Why so serious?


Well-Known Member
Everyone probably has noticed that the politics forums turn hateful pretty quickly and lose any merit after the first few pages. While some are started with an actually debate sooner or later someone, most likely Fox News Republicans will jump and accuse people or being idiots and hating america.

Now Fox News Republicans, I don't know if this is coined or not. If it's not I call trademarks. Let me introduce this word to everyone.

Fox News - Republican based new source, where most shows are filled with hatred (Limbaugh). Some guy being a bully, asshole to someone who doesn't believe with him (O'Reilly) And finally conspiracy theories and way democrats, the evil ones, are out to get you (Beck).

Fox News Republicans - These are the people unfortunately too stuck in their ways. Live for the hatred, the emotions and the crazy theories. They thrive on Fox News, and follow Beck/Limbaugh/OReillys' every words.

Now lets break down what most people like to watch. Politically, intelligent debates between two points that doesn't boil down to name calling and anti america thrown out. Shit we even watch Jon Stewart and people like David Letterman. Because they throw comedy into their political views.

See intelligent like their lives filled with laughter, serious debates, and the ability to vary our beliefs. While Fox News Republicans love, hatred, racism, paranoia. They thrive off of that shit.

This all could have been a rambling though induced by sweet clouds of smoke, so hopefully it doesn't go too far off track. Here is something to watch, if you still follow O'Reilly after this Sorry for you.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDAae2MozGs&feature=related Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KifD5_CZqs8&feature=related Part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkDjz_eRoaw&feature=related Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uYUNWpeB0g&feature=related Part 2

If anyone can fix these links to show the videos?

And because we the intelligent people of the world want to actually fix this country, we live here to. I suggest everyone check out "The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart" episode from last night 1/18. That is how intelligent people think. Check out the book David Walker has written it is amazing.

See we love some Republican attributes. Small govt. conservatism with our money. (Ron Paul) But we can't stand all you crazy fucked in the head Fox News Republicans. Which I`m pretty sure ruined any chance Ron Paul would be able to pull their shithole out out of this mess. They bashed him and you Fox News Republicans went with the 80 year old "maverick" and his "hot but slightly not all there" sidekick. Bravo :clap: :finger: :clap:

So we got Obama, who is an intelligent, charismatic leader he will just not stop playing these fucking games with lobbiests. Anyways read the book, check out that episode enlighten yourself. It's time to take off the tinfoil hats we are not out to sell America to the Russians.


Well-Known Member
quite correct. partisanship at its finest.:bigjoint:
I don't claim myself to be democratic or republican. I choose what I believe in and live it to that.

Is that not an accurate description of fox news?

It was like it was made for you guys, I know why you love it so much.


Well-Known Member
It was like it was made for you guys, I know why you love it so much.
us guys? now i know you weren't talking to me. i'm the patient anarchist, a voluntarist opposed to the political gamesmanship that does nothing more than unnecessarily over-complicate our lives and hide the true intentions of our would-be masters. while i may defend the basic tenets of conservatism, i realize that it is only a means to an end. fox news, like all of its liberal counterparts, is merely the noise that surrounds a tiny bit of true information. the pundits are there for entertainment, the graphics to entrance the gullible, the agenda blatant and easily avoided. railing against such a transparent machine is a waste of breath. better to avoid the machinations of the mainstream media and search for real information on your own.

Illegal Smile

us guys? now i know you weren't talking to me. i'm the patient anarchist, a voluntarist opposed to the political gamesmanship that does nothing more than unnecessarily over-complicate our lives and hide the true intentions of our would-be masters. while i may defend the basic tenets of conservatism, i realize that it is only a means to an end. fox news, like all of its liberal counterparts, is merely the noise that surrounds a tiny bit of true information. the pundits are there for entertainment, the graphics to entrance the gullible, the agenda blatant and easily avoided. railing against such a transparent machine is a waste of breath. better to avoid the machinations of the mainstream media and search for real information on your own.
Is that where the foil hat comes in?


Well-Known Member
us guys? now i know you weren't talking to me. i'm the patient anarchist, a voluntarist opposed to the political gamesmanship that does nothing more than unnecessarily over-complicate our lives and hide the true intentions of our would-be masters. while i may defend the basic tenets of conservatism, i realize that it is only a means to an end. fox news, like all of its liberal counterparts, is merely the noise that surrounds a tiny bit of true information. the pundits are there for entertainment, the graphics to entrance the gullible, the agenda blatant and easily avoided. railing against such a transparent machine is a waste of breath. better to avoid the machinations of the mainstream media and search for real information on your own.
As much as I believe fox news is nothing more than entertainment. Millions of people follow it and believe everything that is said on there. I believe those Republicans are the ones who are holding this country back at the moment. Because believe all the shit they say. I guarantee with limbaugh saying that you shouldn't donate to Hatti, that his followers did not donate.
Remeber the death council that was coined on Fox news. And how many people came to debates spouting about how we are planning on killing all the old and sick? Do you really believe that?


