why so slow??


Active Member
Photo09280841 two.jpg she is 3weeks old and i am sure she should b alot bigger than this... whats wrong? i have good soil called square foot gardening soil. its 1/3 peat moss/coir 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 blend compost amd the blend compost is made up of forest wood byproducts compost, and green-cycled compost, animal manure based compost,poultry compost, and mushroom compost(mushroom compost blended with bat guano, worm castings, blood meal, bone meal,kelp meal cottonseed meal,and alfalfa meal)
and they are under t5's any help would b very grateful
thank yuh nd much love


Active Member
i havnt feed yet becuz i thought its still to small and dont want to burn em yknow... and yes using t5 and i dont really have a set schedule just water when needed and dats been about 2-4days...


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see a better picture, it looks pale from the photo you provided. Maybe try to feed it if it is yellowish. See if you can get her to take off. Seeds aren't cheap I'd give her a chance.


Well-Known Member
ok so yuh think i should feed her when she is that small
I don't know what nutrients you use but yes at a low ppm for sure. If you use General Hydroponics flora series, what I would do per gallon is 2.5ml Grow 2.5ml Micro 2.5ml bloom should bring you to 500ppm. I think you'll see some results within a day or 2 after feeding it.


Active Member
oka but i dont feed that whole gallon to that one plant right? that is too much? sry if yuh dont understand what i am asking i didnt really no how to ask that question


Well-Known Member
That's a big pot for a little plant. If your temps are on the lower end of the spectrum, your soil may be staying wet for too long, 'choking' the tiny plant. How long does it take for the soil to dry out?(to about 75% dry)


Have you checked the ph of your water? I would also check the ph of your run off and make sure thats in check.


Well-Known Member
perlite/vemiculite to help drainage, pH tester so you know they can absorb nutrients, Nutrients so your not starving them. looks like that one needs nitrogen, badly

I had a plant like that, it was tiny as shit, ended up finding mold on other plants, sprayed them all with rot/fungus killer, and that plant shot up, currently the bushiest one i have. (it was a fighter).


Active Member
7.0 is the perfect number for water and soil , what it seems to me is that u underwater , how much water u give on the watering day ? from the looks of the soil seems to me that its been bricked squeeze ur finger in the soil and try to understand if the soil feels soft and tender or rough and needs force to get it penetrated