Why is my plant growing like this?


Well-Known Member
Actuallu if the clone is been done in early flowering week 1- 3 you can clone it and remove the buds for faster result and no energy will go toward flowering. The growth wil be at a alt. Selecting a clone the lowest on the plant always seems a better choice. . You can leave under a humidity dome for a few days an slowly allowing air exange as days go by. After a few weeks it shoukd revert back certain strain take longer then other some seems to that eternity bot most time it work. You can allways do what we call monster cropping. After flowering is done. You remove as much bud as possible without removing fan leafs and and cuting beanches. Work your way from the bottom all the way to where bud began to become more dense... After this is done you'll be leaft with a stock holding few leafs and leaflet here and there you can clone once's its growth are promessing .. Mist often of keep in aie sealed seethru bag... ( clone step = bassical remove energie sucking bud and keep in high humidity under a dome and keep light as much as poussible. And yes i have heard the seen clone revert back into vegetating and fully flow eredmother plant. I've also seen clone been sent straigth to flower.. You can always use CS to feminize seed the clone. So yes there are manyway...


Active Member
Hey question
I am a half day into flower and I sort of had an epiphany on whether i shouldve cut these two lower branches off during my last defoliation/prune. It seems to be prospering but I fear not enough light (if any at all) is going to make it on these lower branches enough to give me sufficient buds. This is a small plant so I would like to get maybe 20-28 grams from her but im less confident on how it would go. My question is would it have been better to cut those branches off or will they still give me good buds even with the low light?

