• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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Well-Known Member
You sound ambiguous. Anyway, the fossil record does not support more than 6,000 years of human existence. You just can't make shit up Sorry!
You're off by about a factor of 30.
DNA evidence supports the 195,000 year old human fossils. We have two separate branches of science that confirm each others findings to within a few thousand years.


Well-Known Member
You sound ambiguous. Anyway, the fossil record does not support more than 6,000 years of human existence. You just can't make shit up Sorry!
You quite clearly didnt even read the article I showed you, or else you would realize how untrue that statement is.

So again, you deflect, tell me im making shit up (even tho i provided a LINK, which is 10x more than anything youve offered so far).

Your still going in circles buddy, but you aren't confusing us, and we aren't going to trail off topic. Your losing ground fast man.


Well-Known Member
"These are the oldest well-dated fossils of modern humans (Homo sapiens) currently known anywhere in the world," the scientists say in a summary of the study.
I can keep providing links and even more specific scientific data if you would like. Do you have anything other than more repetitive rhetoric or accusations of 'making things up'? Im still eagerly waiting.


Well-Known Member
beause people en mass are gullible and want to beleive in a higher power.
sometimes its easier to let someone else do the thinking for you than decide for yourself, i guess.

it must suck to be like that :lol:
that is ur opinion, although lame if u knew anything about religious teaching which its okay that u don't but then don't speak of it. For those that believe in God...God gave man FREE WILL....so that means we all do get to think for ourselves & more importantly choose for ourselves. And that includes ur free will to decide u don't want to believe on some sort of empty premise that "believing" would mean u couldn't choose for urself. More like, u choose to have free will but not have to account for the actions u choose. Kind of like u making a choice & then not wanting to take responsibility for YOUR choice. We who believe, CHOOSE to try our best to live by God's word, and we CHOOSE to be held accountable for OUR choices in this lifetime. Happy Easter, oops wait a minute, I guess for u that doesn't apply :(


Well-Known Member
"These are the oldest well-dated fossils of modern humans (Homo sapiens) currently known anywhere in the world," the scientists say in a summary of the study.
I can keep providing links and even more specific scientific data if you would like. Do you have anything other than more repetitive rhetoric or accusations of 'making things up'? Im still eagerly waiting.
Do you actually think he'll respond? He ignores and dodges facts every time they have been presented. He is still insisting Isaiah said 'sphere' when he has been informed there was no such word in Isaiah's language. Does that stop him from spouting lies?

Why does it seem that the more devout the person is, the less he is able to act in the way Jesus taught? Anger, insults, arrogance, impatience and lying is all I'm seeing from BroBuz. I put him on ignore when I thought he was just being an arrogant little shit but then I saw him quoted in another person's thread and found out he's a young earther, so we can add 'complete inability to use reason' to his list of character flaws. Anyone that can believe in a young earth has to deny so much science and knowledge it's unimaginable to me how they are able to tie their shoes. I know schizophrenics that have a better grasp of reality than young earthers.


Well-Known Member
I have probably opened a bible 5 times in my life. These were the 5 times I have been to church. I do find the bible fascinating, but as you can see, everybody that reads the bible interprets it differently, or interprets it the way they are told to interpret it.

And then what's up with:

Whatever it was in the tree. ???
The bloody tears. ???
The old cookie or sandwich. ???
The sheet with the Jesus imprint. ???
Noah's Ark. ???

One time I saw the Easter Bunny in the clouds. Whoopty doo.

People are always looking for PROOF that they will never find. Patient - "I saw THE LIGHT during my surgery". Doctor after surgery - " maam your all done, we flicked the light switch off.

Then theres the 10% you are suppose to give to the church. Who the hell made this up? Really? Let's just say the average family makes $50,000 a year. That's 5k a year for every family that goes to church. You add it up. On top of that, you are suppose to fill the pantry? I have never figured this out. Maybe I should have asked to see the books.

The money goes where? To beautify the church? To pay the preacher? New Bibles?

The last time we went to church the preacher was basically saying that people didn't contribute enough the previous week. Too damn bad.

That was the last and final time I went.

Just being real. Am I wrong?

No u r not wrong when it comes to I would say the larger majority of modern day churches; the bigger the better, etc. trying to outshine the next. But don't let ur disdain for churches or ur lack of knowledge keep u from FINDING out ur own truth! My ideal church (which to me means nothing more then people coming together to worship God in God's house) would be one of the most modest means, a wood building, with not much more then heat, bibles, & LOVE...as God meant it; the rest of the money or riches were to be GIVEN to the poor.

But I would ask u to not just let the bible be fascinating to you, read it sometime, start small. U said the only time u read it was when u went to church, God is everywhere, u only need talk & he will listen.

