Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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If you honestly think that real evidence hasn't been provided by our side of the argument in the last 43 pages, your as blind and misguided as our friend Brother.

Your right, this did degrade into a brawl. Frankly, because im sick and fucking tired of reading Brotherbuz insulting other people when they present him with facts he cant provide an explanation for.

If you had come in here, said your piece without revealing your bias, i would have just let this one go. But you couldn't hide it, and its very obvious you are in the exact same line of thinking as Brother. There have been many other reasons shown as to why religious people live longer. Let me sum it up, its called the fear of death. They get to a point where they start eating right, or stop smoking, or don't like to fly planes,etc. Plus they have entire congregations that shift the weight, like the Amish (technically considered the 'faithful') who never touch anything modern made, and live off their own goods.

How could you possibly say we have provided pointless arguments? The only pointless arguments here have been presented by him in defense of our evidence. Your post is as lacking in anything substantial as his are.

But at least you didn't resort to blatant name calling. I give you credit for that. I can tell you now, not one more post of mine will be directed towards Brother without calling him a cocksucking troll, hes lost all respect i ever may have had, and now im just going to stoop to his level. Its less aggravating that way.

-edit- you also don't understand atheists half as well as you think you do. A. Im an admitted AGNOSTIC, and B. We (they) don't GIVE A FUCK what you believe in, so long as you stop passing your 'word' as fucking FACT to anyone who is dumb enough to not know the difference.

Thanks for proving my point about angry evolutionists/atheists. Why are you cursing?

Lol, and now he dismisses Wikipedia as if it has no basis in fact either. I got news for you buddy, if your book had 1/1000th the amount of facts as Wikipedia, we would have never had this argument to begin with.

Oh, and the multiple books all intentionally left out from the bible because they didnt 'fit', according to some. Id love a more detailed and thought out explanation on EACH ONE if you would like to provide them. History Channel and the internet has already told me why, but id love to hear YOUR version.

Kloset, your silly.

Also, still waiting on explanations of those banned books, fool.

You saw the special and so did I. And I know that you know that they explain exactly why each of those books was likely kept out of the original canon.
Either because the story wasn't written by the author who claimed they did, or they stories were to fantastical. So why are you asking questions you
already know the answers to? Don't like how they edited it? Complain to the council of Hippo.
My posts lack substance to non-believers because I don't need facts and figures to assert my beliefs.
You say I got nothing substantial, but your asking for something inherently impossible to produce.
How do I prove I believe in God? How do I prove I believe in the Bible?
How would I show you God's work in my life? I can't. That's why you don't bother me. Remember, Faith. You can't prove it. Why are you trying?
You call me dumb, but you the one arguing something you can't prove either way.

I'm gonna make sure and pray for you real hard tonight; in fact I'm gonna pray for you now.
"Dear Lord. Thank you O God for the all the things you provide for us in our lives and things you provide to those that don't even appreciate it.
Forgive those Father that would denounce your name, for they desire your love the most. Guide these hurt souls to you and your glorious kingdom
so that they may receive your loving light and favor. In your name, Amen"

That one's for you guys; Kloset, budluv and Sins
To the OP, the Bible is revered as the word of God because the Church says it is/should be. Its pretty much as simple as that.

To the guy arguing that "transitional links" dont exist...can you explain why humans have a "tail bone" and an appendix? Also, out of the thousands of TRILLIONS (actually its probably an incomprehensibly high number) of individual animals that have ever lived on the Earth in hundreds of millions of known life, you think the fossil record is gonna have all of them?! The Earth would be about 100x the size it is now purely from the stacks of fossils.
agreed god people dont need facts figures or reason to assert your beliefs.Its what grandma & grandpa thought so you carry it on
Thanks for proving my point about angry evolutionists/atheists. Why are you cursing?

Kloset, your silly.

You saw the special and so did I. And I know that you know that they explain exactly why each of those books was likely kept out of the original canon.
Either because the story wasn't written by the author who claimed they did, or they stories were to fantastical. So why are you asking questions you
already know the answers to? Don't like how they edited it? Complain to the council of Hippo.
I watched those specials.
The stories were too fantastical? But Noahs Ark wasnt? Adam and Eve, a talking serpent. These things all made sense to them, but not THOSE books. But that STILL isnt the point. The point is they chose what fit their agenda, and discarded what didnt, and he STILL uses it as a reference of fact. You cant reference a study long proved false as fact.

