Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

I'm talking about southern california by the way... Lol! Jk! Why is it better than other states? I keep hearing it's the best. If we're buying the same strains as other states, how is it better? Would you say it's better than amsterdam weed? This is probably in the wrong section... Lol.
i live in cen-cal & there seems to be an abundance of strains a lot of them clone only strains & a lot of stuff available from amsterdam might have the same name but be altogether different
Why is it better than other states? I keep hearing it's the best. If we're buying the same strains as other states, how is it better? Would you say it's better than amsterdam weed? This is probably in the wrong section... Lol.

It isn't. Most of it is hype, it just happens to be in more abundance there because it's more accepted. If you know the right people you can find true dank anywhere. Californians think they know everything when it comes to weed but the truth is a lot of the weed there is hydro grown primarily for yield rather than quality. There is dank in Cali but there is just as much bullshit. If your a good grower and you have good genetics it doesn't matter where you live. As to why they have so many clone only strains it's because people there playing with males or hermies finding a nice plant but they don't commercialy produce seeds.
It isn't. Most of it is hype,

If that's true, then how come the bud out here that's grown from clone only strains is so much better than seed company bud? The only seed co stains that I've seen that even come close to our clone only strains are SSH and ECSD, and still, cali clone strains usually beat the shit out of those.
If that's true, then how come the bud out here that's grown from clone only strains is so much better than seed company bud?

It isn't and it's kind of naive to think you can't find something amazing from popping seeds especialy with the thousands of variety's available which I know you haven't tried them all. Even if you had tried a lot of them that doesn't mean you tried the best pheno's of each one, seeds have endless possibilities. Most of your clone only's in Cali came from other states and again I'm not saying there isn't good weed in Cali but I am saying it's overhyped as a whole. Also, Vortex won the medical cup for sativas this year in Cali and it's available in seed form not to mention it was entered by a grower that popped a pack of seeds. Where were your clone only strains then?

The only seed co stains that I've seen that even come close to our clone only strains are SSH and ECSD, and still, cali clone strains usually beat the shit out of those.

What are the clone only strains you think are so great?

.........and ECSD is a clone only strain. Rez's Sour D is dick compared to ECSD. If you think SD and SSH are the best compared to your clone only strains you need to do some seed popping because there are much better strains out there. People need to understand weed in Cali just gets more publicity, that doesn't mean there isn't dank everywhere else. Go to Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and almost anywhere in the North East and you'll see original dank. The rest of the country has dank too, it's just not as public as the more cannabis friendly states.
It isn't. Most of it is hype, it just happens to be in more abundance there because it's more accepted. If you know the right people you can find true dank anywhere. Californians think they know everything when it comes to weed but the truth is most of the weed there is hydro grown primarily for yield rather than quality. There is dank in Cali but there is just as much bullshit. If your a good grower and you have good genetics it doesn't matter where you live. As to why they have so many clone only strains it's because people there playing with males or hermies finding a nice plant but they don't commercialy produce seeds.

LOL. I'd love to see where you found this gem of information :)
From smoking the weed from friends and the shops out there. Again I'm not saying there isn't straight dank in Cali, I'm saying there is a big commercial side also. Tell me a big percentage isn't hydro grown for profit of the same played out overhyped strains. To think California has the best weed is just naive, it's like the French thinking they have the best wine, sure they have great wine but it has been proven that great wine can be produced in many countries. So far all of the people who are from Cali seem to be snobs about weed when the people I know who moved there just laugh at the natives who think that Cali has the best weed. It's all relative. Can you honestly say Cali has the best weed, have you smoked every strain and pheno from every part of the US? No, so you honestly can't say Cali has the best because your limited to your own personal experiences.
It isn't and it's kind of naive to think you can't find something amazing from popping seeds especialy with the thousands of variety's available which I know you haven't tried them all.

I work with several large bay area cannabis clubs. I see hundreds of strains. I check out all the new strains every time I walk into a club. If I see something new, I pick up a gram. So yeah, I actually do think I know a decent amount about comparing clone only strains to seedbank strains.

It's kind of naive that you think you know all about the Cali strains when you don't live here.

Even if you had tried a lot of them that doesn't mean you tried the best pheno's of each one, seeds have endless possibilities. Most of your clone only's in Cali came from other states and again I'm not saying there isn't good weed in Cali but I am saying it's overhyped as a whole. Also, Vortex won the medical cup for sativas this year in Cali and it's available in seed form not to mention it was entered by a grower that popped a pack of seeds. Where were your clone only strains then?

