why keep a mother plant?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link. cheers.

the other idea i was thinking is vegging a plant for maybe 3 weeks, then basically cutting the whole thing up for clones. then put all but 1 of the clones into flower, and veg the remainder....lather, rinse, repeat.


Active Member
but what happens if you get one cutting off the best genetics grow it up take 10 cuttings depending on how many u want grow them ten then just before flower take cuttings and resartthe process but av been told taking a cutting from a cutting makes your weed get weaker is that true are not


Well-Known Member
So, I'm just wondering what the advantage is of keeping a specific plant as a mother never goes into flower, as opposed to just grabbing a couple clones off each plant before flowering, and then using those for the next crop, grabbing more clones from them, etc.

Is there some benefit to having a mother that is allowed to become older and more mature? Or some other reason that I can't think of?
Benefits of having mother plant(s). Lets say if you really love a strain and dont find yourself ever getting sick of it. Produce mother(s) so you always can just take cuttings off it. Another reason is if you are a mass production grower then you found some strains that are cash crops. Make mother(s) so you can pump out high numbers of plants consitently that would yield moolah for ya. last reason that would come to mind falls under if you grow soley for profit. Make mother(s) of different types and generate tons of clones for sale.