Well-Known Member
Is that where the foil hat comes in?
i've found that tin foil doesn't really work, long hair does a better job of keeping those pesky mind control rays at bay. i just hope i die before i lose all of mine. it's going to be a close race.:bigjoint:

I believe those Republicans are the ones who are holding this country back at the moment.
i put little stock in republicans, the meaning of the term is much too fluid. conservatism, on the other hand, has real meaning and a distinct personality. lumping all conservatives in with all republicans is like claiming that all socialists are communists, the distinction is the individual. just as one may be a communist, voluntarily putting the good of the community ahead of self, without adhering to the dogma of the state, one can easily be conservative without blindly following the rhetoric of political hacks.

but you're right, conservatism is holding us back. it is keeping us from rushing headlong over the precipice that both republican and democratic leaders are guiding us toward. it is keeping us from abandoning the tenets upon which this country was founded in favor of the illusions of security and equality. that it has managed to stave off the assaults the liberal establishment for so long, despite the baggage of reactionary pundits and religious fanaticism, is a testament to the determination of the american people to retain at least a bit of their liberty and individualism.


Well-Known Member
Your post "is" what you claim to lament.
Dammit, that's exactly what I was going to say! I see a lot of these libs pouncing on people and doing their fair share of ridiculing the opposition on here. Those who live in glass houses....................;-)


Well-Known Member
Those who live in glass houses....................
.....should only walk around naked if they're attractive.

as i sit here, huddled against the cold and rain, i realize i am much too high to keep posting in this forum today. a tree fell on my truck yesterday and i find the only way to relieve the sympathetic pains of the injury on my baby is to partake of massive quantities of my favorite herb. i'll probably smoke another joint or two or three or... and decide to join in the fun anyway, but i doubt i'll be making much sense in another hour or so. i'm expecting the power to go out in the near future, it usually does around these parts when inclement weather hits, but i've found that it ain't no big thing if i'm high enough.


Well-Known Member
.....should only walk around naked if they're attractive.

as i sit here, huddled against the cold and rain, i realize i am much too high to keep posting in this forum today. a tree fell on my truck yesterday and i find the only way to relieve the sympathetic pains of the injury on my baby is to partake of massive quantities of my favorite herb. i'll probably smoke another joint or two or three or... and decide to join in the fun anyway, but i doubt i'll be making much sense in another hour or so. i'm expecting the power to go out in the near future, it usually does around these parts when inclement weather hits, but i've found that it ain't no big thing if i'm high enough.
Yes, that too! :lol: I am sorry to hear about your truck. :-( I'll smoke one for ya too my friend. :hug:


Well-Known Member
So you would say, fox news isn't out promoting hatred and distrust for anything with a D put behind it.

Fox news and republicans are like televangelists and christians.

Not everyone is who is a republican likes fox news, but the ones that do support it and make it their lives.

Myself, choose not to watch these type of shows or liberal media shows. I will watch The Daily Show, debates on interesting topics.


New Member
Everyone probably has noticed that the politics forums turn hateful pretty quickly and lose any merit after the first few pages. While some are started with an actually debate sooner or later someone, most likely Fox News Republicans will jump and accuse people or being idiots and hating america.

Now Fox News Republicans, I don't know if this is coined or not. If it's not I call trademarks. Let me introduce this word to everyone.

Fox News - Republican based new source, where most shows are filled with hatred (Limbaugh). Some guy being a bully, asshole to someone who doesn't believe with him (O'Reilly) And finally conspiracy theories and way democrats, the evil ones, are out to get you (Beck).

Fox News Republicans - These are the people unfortunately too stuck in their ways. Live for the hatred, the emotions and the crazy theories. They thrive on Fox News, and follow Beck/Limbaugh/OReillys' every words.

Now lets break down what most people like to watch. Politically, intelligent debates between two points that doesn't boil down to name calling and anti america thrown out. Shit we even watch Jon Stewart and people like David Letterman. Because they throw comedy into their political views.

See intelligent like their lives filled with laughter, serious debates, and the ability to vary our beliefs. While Fox News Republicans love, hatred, racism, paranoia. They thrive off of that shit.

This all could have been a rambling though induced by sweet clouds of smoke, so hopefully it doesn't go too far off track. Here is something to watch, if you still follow O'Reilly after this Sorry for you.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDAae2MozGs&feature=related Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KifD5_CZqs8&feature=related Part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkDjz_eRoaw&feature=related Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uYUNWpeB0g&feature=related Part 2

If anyone can fix these links to show the videos?

And because we the intelligent people of the world want to actually fix this country, we live here to. I suggest everyone check out "The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart" episode from last night 1/18. That is how intelligent people think. Check out the book David Walker has written it is amazing.

See we love some Republican attributes. Small govt. conservatism with our money. (Ron Paul) But we can't stand all you crazy fucked in the head :lol:They bashed him and you Fox News Republicans went with the 80 year old "maverick" and his "hot but slightly not all there" sidekick. Bravo :clap: :finger: :clap:

So we got Obama, who is an intelligent, charismatic leader he will just not stop playing these fucking games with lobbiests. Anyways read the book, check out that episode enlighten yourself. It's time to take off the tinfoil hats we are not out to sell America to the Russians.
1. "We the intelligent people of the world?" So typical of Progressive arrogance. Everyone is stupid except for you, right numb-nutz?

2. You obviously don't watch Fox News. Glenn Beck had Ron Paul on as a guest more times than the entire Lame-Stream media did combined. Ron Paul was treated with nothing but respect on Fox, unlike the Democrats AND the Republican establishment, both completely ignoring the man.

By the way, if you're going to post in this forum, have your facts straight. Otherwise, you will be called into account for your uninformed bullshit.

Now back to the issues. :lol: