Why subcool left RIU?




You don't know what you're talking about, or your strains. It's been enlightening, you're welcome.

I think you're referring to urkle flavor, or a different strain altogether. We're done playing now. subcool won't be able to help you, you'll have to help yourself.
Thats a statement!

Useless to post that links I know my strains.

Now I am into the urkle taste a bit thats right. Just to see if its that great some people say.

If the power of taste is in them strong like in my first tga plants thats fine but yes it will be a different taste.
but double purple doja would be on top of my list for taste if it still would be available
Someone whose livelihood is on the line should know better than being caught riding dirty. Or at least know about the science behind various ways of passing a drug test. There may be some credence to Q's casual remark, but I don't care, I don't submit to testing.
Oh come on...It could just be someone who found a job after looking for months or like a friend of mine who only was tested because a parked work vehicle, he was not in but had parked,was hit by another. As to the rest, you are not out on any limbs.
But no stop

For my taste the thread could end here
I think I know now why subcool left RIU
The Jesus Og is terrible.... It has a nasty menthol smell.. stop sending that cock sucker money. His shit only looks good on pictures.. don't smoke strong for shit. And most of his shit is sativa.. wanted to try his ripped bubba I'm a big bubba kush guy. But I'm not going to cuz everything I ever grew or smoked from his gear has been mediocre at best
The Jesus Og is terrible.... It has a nasty menthol smell.. stop sending that cock sucker money. His shit only looks good on pictures.. don't smoke strong for shit. And most of his shit is sativa.. wanted to try his ripped bubba I'm a big bubba kush guy. But I'm not going to cuz everything I ever grew or smoked from his gear has been mediocre at best
Subcool left rollitup because of the trolls.
they ran him off ay..? I don't think so; He put his time in and he moved. Would you spend much time online if u lived among California mountains w your family?

That guy is The Weed Nerd and has already made a significant contribution to the canna community, by teaching growing online, the WN show and perhaps some nonprofit stuff today. So what if he has a slight cough.. I'm not gonna give anyone grief over smokin bongs. btw, lovin the digital volcano i won in the derpaville valley raffle!

So Dr. Pecker, funny thing, think sub ended up concluding a troll is only someone who doesn't agree with someone else. It's all banter in the end. the guy left because he has a life, he's buseylol and had to prioritize.

That said, like Qwizo projects on subcool...he has an outlandish claim that he refuses to back away from. Or do you think a daily smoker can clean up in two days and pass a laboratory drug test?
It can take up to a month of not smoking, or at least 2-3 wks of detox w plentiful exercise and flushing water, to pass a test. I really don't know much about the shelf products or ways to circumvent a drug test for work. Truth is, i tend to empathize with anyone who is marginalized over cannabis. Work testing for thc should be limited. :-)
Hey dont be a hater.

You won the prize for the shortest post in my thread so dont get your panties twisted.

Just to mention this thread is about what the title implies!
Asskissing is not alowed in my thread.

Take it easy
my one and only run in with this cat was me asking a question regarding a friend who'd bought oh gawd what was it now jack the ripper i believe, his response was along the lines of as follows. idk who you are or why you think i have the time in my bust ass life to just stop EVERYTHING im doing to awenser a question about gear idk even know for sure is mine!
I was like wow really dude? Rage on a complete stranger for asking about n-p-k ratios for a specific strain? wow ok bye. I dont hate him, but i also wouldnt waste my energy on someone like that either.
my one and only run in with this cat was me asking a question regarding a friend who'd bought oh gawd what was it now jack the ripper i believe, his response was along the lines of as follows. idk who you are or why you think i have the time in my bust ass life to just stop EVERYTHING im doing to awenser a question about gear idk even know for sure is mine!
I was like wow really dude? Rage on a complete stranger for asking about n-p-k ratios for a specific strain? wow ok bye. I dont hate him, but i also wouldnt waste my energy on someone like that either.

If that is true I understand your shortness on him.
thats just rude imo.

Maybe he is not as famous a person some people said in my area.....

Sorry to hear that
they ran him off ay..? I don't think so; He put his time in and he moved. Would you spend much time online if u lived among California mountains w your family?

That guy is The Weed Nerd and has already made a significant contribution to the canna community, by teaching growing online, the WN show and perhaps some nonprofit stuff today. So what if he has a slight cough.. I'm not gonna give anyone grief over smokin bongs. btw, lovin the digital volcano i won in the derpaville valley raffle!

So Dr. Pecker, funny thing, think sub ended up concluding a troll is only someone who doesn't agree with someone else. It's all banter in the end. the guy left because he has a life, he's buseylol and had to prioritize.