In short, & the sum of all u need to know is this: Jesus died on the cross for EVERY sin man could EVER commit. Now, of course u r suppose to do ur best to live a good life, & be good to people, & be generous in ur heart & with ur wallet, if u r so fortunate as to where u can help another...and when u do sin as all humans do, u will be forgiven (although of course it always helps to be sorry u did whatever wrong u did, & better to ask for forgiveness and try not to do it again). But the only thing u have to do for everlasting salvation & to enter the kingdom of heaven is to accept God as ur God, & Jesus as ur savior & accept them as such...and not worship the devil or any other gods.

That is the beauty of it, The only people who will not "enter into thy kingdom of heaven" are really the people who choose not to. :)

Happy Easter :) And why not google the meaning of Easter so u know why the celebration to those who believe is so important. imo it marks the single most important event ever in the HISTORY of human kind.


Well-Known Member
why is it when the topic of the bible comes up the first thing people do is start posting scripture and passages from the bible...when he is asking why they see the bible as the word of god..he isnt asking for you to quote the bible and expect people to go.."ok i guess ill follow after reading your facts"...the bible says this...this passage says this...well guess what..there are HUNDREDS of other books of different types of religions...why is your "faith" any different,better,or true.why cant people see the bible as it really is...a tool used to control primitive people.and how can you control a primitive undereducated mass of people....fear...tell them to do this or do that or all this bad shit will happen.
and why is it that all this stuff that happened in biblical times dont happen anymore...no one speaks to god anymore,no burning bushes,no one is walking on water,no seas are being parted...none of all this magical shit the bible spoke of...why is these things not happening...well first off it seems that when those things happened before..no one was around to hear or see it...case in point...moses...why is it just so happens that no one else is around when god does all this talking and passing of information...so everything that is supposed the "word of god" is things told to single individuals that then tell these things to other people. sounds a little to shady for me to just blindly follow.
now you can go ahead and quote the bible...say you just got to have faith all you want....but until god pops outta the clouds..tells me to get my shit together...im going to sleep in on sundays..not get all dressed up..and keep the 10% for my family and not fund the preachers dream of driving a nicer vehicle.

ps...if you look around...things are fucked up..look at the middle east...look at japan...thousands of people..men,women,children are killed and suffering at the hands of man and nature. if this is the best this "supreme being" can offer the species he supposedly loves...then he is truely either not doing his job...or plain just dont give a shit.he used to have no problem interfering with human life in biblical times...but he sure is an absentee parent at this current time in the world.

now let the bible thumbers pick a sentence or two out of all that to rip apart and not even get into the whole statement...tell me i just need "faith"...quote the bible...do your thing and let the superstitious babble run its course.so let that feeling inside that god is watching you lead you...while i get that same feeling from eating to much chocolate...im just able to see and acknowledge the reason im having that same feeling isnt from the invisible man that no one hears from anymore.
no bible thumper here, lol, but, okay people do hear from him, if they "choose to listen", he doesn't have to appear...u know by certain things that happen in ur life, it could be something so small or someone u've met, or what some people would call coincidence or perfect timing, others know is God. U said that right, suffering at the hands of man. If u truly had knowledge of the bible or God's previous actions u would know, God did intervene not once but at least twice killing off all mankind, & started anew. (The rainbow was God's promise he would never do that again.) And miralces STILL happen all the time, things no science can explain...u just choose not to believe. God decided since his killing off of mankind didn't work, but since he still loved his creation so & his hopes that mankind could be all good & humble, he decided instead to send his son to die for all sins man could ever commit from that day forward and he gave man free will, to live his life, to believe or not, & that is that. You've been told, through the bible & if ur waiting for a personal voice, well i'm sorry to tell u, it's likely not going to come & u will not enter into heaven, it u do not choose to accept God as ur God, & Jesus as ur savior. That is ALL u have to do, & if that is too much trouble, well, ur loss I suppose...but think about it, r u REALLY so arrogant in ur thinking, that u must be right, to want to take that chance?


Well-Known Member
Because it is the word of God.
and because the people before us & before them & before that, were told those things & taught those teachings by those that encountered Jesus, and because it is part of HISTORY, like every other part. Why should we believe in what people say George Washington said? The same reason, it was documented & was known by people of that time.


Well-Known Member
There is not one logical theory i have heard that explained to me how god took adams rib and made a woman.

I beg, just one? I mean really, ANYTHING that sounds plausible will do. But it can't be done. Just like noah couldn't possibly put the millions of species of animals on a single boat. Jesus, who I openly accept was a real man, did not walk on water any more than Criss Angel did.

