Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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If gnosticism is about knowledge, then why haven't agnostics came to terms with lack of any evidence suggesting a "god". If you are knowledgeable, you will not spend you life unsure if there is a god or not. Agnostics are scared Atheists.
Agnostics are unsure, but generally dont really care either way! To say there is NO God for sure is just as ignorant as to say that there definately IS a God for sure...but we wont know till we're gone, (or not!) so lets just enjoy the ride.

EDIT: I thought the purpose of smoking was to assist in the above enjoying the ride btw?
Smoking only makes me more angry as I think about things a lot harder and realize the impact and damage that religion has had on our culture. I hope people start giving so much credit and stop blaming so many things on god. Instead of thanking god next time you do something great, pat yourself on the back. When we praise our own kind and treat each other with the respect we'd treat "god" with the world will be a better place.
I did say religion was a waste of time, I just didnt preclude the possibility (however out there) that there MAY be a "grand design", but we cant see it, so just live a good life.
The very first link:
A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena

Next one:
Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable.

If you were trying to prove my definition wrong and yours correct, you didn't do so well.

Also from that link:
Agnostic atheism Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not have belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know that a deity does not exist.[16]

Agnostic theism The view of those who do not claim to know of the existence of any deity, but still believe in such an existence.
Read your own posts and be consistent for once in your fucking life. Detail what changes you need to see. Be specific and quit dodging.

Hey smart guy read the thread!! How many times must I tell you? What do you need, a notarized affidavit, pinned to your fucking forehead? :wall:
Hey smart guy read the thread!! How many times must I tell you? What do you need, a notarized affidavit pinned, to your fucking forehead? :wall:
After that long of a Hiatus and you come back with even less quality in your post. Your losing ground fast BB, this thread will be dead within a week.

Neanderthal? Tailbone? Banned books? Still waiting on LOTS of answers man.
The universe is built off mathamatical law, there are even some classes in universities that are proving there is a God, being a straight up hardheaded closed minded athiest is just dumb, at least be a wonderer. As far as sceince and fossil records im not gonna believe everything i read just cause i was told fact" Fact' i say maybe yes maybe no. as far as school theres always new ways to figure things out, be open minded
Years, upon years of 'don't ask' mentality have allowed it to become so revered. It's been the nature of theists to immediately become extremely defensive as soon as anything questionable is brought up about the root of their beliefs and thus has become an avoided subject out of fear of hurting someone's feeling, or fear of ridicule. "You don't believe in God!? What do you believe in then!?" Lol.
The universe is built off mathamatical law, there are even some classes in universities that are proving there is a God, being a straight up hardheaded closed minded athiest is just dumb, at least be a wonderer. As far as sceince and fossil records im not gonna believe everything i read just cause i was told fact" Fact' i say maybe yes maybe no. as far as school theres always new ways to figure things out, be open minded

How, I'd love to know, are universities "proving" God exists?

Should I be 'open minded' to the idea invisible polar bears exist?

What about fire breathing sharks?

No right? Why no? Because there is nothing to support those ideas, so were I to consider them actual possibilities, I would not be investigating with an 'open mind', I would be an idiot, wasting my time.

Investigation into observations unfounded in reality is not being 'open minded', and conversely, dismissing ridiculous claims isn't being 'close minded'.

Please understand the difference, it'll benefit us all greatly!
The universe is built off mathamatical law, there are even some classes in universities that are proving there is a God, being a straight up hardheaded closed minded athiest is just dumb . . ."

There you have it . . . the theory of evolution is just that- a theory.
How, I'd love to know, are universities "proving" God exists?

Should I be 'open minded' to the idea invisible polar bears exist?

What about fire breathing sharks?

No right? Why no? Because there is nothing to support those ideas, so were I to consider them actual possibilities, I would not be investigating with an 'open mind', I would be an idiot, wasting my time.

Investigation into observations unfounded in reality is not being 'open minded', and conversely, dismissing ridiculous claims isn't being 'close minded'.

Please understand the difference, it'll benefit us all greatly!

Amen. By the very definition of god (theistic definition), it's unprovable.

There you have it . . . the theory of evolution is just that- a theory.

I don't know if you're serious or playing devil's advocate, but the Theory of General Relativity is also a theory and is our working model of explaining gravitation.
there are even some classes in universities that are proving there is a God
That is a bold faced lie sir, PROVE IT (link, article, anything). You can't. Why? Because not one of the classes you THINK you are referring to would say they are 'proving god'. They would say they are proving that it may not have been as random as we think. That is NOT proof of god. Math works in weird ways, and any number of 'random' things could merely be a culmination of odd numbers and strange properties of numbers, and thats just the FIRST possibility.

Not before the viewers got a chance to see what an "asinine" theory evolution really is and what thankless blind guides your two mentors (minphuk & budlover) are.

What i find funny is that you think a 'theory' with AMPLE evidence behind it is false, yet you still refer to your book as fact, as if it were anything more than a theory with FAR LESS EVIDENCE (than evolution).

Your too predictable, and i guarantee you no one left this thread on your side unless they came in without the intent of actually being open -minded. I don't need mentors, or leaders, because im comfortable with my own thought processes and critical thinking. Those that AREN"T comfortable with those things, need leaders, or gods.

You call it asinine, but all we have done is provide facts for our side, while you can only reference the same thing over and over, the bible. Someone says something about gays, you refer to a verse in the bible. Someone says your theories about evolution are unfounded, and you refer to the bible. Someone tells you that the earth is round, and you refer to the bible.

If a scientist referred to the same exact document, for every argument ever presented to him, he would be the laughing stock of the community. Just like you.
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