Why organic?


Well-Known Member
you guys make hydro n other non organic methods seem like smokin ice!
well imo non organic is good for vigorous growth...
good methods to fast harvests!
n it is possible to have an organic hydro setup!
but everything ive heard here for organic is 110% true..
best taste, best burn...

the only time the smoke is harsh with non organic is when you dont flush!
you can have harsh ass weed with organics too!!!


yes canefan, correct. read my post bfore the one u quoted over titled organic because... that would b my thoughts on organics! the second was a response to the question by the poster asking if the bud would be harsh from use of chem fert.. that was simply stating that the use of chem fert. does not mean the bud will automatically be harsh. many growers have success with chems and do produce quality smoke with them. i personally can do great with either but my first post clearly states my preferance of the 2


2 further clear this matter up, i in no way promoted the use of chem fert. in the post linked to canefans post. if u read the original post u will clearly c it is a statement of a proven method used by most chem growers to remove buildup that CAN more times than not cause some degree of harsh taste. furthermore as joebaze stated, the use of organics does not guarantee a non harsh smoke. organics along with proper curing and timely harvest and proper mixing of organic nutes to suit ur strain will!!


sorry for the multiple posts people, i am limited to 5OO characters. this is a matter i feel strongly about and want my opinion to be understood. organic growing does produce the best smoke imo. and through over 15 years of growing with the last 9 being solely in organics it is not simply throwing a handfull of bonemeal and a heap of guano in a pot with peat. i have tried and mixed most every organic nutrient i can get to make mixes that most compliment my strains. organics is my passion and my art. thanks.


Active Member
you cant beat organic... PERIOD! while u may lose a tiny amount on the yiled cuz you arent giving it all sorts of chemical compounds derived in a lab... however, you can burn your plants just as easy with organics as you can with chemical fertilizers... the reason i grow orgaqnic is the flavor and taste... when grown organically many more flavors and scents eminate from the flowers... with the exception of the strain "Chem," just about any strain will taste and smell much better if grown organically


Well-Known Member
you cant beat organic... PERIOD! while u may lose a tiny amount on the yiled cuz you arent giving it all sorts of chemical compounds derived in a lab... however, you can burn your plants just as easy with organics as you can with chemical fertilizers... the reason i grow orgaqnic is the flavor and taste... when grown organically many more flavors and scents eminate from the flowers... with the exception of the strain "Chem," just about any strain will taste and smell much better if grown organically
I'm glad i am doing both organic and synthetic on my first grow, something to compare against. I use age old bloom veg and flower, and pura vida organics. check out my post about my girls they are in their second week of flower.



Well-Known Member
growurown thanks for the answer... flushing is simply letting water run threw your soil and drain out the bottom right? so i would wanna do that when the soil is dry and then dont water until it needs it again right


Well-Known Member
growurown thanks for the answer... flushing is simply letting water run threw your soil and drain out the bottom right? so i would wanna do that when the soil is dry and then dont water until it needs it again right
Yes, but you don't want the water to sit at the bottom under the pot, this is bad...Cannabis does not like 'wet feet'

Flushing can be done in any fashion just dont add any nutrients. This should be done for 2-3 weeks just before harvest.


yes thats it. just like u described. that will run excess chem buildup out which u dont want in those last few weeks of maturation. aeviaanah has very good input in the previous post also. u surely want to dispose of the runoff water. if the pot sets in it its just gonna soack back up what ran off and start more probs with the oversaturation. just like u said and then discard the excess water.


Well-Known Member
What is so bad about chemicals? Even organic nutrients have to break down into basic chemical components to be used by the plant.

This brings up another misconception. Not everything that is inorganic is synthesized or made in a lab. Water is inorganic, many salts are mined.


Active Member
Some people like to fertilize up to a week before harvest and then use a flushing agent like clearex... they work well and you should be flushing plants once a month anyways to flush out nutrient salt buildup... many growers dont do this but its very important and makes your babies able to take in more nutrients because the salt buildups are flushed out... also chemical fertilizers are fine its just toxic nutrient salt buildup can occur more easily... also cheical fertilizres remove from the flavor and the smoke of the finished product... but if you flush at least once a month you will be fine, organic or chem...


Well-Known Member
What is so bad about chemicals? Even organic nutrients have to break down into basic chemical components to be used by the plant.

This brings up another misconception. Not everything that is inorganic is synthesized or made in a lab. Water is inorganic, many salts are mined.

+ rep bud nicely put.


Well-Known Member
flushing doesnt just clean whats at the bottom of the pot..
flushing has no nutrients and therefore forces the plant to use whats stored in their leaves.
when the plant uses whats stored in there, all the nutes are used up for energy to produce the bud!


Well-Known Member


one more thing, its a plant, its meant to grow outside.

Only reason for growing inside would be if you want a very large amount but 1-2 plants in your backyard wont hurt.


flushing doesnt just clean whats at the bottom of the pot..
flushing has no nutrients and therefore forces the plant to use whats stored in their leaves.
when the plant uses whats stored in there, all the nutes are used up for energy to produce the bud!
great info. +rep.