did you just make a half-hearted attempt at defending the life at conception act?

Your imagination runs wild, like flowing diarrhea.

I could give a flying fuck what a bunch of politicians put on paper. I asked YOU a simple question, about what's the latest YOU think an abortion should be performed?
odd question for a klanman who claims he doesn't care what others do with their bodies.

seems like you do care.

Caring what people do with their bodies is an emotion, intervening is an act. I can care, as in be concerned, but that doesn't mean I advocate legislative intervention or personal intervention on my part. Words have meaning dipshit.

I think you are avoiding answering ,my question. What would be your limit for performing an abortion?
why do you care so much about the choices women make about their own health?

that's their decision and no one else's, you don't need to worry about it at all klanman.

The question goes more to the health of a baby and when that baby acquires the right to life. You are kind of being an extra special shit head today, is it because you beat your wife and now you feel bad about it?
The question goes more to the health of a baby and when that baby acquires the right to life. You are kind of being an extra special shit head today, is it because you beat your wife and now you feel bad about it?
I knew you just hated the idea of women owning their bodies.