But, if someone wants to point something out as fact,

The bible is good literature, and its important to understand our history in order to move forward, its just part of the human condition. But again, its filled with hypocrisy, as so many people who put so much faith in it are truly afraid of the future, and cling for dear life to their outdated ideals and influence.
First u want a "theory" then u want fact, which do u want? :) u want to know how eve was made but u believe how God made Adam? why u would choose THAT, I just don't know. Not even how he made heaven & earth? Noah, millions, said who? That is YOUR interpretation. Seeing as the bible says God had already killed off mankind & all living creatures once before, and the fact that we know species evolve from other species, that explains that...there were far from millions, probably not more then a couple hundred; my interpretation, certainly plausible.

So the bible is "so old & outdated" but yet u believe THIS part, that Jesus was a real man? But nothing much else, and everything wrapped around this ONE man, told by this book is fairytale? He is the only man to walk on water, because he is the only by God's hand, he wanted to walk on water, just like he is the only man he allowed to be crucified and then breathed eternal life into him, yet let him walk the earth again.

Finally, again do u want to call the bible literature or history...u said it. History IS FACT! People believe it the same way they believe what was written about how George Washington talked, looked, & was, because it was written by people who knew him, knew of him, & from that time frame. To say now, that so much time has passed, that those that still believe this piece of history (u said that right) r afraid of the future or cling to outdated ideals is absurd. We believe it to be our human history like any other. And is it still outdated to have a man near on one knee to propose to his bride to be? God I would hope not. I hope the younger generations still cherish some ideals as ones like God's love :)....everlasting!


King Tut
Sorry for the copy & paste wall of text, but I just read this stickied somewhere and thought it might......help?

Avoiding logical fallacies
So you're having a debate and your argument just isn't working. You're being accused of ad homs, strawmanning, and red herrings. What the fuck are these people talking about?

Let me tell you then.

A logical fallacy is an approach to making an argument or point by breaking rules that are known to not be sound in reasoning and logic. There are many many of these fallacies but I'll list and describe some of the main ones.

Ad Hominem (the argument against the man)
Attacking the person's character instead of attacking the argument.
"Why should I listen to your opinion on philosophy, you barely graduated high school."
"You think you are capable of debating evolutionary theory while you sit there and smoke weed all day?"

Post Hoc Ergo Procter Hoc (After this, therefore, because of this)
This one is a favorite of mine. Drawing a conclusion that two or more events are related when there is no real proof they are.
"We ate fish tacos last night and this morning my head was pounding. Fish tacos give me headaches I guess" (the person isn't qualified to conclude fish tacos were definitely the cause of the headache)
"I had a dream I won the lotto, so I bought 20 scratch off tickets and one ended up being a winner for 500 bucks! I must be psychic."

circular logic (The conclusion of the argument is the same as the premise)
"The bible is the word of God because it says so in the bible."

Ad baculum (appeal to the stick or force)
An argument where force, coercion, or the threat of force is used to justify the conclusion.
"If you don't repent your sins you will burn for eternity in hell, therefore you MUST repent."
"Don't argue with the king's policies or he will lock you up and toss away the key. Therefore keep your mouth shut."

Ad lapidem (throwing stones)
Dismissing a statement as absurd without giving reason why it is absurd.
"You don't believe in a divine being? That's just fuckin' retarded!"
"You don't think marijuana is addictive? Are you crazy!? Pull your head out of your ass."

Untestability fallacy
Argument based on assertions that cannot be tested.
"You're not old enough to really understand life."
"Eating beans prouts may not kill you today, but one day you may eat a poisonous one and die. Therefore you should just avoid eating bean sprouts."
"All atheists secretly believe in a god."

Red Herring
An attempt to divert the argument or change the subject
Person A- "Bush should have been tried as a war criminal."
Person B- "What about all the other people in the world that commit crimes and get away with it? What about that justice not served? In fact, the murder rate in Romania is bla bla yack yack....."

loaded question
Asking a question that presupposes something that isn't yet proven.
"Do you still beat children up with baseball bats?"
"Why is Obama afraid to admit he was born in Kenya?"

Straw Man
Misrepresenting a persons argument in such a way it would be easy to refute. Beating up the straw man.
"Of course evolution isn't true. No one has ever seen a reptile turn into a bird."
"Liberals just want a big nanny state."

Ad Populum (appeal to the people)
Concluding an argument is true because a majority of people believe it to be true.
"Most people in the US believe marijuana is a dangerous drug therefore it is."
"Majority of the world believes there is a divine being, they can't all be wrong."

Subjectivist Fallacy
Using the fact that one wants to believe something to be true as evidence of it's truth.
"We are all beings of spirit and light."

Person A-"We are an electro-chemical system."
Person B-"That may be true to you, but that's not true to me. That's just your opinion."

negative proof (argument from ignorance)
Appealing to lack of proof of the negative. X is true because there is no proof X is false.
"There is no evidence Glenn Beck didn't rape and kill a woman in 1984."
"You can't prove god doesn't exist!"

