why the baby burmese kush?


--Hi guy's, i hope some 1 can help me understand whats going on with this Burmese kush, it was in a small pot, with a vary good seedling soil and at first seemed fine i grew 3 other plants (in differant pot's obviously) at the same time and in the same place.
After 6weeks i transfered them all in to larger 6ltr pots the other 3 are fantastic but Miss Burmer 2011 won't eaven stand up to have her picture taken!! ( in the other two pics on the left is pineapple express and right channel+ all done at same time as the kush !?!)

Any advise any1 please i would be greatefully received cheers people
Many thank's ak 003.jpgak 001.jpgak 004.jpgak 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Maybe she didn't need water as bad as the other to strains, so when you watered her she didn't drink as much, and it accumulated in your soil, making it so your Buku didn't need to stretch it's roots in order to find water, resulting in slower stunted growth? Or she's a mutant? Or it's genetics? Or maybe she just hates you :(


Well-Known Member
As a matter of fact, I have a 6 foot tall BuKu outdoors, and a little wimpy clone off her that looks more pathetic than most...So yeah, I have a llittle experience with it...Not an expert by any means, but you wanted ideas, so I threw some out there to get the juices flowing!