It's more than just that tho. Has a better P/K ratio for pot than most, 0-15-35 with 10% sulfur, 20 aminos and ascorbic and citric acids. I hate to grow without as it really makes a big difference to yields and resin production and smells too.
Hmm, ok but, I'm not in tune with the Vitamin C and the Citric acids......Oh, bet that's part of the pH thing.... The S is your terps part....... Yields can be manipulated with out such high P&K levels but, I bet you use small amounts too, very small likely.....
Check out Fox Farms labels and names then explain the difference to me.

They all use marketing hype to flog their wares.
Sure do! Most do period......
I don't use any G&H products......I could care less about Scott's owning them.
Monsatan. Hate them with a passion.....Bayer is no real biggie to me.....Not into conspiracy theories. There used to be a rumor that Monsatan was involved in a project to collect all cannabis DNA. This was/is false!
I sure as hell don't trust the guy and the business doing it though!
Maxyield and Big Buds mag's are deep into a war with each other. Both are full of shit! PROPAGANDA RAGS! Both of them! High Times is just like Monsanto, AN, Big Buds and MaxYield! They are a profit driven company that out right lies in some of their pieces! This is to tote the bottom line of it's advertiser's products. If they told the truth, many advertisers would not buy space. In fact, as an advertiser. AN actually bought the major space in one issue to let Big Mike spout claims about the future of AN products. All with a big eye catching front page and massive full page adds before, in side of, and at the end of every AN piece that filled the mag. In effect Big Mike "bought" the right to be in the whole issue as the focus......
The same goes for
any Cannabis mag ! They are basically crap. Their growers are overly opinionated and give false info. Again to tote the advertisers products, or like in SKUNK. You have a rabid, opinionated that "HIS" method is the end all, do all, way to grow, PERIOD. Advice guy.....I have yet to find ANY magazine worth it's salt....EVEN the GROW magazine has some really off the wall piece's.....This one gets close but I still find it so full of some sort of crap that I will not do more then, look at it (or any of them) in passing.....
I get a cannabis mag and have an overwhelming need to put it in the in the bathroom in case I run out of TP! Much of them would be better served if they spent their time behind us, then in front of our face...
I like other Nutrient brands better...
You like AN.
Just because something works. Don't make it the best. AN is as shady as everybody else. More so in the eye's of many long, long term growers.
You grow well with what you use. That's fine.... But your spinning your wheels with all the propaganda you quote from AN's crappy BIG BUD mag.....
As far as calling nutrient makers about growing cannabis....It's
still against FEDERAL LAW in the US! Admitting what their product is, could be a problem.....Hell, the US made Canada turn over a simple seed seller...Just because he pissed off the alphabet boys....Basically (He should have quit poking them but, was in it to change things)
We now ware our opinions on our cuff.
Peace bra!