There are many many more but these are some of the most common. If you're in a debate and you see these tactics being used, call them out on their fallacies.


Newly added fallacies as submitted by commenters.

Argumentation ad misericordiam - (appeal to pity) Recommended by Dryice
Using an emotion like pity, sympathy, or compassion for the sake of getting a conclusion accepted.
"If you don't give me a job here, I can't donate to the starving children's fund! My life dream would be ruined."
"Of course the judges should vote me winner of the chili cookoff, I've recently had a death in the family."

false dilemma or false dichotomy - (either-or fallacy) Recommended by tongues
An argument where only two choices are given when there are in fact more.
"You're either with us or with the terrorists."
"Either love your country with all it's problems or leave it."

inductive fallacy - (Hasty Generalization) Recommended by mrgoodsmoke
Fallacy committed when one comes to a quick conclusion about a population based on a sample that is not large enough.
"My town is mostly republican. Three of the five houses on my street have republican signs in them."
"I did a survey in my town by going to three different Dentists and they all said Crest was the best toothpaste to use so Crest must be the best."


Well-Known Member
This is the Cambrian explosion.
It’s a deathblow to evolution. The fossil record does not support evolution - Sorry!!

We all know what your agenda is. ;-)
Spoken as if you have no agenda. You use a website called "Learn the Bible" for your information about evolution and the Cambrian period. (Nevermind the fact that you use the Cambrian explosion circa 530 Ma to respond to a post about human fossils circa .2 Ma)

I guess then it should be just as appropriate to use a link called "Learn about Science and Atheism" to get my facts about Jesus and the bible, right?


Well-Known Member
Spoken as if you have no agenda. You use a website called "Learn the Bible" for your information about evolution and the Cambrian period. (Nevermind the fact that you use the Cambrian explosion circa 530 Ma to respond to a post about human fossils circa .2 Ma)

I guess then it should be just as appropriate to use a link called "Learn about Science and Atheism" to get my facts about Jesus and the bible, right?
Sounds like you've got this one nailed ;D but as you said, nothing will come from it. Expect some more dodging and deflection very soon.


Active Member
Spoken as if you have no agenda. You use a website called "Learn the Bible" for your information about evolution and the Cambrian period.

Anthropologist went searching and found a layer of fossil called the Cambrian Explosion, because it refers to the great quantity and diversity of life found in this geologic column. You see, evolutionist claim that humankind took millions of years to establish, after crawling out of the sea. But this fossil layer proves that humankind had a sudden appearance and did not take millions of years to evolve

You sir should pay attention to the point.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've got this one nailed ;D but as you said, nothing will come from it. Expect some more dodging and deflection very soon.
There's something that needs to be said about the outcome of this, and indeed any other religious/secular argument that takes place on RIU, this same shit happens everytime.. The theists come with crazy claims, the rest of us point it out, it's acknowledged by everyone but the one making the claim and the circle jerk continues ad infinitim. Babs, crackerboy, weed4cash..brotherbudz.


Well-Known Member
Anthropologist went searching and found a layer of fossil called the Cambrian Explosion, because it refers to the great quantity and diversity of life found in this geologic column. You see, evolutionist claim that humankind took millions of years to establish, after crawling out of the sea. But this fossil layer proves that humankind had a sudden appearance and did not take millions of years to evolve

You sir should pay attention to the point.
go read a boooooooooook!

Life emerged out of the oceans and it took another 550 million years for homo sapiens to arrive.


Active Member
First u want a "theory" then u want fact, which do u want? :) u want to know how eve was made but u believe how God made Adam? why u would choose THAT, I just don't know. Not even how he made heaven & earth? Noah, millions, said who? That is YOUR interpretation. Seeing as the bible says God had already killed off mankind & all living creatures once before, and the fact that we know species evolve from other species, that explains that...there were far from millions, probably not more then a couple hundred; my interpretation, certainly plausible.

So the bible is "so old & outdated" but yet u believe THIS part, that Jesus was a real man? But nothing much else, and everything wrapped around this ONE man, told by this book is fairytale? He is the only man to walk on water, because he is the only by God's hand, he wanted to walk on water, just like he is the only man he allowed to be crucified and then breathed eternal life into him, yet let him walk the earth again.

Finally, again do u want to call the bible literature or history...u said it. History IS FACT! People believe it the same way they believe what was written about how George Washington talked, looked, & was, because it was written by people who knew him, knew of him, & from that time frame. To say now, that so much time has passed, that those that still believe this piece of history (u said that right) r afraid of the future or cling to outdated ideals is absurd. We believe it to be our human history like any other. And is it still outdated to have a man near on one knee to propose to his bride to be? God I would hope not. I hope the younger generations still cherish some ideals as ones like God's love :)....everlasting!
I agree, Klosetking is very confused. He's the "protege" Mindphuk lol lol
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