Your reasoning is flawed, and all you can do is call me silly then AGREE with me. Your still lacking anything substantial, but whatever.

I take your prayer with a smile. Prayers are simply (usually) good thoughts about people, and i dont hate on that. I hate on passing belief on as fact. If you were to claim that the prayer had any effect on my life, THAT'S when i would start to argue.

Also, point out my cussing all you want. I say the word fuck in my text as often as i say it in my speech, and it is quite often. Doesn't mean im angry, just means im, 'excited' to say the least.

When the direct, personal insults start flowing from my mouth (which they haven't, at least not to you) then you will know. Until then, keep your mouth shut,
Mark 11:12-14

God hates figs...I've heard enough...

What's wrong with figs? I love a good fig newton. Oh well, to each his own. If god hates figs, I guess it's his choice.

Edit: Funny, I thought you just misspelled 'fags'. Turns out there really is a bit in that silly book about god not liking figs.
I watched those specials.
The stories were too fantastical? But Noahs Ark wasnt? Adam and Eve, a talking serpent. These things all made sense to them, but not THOSE books. But that STILL isnt the point. The point is they chose what fit their agenda, and discarded what didnt, and he STILL uses it as a reference of fact. You cant reference a study long proved false as fact.

Your reasoning is flawed, and all you can do is call me silly then AGREE with me. Your still lacking anything substantial, but whatever.

I take your prayer with a smile. Prayers are simply (usually) good thoughts about people, and i dont hate on that. I hate on passing belief on as fact. If you were to claim that the prayer had any effect on my life, THAT'S when i would start to argue.

Also, point out my cussing all you want. I say the word fuck in my text as often as i say it in my speech, and it is quite often. Doesn't mean im angry, just means im, 'excited' to say the least.

When the direct, personal insults start flowing from my mouth (which they haven't, at least not to you) then you will know. Until then, keep your mouth shut,

truth is we probably agree on a lot of things.
I just don't like how ppl like you think your so much smarter than people with religion.
And I know praying for people works. Cause if it didn't I would be dead or in jail by now. So yeah, I do think my prayer will affect you.
I accept your apology.

And in case you haven't noticed, every book has an agenda. Or do you believe everything you read?
truth is we probably agree on a lot of things.
I just don't like how ppl like you think your so much smarter than people with religion.
If you continually demonstrate flawed critical thinking skills and poor judgment, maybe your intelligence should be questioned.

And I know praying for people works. Cause if it didn't I would be dead or in jail by now. So yeah, I do think my prayer will affect you.
I accept your apology.
Right, because the only reason that you aren't dead or in jail is because someone prayed. :roll:

Funny that many religious people consider atheists arrogant when they believe they have a personal relationship with the creator of the fucking universe and he actually gives two shits about their life.
Thanks for proving my point about angry evolutionists/atheists. Why are you cursing?

Kloset, your silly.

You saw the special and so did I. And I know that you know that they explain exactly why each of those books was likely kept out of the original canon.
Either because the story wasn't written by the author who claimed they did, or they stories were to fantastical. So why are you asking questions you
already know the answers to? Don't like how they edited it? Complain to the council of Hippo.

Klosetman, your silly. I'll second that!!
Also, out of the thousands of TRILLIONS (actually its probably an incomprehensibly high number) of individual animals that have ever lived on the Earth in hundreds of millions of known life, you think the fossil record is gonna have all of them?!

Silly, you don't need all of them, a third will due!! :roll:
He's LOVING this 54th page!

So am i. Good proof for my position. Linking it all over guys. Don't say anything to incrimiate you brothers. i think BB may be famous b4 too long.
If you continually demonstrate flawed critical thinking skills and poor judgment, maybe your intelligence should be questioned.

Right, because the only reason that you aren't dead or in jail is because someone prayed. :roll:

Funny that many religious people consider atheists arrogant when they believe they have a personal relationship with the creator of the fucking universe and he actually gives two shits about their life.

Your confusing critical thinking with "book smarts."
Critical thinking is the ability to extrapolate an objective opinion from a subjective statement, and give your own opinion without diluting it (or defeating it in your guy's case) with emotional statements (like cursing and name calling) and opinions.

Even if you could back everything you say with facts, you're demeaning your argument by becoming emotional. The ability to know that, is critical thinking...smart guy
My critical thinking skills, so far, have been shown to be greater than the sum total of all the know-it-all's in here screaming at me "GOD ISN'T REAL!!!" with tears in their eyes.
I had daddy issues too you guys, I got over it.

