Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?


Well-Known Member
It's just not growing outward. I have 7 nodes, and each node has 2 branches. That's it. It's 2 months old. It's growing tall pretty fast, but it's not grow wide. Why?


New Member
could be the strain i had a 6 ft tall kush plant las yr that was tall and slim the brances grew up instead of out


Well-Known Member
yeah your probly stretching your plant, how far away are your lights
Shit. Forgot to tell you. The light is only like... 1 1/2 inches away. Thing is, the plant grows tall so fast that I have to keep moving it up. It's not the light. I can't figure it out.


Well-Known Member
so true you need to get at least another 100 to 400 watts more light at the point you are at. get some big cfls if you have to like the 65w ones or get a HID if you can. you wont regret it and neither will your plants ;)


Active Member
all plants grow in nature grow upwards in search of light, if your babies seem to be growing taller and taller even with lights nearby by then it is most likely too dark for them. Get a nice strong light you can fit in your extra space and make sure you have some decent reflective surfaces in your grow area to recycle as much of the light as possible


Well-Known Member
It's just not growing outward. I have 7 nodes, and each node has 2 branches. That's it. It's 2 months old. It's growing tall pretty fast, but it's not grow wide. Why?
Without photos, speculation is the best we can do when it comes to advice.
3 10w cfls. 6500K. Which is a lot of light for a small grow space like I have for this one plant. I'm getting more as the plant gets larger. I don't understand how this could be the light though...
30 watts is nowhere near enough light.
Okay, I have room for one more light. So, say I go light shopping for one more light to go with what I have, what wattage should I get?
Having room for only one more light, the next CFL should be a motherfucker. At least 105 watts, preferably 125 watts.

all plants grow in nature grow upwards in search of light, if your babies seem to be growing taller and taller even with lights nearby by then it is most likely too dark for them. Get a nice strong light you can fit in your extra space and make sure you have some decent reflective surfaces in your grow area to recycle as much of the light as possible
Absolutely correct.


Well-Known Member
i wish i had the link, someone on here found, and is using actual 200w cfls (they were lik $50 or $60 US)


Well-Known Member
top it to encourage growth for the rest of the plant. how much longer do you plan to veg? you need to seriously be thinking about the flowering stage now. if youre using 10w bulbs for veg... i hope you got some powerful lights for flowering!


Well-Known Member
top it to encourage growth for the rest of the plant. how much longer do you plan to veg? you need to seriously be thinking about the flowering stage now. if youre using 10w bulbs for veg... i hope you got some powerful lights for flowering!
Well, the whole light thing wasn't my fault. I didn't have my car for a few days, and I sent one of my friends to lowes for 3 40w CFLs... They got the 10w thinking they were 40ws because that was there equivalent. I didn't want to be rude seeing as how they did me the favor so I just never said anything. She also got 4 10w CFLs 2700K for flowering. I've been planning on going out to buy some, until I found this...


I assume this is a good deal, what do you think? I'll be adding these 3 6500s to the 3 I already have for vegging and the other 3 new 2700s to the four I have four flowering.

As far as when I'll be flowering, I'm waiting to try and find a decent timer. I have the space though, so I'm not worried. As far as I'm concerned, I have an 8 foot ceiling, so yeah... Lol.