Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Ill just reply with these links again...

And one especially for you BrotherBuz:

They are all referenced, so dont say they're bullshit. At least pick apart the info before dismissing it with your high and mighty dogmatic dribble.

EDIT: This is for your Cambrian Explosion argument too

Drawn from: http://vuletic.com/hume/cefec/5-8.html
This article is also referenced ;)

Yes I'm sure for this post he will take the time to read those links. Did you guys miss the clues? Do you think he will suddenly develop an intellect? This guy is choosing ignorance. He only responds to those lines which offer a route to taunt and tease. He barely puts any thought into his own posts, hasn't it become clear that he is putting even less thought into yours?

The purpose of debate should be to find common ground. If both parties start with the same premise, use consistent logic, then both should end up with the same conclusions. By debating we can learn where those opinions diverge and why, and gain an understanding of another's position. At no point should the goal of debate be to win.

The understanding that this debate should have provided you is that this particular person has his head so far into the sand he can not hear you shouting at him to remove it. His goal is not to understand, but to grief. The best option, stop shouting and move on. He is obviously a lost cause but you should know better.
Because long before Christopher Columbus and his mother was born, the bible said: "The earth hangs upon nothing." and "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth . . ." Job 26:7 & Isaiah 40:22

The earth is round, hanging upon nothing. This is profound! Think about the implications.
And he still hasnt addressed ANY of my points (transitional links, Cambrian Explosion, Golden Scrolls).

For the record, if the Bible says the Earth is round, how come none of the people back then knew it was?
Ok you wanna try link to something that isnt based on data thats 150 years outta date?
Not gonna look at the links I provided? They show pictures, I thought maybe you'd need them.

Darwin said there wasnt enough transitional links, since he died they have discovered hundreds of intermediate species. Considering the small percentage of the total number that would've become fossilised, thats already a HUGE number.

And considering before the Cambrian layer most organisms were soft bodied, that means far far far less species are expected to be observed as fossilised.

Seriously, insults cant help you now, and documentaries written by religious nuts with old information are FAIL compared to scientific research.

Not only will your kind never admit evolution happened, but your actually slowing it down by being allowed to live. You know that?

EDIT: Im ticking you off with my questions? YOU HAVNT ANSWERED ONE OF THEM! Iv retorted ALL of the points you've presented, and you just keep spewing the same rubbish, your like a broken toilet man...spewing out $h1t€.
And you realise at the bottom of your link their whole argument is based on a reference to a book written in 1869, lol!

Heres the ONE reference provided in your link:
Chapter IX, “On the Imperfection of the Geological Record,” On the Origin of Species, fifth edition (1869), pp. 378-381.
You think we havnt learnt anything since then?

EDIT: The lightbulb/electricity were brand new when that was written btw.
I'm going to post BrotherBuzz's response so you guys will get an idea about what he's doing.

And you realise at the bottom of your link their whole argument is based on a reference to a book written in 1869, lol!
Psh... sounds like dodging to me.
And considering before the Cambrian layer most organisms were soft bodied, that means far far far less species are expected to be observed as fossilised.
Put the drugs down man! Bones are hard LOLOLOLOL!
Seriously, insults cant help you now, and documentaries written by religious nuts with old information are FAIL compared to scientific research.
Dodging with bias, very nice!

EDIT: Im ticking you off with my questions? YOU HAVNT ANSWERED ONE OF THEM! Iv retorted ALL of the points you've presented, and you just keep spewing the same rubbish, your like a broken toilet man...spewing out $h1t€
All of you anger proves my point that atheists are bad people and shouldn't be trusted. Now excuse me while I molest some children.
I'm going to post BrotherBuzz's response so you guys will get an idea about what he's doing.

Psh... sounds like dodging to me.

Put the drugs down man! Bones are hard LOLOLOLOL!

Dodging with bias, very nice!

All of you anger proves my point that atheists are bad people and shouldn't be trusted. Now excuse me while I molest some children.
This is actually a more comprehensive answer than Iv received from BrotherBuz, and you were saying it in jest, lol.

And for the record Im not biased against him having religious views/faith, just trying to come on here and tell everyone that the Bible is absoloute truth and that what we/science believes is complete fairytale nonsense is offensive to anyone with half a brain.

EDIT: Also, has he not heard that science and religion actually go hand in hand mostly nowadays? Most intelligent religious people would claim that due to the complexity of the very process of evolution that its clearly a sign that there was an intelligent hand in the creation of the universe, and whilst speculative at least it doesnt depend on the writings of primitive people with small thoughts.
The only way to beat a troll, is to troll harder than a troll. Just troll him long enough and he'll leave and you'll have your thread back.
The Holy bible is the most printed popular Book in the world... "Fact"
Wich means it must have some interesting wisdom and instructions on life in there. Period
Maybe God's trying to get a message across figuring thats its sooooooo old yet the most famous..
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