Why does it anger you SO much that I have a personal relationship with The Creator, or the idea that he/she would want to talk to me?:roll:
You should presume to believe that God is anything like you. God is Grace. Grace is when someone gives you something you don't deserve. And besides I don't believe that you wouldn't care about something you created. I'm sure if you bred seeds and sold them you'd be interested in how other people grew them and how they turn out. You'd probably even give growers advice on how to grow their seeds better (if you follow my analogy).

I don't feel sorry for you people because you don't have a God or whatever; it's cause you have nothing to turn when all else fails. All you have is your little existence, and your little perception of how everything is and isn't, and your fragile human spirit. God help you when the shit goes down as they say. We'll see who's stronger and who goes running to who's side when shit get's REALLY bad. I promise you there wont be any Christians converting to atheists.

Keep posting this elsewhere too. I'm sure all the 15 year olds on the forums at www.Iknoweverythingandyoudont.com will get a kick out of this.
Why does it anger you SO much that I have a personal relationship with The Creator?

How. Do. You. People. Not. Get. It?

Let me break it down for you...

Imagine I tell you I believe in an alien race that seeded life on earth a few billion years ago. They created us, they are essentially gods. Our alien masters have given us rules and guidelines to live by. Me, and billions of other people believe this genesis story is true, IN SPITE OF all of the evidence against it. This belief divides people, anyone who doesn't accept it is outcast, or worse, killed. Even the ones that do believe it disagree with exactly where they came from, what they look like, and what is required of us to join them after death.


... ...

If it was just you, with your own little personal belief in adult Santa Clause, it wouldn't be a problem at all. Your free to be as crazy as you want, this is America. But it isn't, and I hope you can be man enough to admit it.

That's the problem, you guys have to project your crazy onto the rest of us who dont buy the bullshit.
How. Do. You. People. Not. Get. It?

Let me break it down for you...

Imagine I tell you I believe in an alien race that seeded life on earth a few billion years ago. They created us, they are essentially gods. Our alien masters have given us rules and guidelines to live by. Me, and billions of other people believe this genesis story is true, IN SPITE OF all of the evidence against it. This belief divides people, anyone who doesn't accept it is outcast, or worse, killed. Even the ones that do believe it disagree with exactly where they came from, what they look like, and what is required of us to join them after death.


... ...

If it was just you, with your own little personal belief in adult Santa Clause, it wouldn't be a problem at all. Your free to be as crazy as you want, this is America. But it isn't, and I hope you can be man enough to admit it.

That's the problem, you guys have to project your crazy onto the rest of us who dont buy the bullshit.

Ok so what is it you beleive? I didn't get the alien analogy.
Are you saying that people in this country that don't beleive in God are outcasts?
I think you might be exaggerating a little about the whole death thing.
More people in America are killed for being what others consider the "wrong religion" than those that have no religion (Protestants, Methodists, and Mormons killing Catholics, Jews, Muslims etc).
the only reason atheists/agnostics are kind of looked at funny is because you insist on asserting your beliefs on us!
If you kept your mouth shut and just believed whatever you wanted to believe in silence then nobody would bother you.

And what am I supposed to admit now? That I'm not the only one who believes in God. Big revelation...
I know this country is secretly religious even though it tries to pretend it isn't. The country was founded on it. It's something they can't deny.
They write laws that say separate church and state, yet most of our laws are written based on religious morals.
So I understand why you guys get mad. But your taking it out on the wrong people. It's not our fault.
Atheists/agnostics are a minority in this country. It's hard being a minority. I know. I'm Mexican. But I don't blame white people for all my problems.
smart guy
My critical thinking skill have been shown to be greater than the sum total of all know-it-all's in here screaming at me "God isn't REAL!!!" with tears in their eyes.
I had daddy issues too you guys, I got over it.

Hey smart guy(MP), your really looking a bit dumb!! I think you best back off-last chance. :bigjoint:
Your confusing critical thinking with educational intelligence.
Critical thinking is the ability to extrapolate an objective opinion from a subjective statement, and give your own opinion without diluting it (or defeating it in your guy's case) with emotional statements (like cursing and name calling) and opinions.

