Why is my plant looking weird?

Should I cut it down now?

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    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Not yet

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • It’s fine no worries

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Maybe someone on here knows what is going on with this LA Confidential plant?
She started flowering June 10th.
The leaves look like they might have powder Mold on them? It’s growing so weird, very airy buds and almost looks like it’s trying to revegg? I’ve attached a few pictures.
Not sure what to do with it...Should I just cut it down?



Well-Known Member
yeah bro, sorry man, PM like a mutha, As for the weird growth, "light leak", its trying to reveg. Is there a porch light on that can hit it? Or headlights from a car hitting it every night? even for a few seconds?

I say its time to cull it bro.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
If you put a flowering plant out in the northern hemisphere on June 10th it will reveg
Sadly I doubt it has time to recover
You can't rush flowering without the right hours of daylight
It will take that plant far to long to recover this season for a decent yield ...sorry
If you didn't deliberately flower it then my bet is it got root bound and force flowered
you need bigger pots outdoors