Why no fucking buds yet???


Well-Known Member
actually, I'm not exactly sure what the 'lowriders' are. They are just super small, and flowering earlier than my widows. Everything's under control. Problem was that I should have switched to HPS long ago, but my plants are all responding well to the change. Thanks for all the help, guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
With the lowrider plants would you just start out with an HPS light for the whole grow or would you start out with MH for a couple weeks and then switch to HPS.


Well-Known Member
With the lowrider plants would you just start out with an HPS light for the whole grow or would you start out with MH for a couple weeks and then switch to HPS.
doesnt matter what strain it is, the general rule is that MH is superior for veg and HPS is superior for flower.

mh is proven to grow flora more efficiently, so it bushes out.
hps is proven to grow bud more efficiently, so it thickens up.

on a related note, even though lowryder plants are generally small due to their autoflowering nature, flowering with HPS would make them stretch a hell of alot more than MH ever could.


Active Member
ur not suposed to flower with MH right??? maybe u just stressed it enuf to stunt the growth a lil... i would just wait it out your too deep in now to do much


Well-Known Member
problem is you probably have no idea what your growing.. just some seeds out of a bag u bought... the strain your growing is probably a late flowering sativa.. it will show alot of hairs for the first 5-6 weeks and wont start showing bud growth until after that.. u have a long road ahead of you.. and the bud will more than likely be very wispy and light.. but i may be wrong and u could be sitting on some dank-late shit.. good luck either way...


Active Member
The craziest thing about this thread is.. IM IN THE SAME EXACT SPOT!!!! We vegged my WW too long and there talletr than 6 ft we had to tie them downa nd now the top colas are wack.But it is taking forever for our buds to get tight . there havin alot of space but in good time it happens. i thin kim 2 months deep and i have buds but not mature enogh because the plant is so tall. My landlord almost found mine too AHHA


Active Member
yea MH isnt in the right spectrum to flower cuz it over compensates the small amount of red light from your MH bulb because of the contrast of blues
if you JUST switched to HPS that would be why it has only just started to flower


Well-Known Member
Reading marijuana horticulture literature and website grow FAQs, including the one here on RIU, I always considered the advice: MH for vegetative and HPS for flowering to be sound and accurate.

And then I read this from: “The Best of Ask Ed – Your Marijuana Questions Answered”

First Question:
I purchased a 400-watt metal halide (MH) lamp. The salesman told me that the lamp could be used for both vegetative and flowering. However, a fellow grower told me that the MH would be a waste of time and a high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp should be used instead. What do you think?

Second Question:
In a single-light garden is it better to use an enhanced spectrum HPS lamp such as a Son Agro 430-watt bulb as opposed to a regular HPS to emit more light in the blue spectrum?

Ed’s Response: ( emphasis mine ) :
MH lamps contain more blue light and less red light than HPS. HPS lamps produce more total light than MH lamps and more light in the red spectrum, which is used more efficiently than blue light, powering a faster rate of photosynthesis. In addition, read light helps in flowering development.

The only reason to use an MH lamp rather than an HPS is to avoid suspicion that a weird-colored light may arouse. Using metal halide lamps in any stage of growing is a waste of time and money. More total light that is useable by the plant is produced by HPS than MH lamps, so plants grow faster using HPS lamps alone.

The plants don’t need the extra blue light offered by the Son Agro. Enhanced blue light doesn’t increase production. Although plants use blue light for photosynthesis, they use more red light. In rooms with mixed lights (MH and HPS), the plants between the two lights, which were receiving a mixture didn’t perform quite as well as the plants directly under the HPS lamps, but yielded slightly more than those under the MH. You could see the “wave effect”.

The solution to the ballast problem is to replace the MH bulb with an MH-to-HPS conversion lamp. This bulb will fit into your system and is powered by the same ballast as an MH but it emits an HPS spectrum.
What are we to make of this? Are all the grow books/magazines/FAQs wrong and Ed is right? Who do we trust as authorities and what makes them so? Besides trial and error and personal experience, which is prone to all sorts of bias and other issues, how are we to make decisions on equipping our grow rooms?


Well-Known Member
Read books written by credible marijuana horticulturalists. I reccomend George Servants' Indoor Mj Horticulture
Cervantes isn't the be all/end all either. There is conflicting advice in his different books let alone the differences with other experts. Ed Rosenthal is not a newcomer to the scene either. This is what i'm saying - the "experts" often disagree so which "expert" do you trust? All their gardens look great so it's not like someone else's plants blow away the others.

I guess it is a good thing it is a weed. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i wasn't saying he's the ultimate guru or anything; this just happens to be the only book on mj growing I've read thus far, and found it to be a good source of information. I have read many articles and threads, and the cannabible, various growguides...you just kind of have to experiment and see what works best for you, your plants, and your setup. learn from your mistakes. practice makes perfect.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i wasn't saying he's the ultimate guru or anything; this just happens to be the only book on marijuana growing I've read thus far, and found it to be a good source of information. I have read many articles and threads, and the cannabible, various growguides...you just kind of have to experiment and see what works best for you, your plants, and your setup. learn from your mistakes. practice makes perfect.
yep - that about sums it up. i just wish our beloved plant wasn't demonized so much that we can't even agree on the simple things sometimes.
at least it is fun practicing!


Well-Known Member
Are you running exhaust in your room? If so you should have that off while the CO2 is on, otherwise that shit just goes right out the door and you're wasting valuabe money on a CO2 set-up that's doing nothing for you. You also don't need it running all the time either, at least you shouldn't depending on what you have going. I've never used CO2 myself but you might want to go read up a little more and see how long it should be on, how many times a day, and then make sure you aren't exhausting it all during the time's it's on.... just a thought anyways.