Why is My PPP turning Purple? Not good. Please Help!


Active Member
So everything has been going along fine. I feed and water every 4 days or so with all organic Fox Farm Big Bloom. Been flowering for about 5-6 weeks. Yesterday noticed purple spots forming on lower leaves. Today towards the top near the bud sites. I flushed with 2 gallons of water. What is going on here? Thanks.



Active Member
nope just Big Bloom. 2 tablespoons mixed with 1/2 gallon of water. I've been doing that for over a month now and everything has been great. Very strange. So flushing was the right thing to do i guess??


Well-Known Member
i assume ur hydro? if so, run them with pure water for 2 days, then go back to 1/2 strength of the regimen you had them on. Watch them from there and add your nutes (little amounts at a time) accordingly if they need it.


Well-Known Member
I would think 2 tablespoons mixed with 1/2 gallon of water is way too much. Fox Farms feeding schedule says 1 tablespoon per GALLON. You are quadruple the recommended dose.


Active Member
Fox Farm Big Bloom says right on the back 4 tablespoons per gallon Every Watering. So I'm feeding exactly the right amount. I'm doing a soil grow. Like I said I've been feeding the same amount every watering since switching to 12/12 and never had issues. Very strange. Here's an updated picture 3 days after a 2 gallon flush:



Well-Known Member
dude, with soil you don't need to fertilize every watering. i know you say you've been doing it for a while now, but sometimes it takes a while for a plant to show nutrient burn when they are that large. they usually can handle it for a while, but it eventually catches up with them. if you don't want any more burn, stop feeding them for two weeks and see if that corrects the problem. if it does, then you know what the problem is.


Well-Known Member
P.S.... Take a look at this. http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/soilfeed.pdf It says only 1 tablespoon per gallon, and to feed it EVERY OTHER WATERING. I'm now convinced that its nute burn. You need to not use that for a while. Just out of curiosity and I probably know the answer anyways, but have you checked your pH in the soil?


Well-Known Member
damn poor plants im using fox farm Big Grow & tiger bloom and u only suppose to use it, like dude said 1 taplespoon pergallon jus 2 times a week pending on the soil ? if using ocean forest soil not need to water so much cuz it holds in more water use ph water at 6.0 for a week or 2


Well-Known Member
Um fox farm feeding schedule is much less than what you are introducing. And I do not use the fox farm feeding schedule exactly i usually use 1/2 the strength of 1/4 strength depending on the strain I am growing.


Active Member
Not sure who to believe Fox Farm or Fox Farm. Why would they put 1 Tablespoon on the feeding schedule and 4 tablespoons on the actual jug? Well I've stopped feeding for about a week now and the burn seems to have stopped. Think I'm gonna harvest in a week anyways, so I won't need to feed again. Bummer, amazing that I made it as long as I did feeding 4X the amount I apparently should have been. I'm assuming the non-organic stuff would have shown a lot sooner. Live and Learn.


Well-Known Member
yea dude i was gonna say purple...i'm having that problem cause the temps are getting too low..but thats not purple man thats a little different, check this out..



Active Member
I wish my plant looked like that at this point. I think yours looks normal. The stems will become reddish as the plant matures.

Well to update this thread I opened the door to my grow room about 5 minutes earlier than the timer was set to kick on and lo and behold there was a light on in the room. Normal ceiling fixture for the bathroom. Turns out I had left it on sometime during the week. That can't be good for my plant either, although I'm still looking at Nute Burn as the cause. Doh!


Well-Known Member
heh heh,thats a kick in the ass man...not only were the nutes a problem...damn light had to be fuckin ya over at the same time! heh heh...should be able to revive em' though! My plants ARE healthy,i don't use a lotta ferts my plants are more natural than most...hence the reson they are never done on time damn it....lol

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
Fox Farm Big Bloom says right on the back 4 tablespoons per gallon Every Watering. So I'm feeding exactly the right amount. I'm doing a soil grow. Like I said I've been feeding the same amount every watering since switching to 12/12 and never had issues. Very strange. Here's an updated picture 3 days after a 2 gallon flush:
I ran into the same issue with FoxFarm as well. I burned the shit out my ladies @ full strength.

Since then Ive cut it back to half of what the schedule says and everything is great.



Active Member
The great thing is that I will harvest my indoor plant this week after a little over 6 weeks of flower. The strain generally takes 8-9 weeks. Not sure if that was the extra Big Bloom the crap load of lights I had on 1 plant. Probably a combo. I'll have to cut off a lot of fried leaves, but the bud looks tasty!


Well-Known Member
The great thing is that I will harvest my indoor plant this week after a little over 6 weeks of flower. The strain generally takes 8-9 weeks. Not sure if that was the extra Big Bloom the crap load of lights I had on 1 plant. Probably a combo. I'll have to cut off a lot of fried leaves, but the bud looks tasty!

got any pics? :weed: