why is ths ?


Active Member
bought 4 critical plus, to start them off i put them in a cup of water for almost 2 days (oops) but they all had a tail so i put them in t soil, 2 have came up and the other 3 havent popped up atol, is this because i left them in water too long ?


Active Member
I'm thinking that if they were all in the water the same amount of time and two have already poped than i dont think it would be down to that or none of them would have poped,
I like putting seed's into seaweed extract for 12hrs and then pop them in between some towell and normaly within 2-3 days they pop, i've had some seeds pop within 12hrs that way.


Then yah it's cus you left them in water too long. I heard that the most your supposed to leave them in water is 12 hours. You should try the paper towel method next time it works really good.


Active Member
my seeds are always fine wen i leave in for 24 hours but this time i just forgot haha, ps, got 3 big devil 2'z under a 250 hps, was considering putting another 3 under, would it b worth while, cuz i usually hear that it duznt matter how many is in cuz the result will b basically the same due to how much light 3 plants would get aposed to 6 plants ?


Active Member
I had three plants under 1x 125w cfl, ok i had lights down the back and side's, but if i didnt have the extra lights then there would be abit each side that the light wont hit.