It can take up to a month of not smoking, or at least 2-3 wks of detox w plentiful exercise and flushing water, to pass a test. I really don't know much about the shelf products or ways to circumvent a drug test for work. Truth is, i tend to empathize with anyone who is marginalized over cannabis. Work testing for thc should be limited. :-)

Oh cmon the guy comes up with a over night soil recipe and he is a hero i bet it took him years to figure out that recipe specially adding other companies soils ????
Must of got perks as well for using them ,, you know does not take a rocket scientist to make a soil recipe pretty common sense really when your taking organic soils
funny you say that living in the cali mountains i took him more as living in the hill billy mountains just from the looks of him lol
anyone can make it big just timing look at Jorge C wrote a book at the right time yet guys a bum selling his rights to the book :) to a publisher .
I have never run any of his seeds there are way more reputable breeders out there to choose from you know the ones that grow 10,000 plants looking for the right one something this cat cannot due
I talk to some top breeders today and guess what they take the time to talk to anyone
if this guy is in the business and figures he is to busy to talk to actual people buying his product i say boycott the clown
if this guy is in the business and figures he is to busy to talk to actual people buying his product i say boycott the clown

I dont think that this would be the right way......
because as I understood there are more people breeding for tga not only subcool.
you would maybe hurt good people around him because of his arrogant behaviour.
just to bring that in.....
people with a tiny character will become arrogant even from a lil bit of fame.

On the other hand I have yet to see a breeder who ran 10000 plants selection grows, realy.
sensi seeds for example lost most of their motherplants before '99 and have to work with what is left since because laws changed even in netherlands.
It was possible in switzerland for about two years in the past untill laws changed. but I only know 1-2 breeders who used that chance.
the most people were in for production of weed and $$$ not breeding at all most started from clones.

In todays world its hard to find a place where it can be done with 10000 plants from seed for selection legally.
lets walk trough the list....
netherlands - no
swiss - no
spain - no
usa - not sure what kind of license you can get so - not sure
canada - no
uruguay - maybe if it is for medicinal research or with the right license for supplying.
Afghanistan - yes if you are afridi
pakistan - yes if you are afridi
Marocco - if you pay the right people a lot of money maybe

So in my opinion a 10000 plant grow would mostly be illegal what leans me to the conclusion that it can be done in a verry corrupt place in the world. Puntland somalia, some parts of asia a.s.o. for example but you would have to pay a lot $$$ to stay untouched. and that for a selection run?
The people who do pay that big money are in for hash or weedcrops not for selecting as far as I know.
Selection would not cover the bills not even a fraction.

I would be careful to believe people that tell you they have run 10000 plants to select a single female or male plant or something like that.
I would like to see that with my own eyes rather than believing in the word of some people.

No doubt it could change the whole industry when breeders would be able to select from numbers like that. But I have yet to see one who is able doin it.

Just my 2 cents
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my one and only run in with this cat was me asking a question regarding a friend who'd bought oh gawd what was it now jack the ripper i believe, his response was along the lines of as follows. idk who you are or why you think i have the time in my bust ass life to just stop EVERYTHING im doing to awenser a question about gear idk even know for sure is mine!
I was like wow really dude? Rage on a complete stranger for asking about n-p-k ratios for a specific strain? wow ok bye. I dont hate him, but i also wouldnt waste my energy on someone like that either.
Yup, that right there is why I'd never buy his gear. He's a fucking dick plain and simple, and that's fine for avg.Jon Doe, but to run a company and to be a dick... it's just stupid.

He bitches about people not googling when it's sooo easy.... why the fuck doesn't he take the 2 seconds to google the information and pass it on to his customers? I'll tell you why it's 2 things he doesn't give a fuck about the customer and he's already got your money. There's people that have found good gear from his packs there are also people that have had entire rooms pollinated and when they email him he doesn't respond when there are known issues with his gear.

I don't go out of my way to ask breeders questions but when they show up on a public forum and present themselves in a way that seems helpful I wouldn't hesitate to ask. Sub was a fucking dick to a lot of people for no reason other then they asked for information. Information about his product, information he should have on hand, information that seems more valid when it comes from the breeder directly rather then some random post on green420mag. He lost a lot of customers on here acting that way.

Every other breeder I have ever talked to on this forum has been more then willing to talk about their strains and the work they put in Sub's not because he didn't put the work in, he's outsourced it and therefore has a disconnect with the product.

If there are 50 people in a room and the inventor of a product is there are you going to ask him questions about his product or are you going to ask the guy that fucked around with the product for 5 minutes?
I wouldnt argue that logic brah! ^^^ Fucken a am i in the middle of a heatwave up here in the northeast whoa!
I run his strains but i have seen him be a dick a bunch of times i still grow his gear because he is really not the breader anyway he is a smart ass plain and simple iv got brian berry cough and jacked up about to germ them