Seriously dude, you need to get over yourself. I have not gotten emotional, ive gotten bored with BB. Have i cussed at him? Sure, but at that point it was LONG after HE threw out insults. Read the fucking thread man, he is ALWAYS the one to start with insults. same goes for the other thread he trolls. He starts it, and i roll with it. Nuff said.

Even if you could back everything you say with facts, your demeaning your argument by becoming emotional. The ability to know that, is critical thinking...smart guy
My critical thinking skill have been shown to be greater than the sum total of all know-it-all's in here screaming at me "God isn't REAL!!!" with tears in their eyes.

Your critical thinking skills are not as good as you think they are if A. Your believe in Noahs Ark, or B. You honestly think that i give more than a rats ass about what he feels. I don't. But i will make a post using correct grammar, links, and data to back up my opinions, without spewing a bunch of "its my opinion" bullshit. Opinions are for those that cant understand, arent willing to accept, or plain dont know, the facts.
I had daddy issues too you guys, I got over it.
Is that where your faith stems from, daddy issues? I assure you, my parents have nothing to do with my faith.
Why does it anger you SO much that I have a personal relationship with The Creator?
You SERIOUSLY need to get this through your head. We DON'T have a problem with you or your 'relationship with the creator'. We (I) have a problem with you spreading your opinions about that relationship around to others as if they are undying proof that what you belief is fact. It is not.
Like somehow...I would be unworthy...:roll:
Seems your bent on finding a problem where there is none. Never said you weren't worthy, merely said you should stop representing your beliefs as facts. Plain and simple.

Keep posting this elsewhere too. I'm sure all the 15 year olds on the forums at www.Iknoweverythingandyoudont.com will get a kick out of this.
You really are on some high and mighty horse aren't you? Its like, you get a few paragraphs in, you start making a LITTLE sense, then you just fucking end it on some troll note that is no better than the last 5 comments BrotherBuz has made. You're despicable sir.
Seriously dude, you need to get over yourself. I have not gotten emotional, ive gotten bored with BB. Have i cussed at him? Sure, but at that point it was LONG after HE threw out insults. Read the fucking thread man, he is ALWAYS the one to start with insults. same goes for the other thread he trolls. He starts it, and i roll with it. Nuff said.

Your critical thinking skills are not as good as you think they are if A. Your believe in Noahs Ark, or B. You honestly think that i give more than a rats ass about what he feels. I don't. But i will make a post using correct grammar, links, and data to back up my opinions, without spewing a bunch of "its my opinion" bullshit. Opinions are for those that cant understand, arent willing to accept, or plain dont know, the facts.

Is that where your faith stems from, daddy issues? I assure you, my parents have nothing to do with my faith.

You SERIOUSLY need to get this through your head. We DON'T have a problem with you or your 'relationship with the creator'. We (I) have a problem with you spreading your opinions about that relationship around to others as if they are undying proof that what you belief is fact. It is not.

Seems your bent on finding a problem where there is none. Never said you weren't worthy, merely said you should stop representing your beliefs as facts. Plain and simple.

You really are on some high and mighty horse aren't you? Its like, you get a few paragraphs in, you start making a LITTLE sense, then you just fucking end it on some troll note that is no better than the last 5 comments BrotherBuz has made. Your despicable sir.

what's the name of this thread?
It's not "why are atheists retarded?" or something.
It's a challenge.
It's a challenge to anyone to explain when the bible is so revered.
If anyone started shit it was you guys.
And yeah we say it's the truth because to us it is the truth an we'll tell it to anyone that wants to listen. The truth to you is that God doesn't exist an you guy try just as hard to prove your point.
But Jesus even says that if people don't want to hear you preach, then move on to the next house/town. Whoever these people are that are hounding you with religion (you make it sound like the Christian paparazzi is after you) aren't true Christians.
For me it's more about spreading Christ through example than by arguing endless semantics. 'the bible say this'---'this scientist said that'...
To me either you believe or you don't. The fact that you can't even respect my POV is the reason I keep it up with you. It's ok tho. I kinda like arguing with the pig-headed. It's a good way to keep my chops up for serious debate.

You call me a troll because of what?
Every personal remark I've made has been in response to another.
I know because the way I win these arguments is NOT to fight or start flaming.
I don't ant to have to document each one but I will if you don't believe me.
I said that because it seems really childish that your using a thread full of anonymous people's statements
and somehow use that to prove your agenda.
Like where in any serious academic circle would forum banter hold up as an argument?
Christ on cracker...
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