I didn't say it's impossible to grow bomb buds from seedbank seeds, only that Cali strains seem to be superior in general.

What are the clone only strains you think are so great?

e32 arcata trainwreck, lemon thai kush, green crack, blue dream, redwood kush, ak X trainwreck, classic OG, xj13, cotton candy, headband, chem4, grand daughter (GDP x lav), KC jones, etc

. If you think SD and SSH are the best compared to your clone only strains you need to do some seed popping because there are much better strains out there.

Except I didn't really say that at all, did I?

People need to understand weed in Cali just gets more publicity, that doesn't mean there isn't dank everywhere else.

I never said their wasn't. You can grow shitty weed in Cali and awesome weed in Alabama as long as you know what you're doing.

Go to Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and almost anywhere in the North East and you'll see original dank. The rest of the country has dank too, it's just not as public as the more cannabis friendly states.

That why when Cali weed is brought to other states it it almost doubles in price. right....
I live out here in southern california, and while living here, this topic constantly comes up. People in california tend to have giant egos out here. I think alot of it due to small penis size, you notice huge trucks everywhere but w/e right? lol
Anyways alot of the hype in some way or another has to do with the fact that its a well known fact that california is a state where medical marijuan is legal. Increasingly other states as well. People out here seem to take it to heart due to califonria being the first state to legalize mmj back in 1996.
Its obvious we arent the only state with dank, nor are we the only country.
Seeds obviously have awesome genetics and no one is saying other wise. But it remains a fact that seed companys tend to be shiesty in the first place minus the few reputable ones. Out here in california you need to understand that clones are easy to obtain, of almost any/every strain. Why would someone want to buy seeds online and spend so much money when great genetics are already available.
For example I just copied this from the dispensary where I get mine in long beach. this place is clone only, no nug for sale. heres this weeks menu for them.
SOUR DIESEL butter cut
Now believe it or not, this place charges 10-12 dollars a clone, if you ask me thats a hell of a lot more convienient than waiting 1 to 2 weeks for shipping as well as the risk of getting crap seeds for an obscene amount of money.

"Californians think they know everything when it comes to weed but the truth is most of the weed there is hydro grown primarily for yield rather than quality."
Saying shit like this is what MAKES US think we know more than you.

You want my 2 cents? What it ultimatley comes down to with seeds and clones is one thing, opinion. There will always be those that swear by clone and those who swear by seed.
From smoking the weed from friends and the shops out there. Again I'm not saying there isn't straight dank in Cali, I'm saying there is a big commercial side also. Tell me a big percentage isn't hydro grown for profit of the same played out overhyped strains.

Most growers grow some cash croppin strains for clubs, and the good shit for them and their friends. Why wouldn't they? If you pay your rent by growing wouldn't you want to grow GDP too?
Californians think they know everything when it comes to weed but the truth is a lot of the weed there is hydro grown primarily for yield rather than quality. QUOTE]

This is untrue. You could say the same about any place where a large market for pot is in high demand. As a Californian, I can say that commercially grown hydro weed is not where our reputation comes from. I don't think all of us californians consider our weed better than anywhere else either, although it would be dreamy if that were the reality. Good weed is grown everywhere, every day. California just so happens to have been titled mecca for pot in the US for whatever reason. So please, don't talk down on californians. Not everyone is an elitist.
dude AK is where its at all indoor shits bomb. make your socks disappear and your keys lock themselves in the car.
This is untrue. You could say the same about any place where a large market for pot is in high demand

Well I think this is why generally (no, not always, generally) Cali comes up with the best strains. It has the largest market and the most growers so it's just a matter of statistics that Cali will come up with a lot of top strains. Since Cali has easy access to all these top strains, they end up making new top strains out of them.

So while no, I don't believe Californians are genetically superior and therefor grow the best weed or anything dumb like that, I do think in general Cali bud is on top right now. If for no other reason we have the biggest market (and a decent climate to grow in).
It isn't. Most of it is hype, it just happens to be in more abundance there because it's more accepted. If you know the right people you can find true dank anywhere. Californians think they know everything when it comes to weed but the truth is a lot of the weed there is hydro grown primarily for yield rather than quality. There is dank in Cali but there is just as much bullshit. If your a good grower and you have good genetics it doesn't matter where you live. As to why they have so many clone only strains it's because people there playing with males or hermies finding a nice plant but they don't commercialy produce seeds.

lol thats awesome that u think this. the fact of the matter is we have the best bud in the world and our standards are higher than anywhere else. SUre you can find some true dank sometimes in indiana or iowa but on average the quality will be so much worse that ur entire paragraph is laughble