Why is my clone flowering in MAY??


Active Member
This may be a thread for and advanced/experienced grower.

The Problem: I planted this clone at the beginning of April, it grew for a few weeks and the little sucker started flowering (precious). I know that the nights were still too long and the days too short so it tricked it into flowering, that's not my concern. My concern is that it stopped vegging--meaning no new leaves have grown on the little girls for a few weeks were my other clones are pumping out new leaves everyday.

The Question: So what can I do to get it back into it's veg state so that I can have a monster come fall harvest? What happens to all the buds/flowers that are out? Should I do a mini harvest and hope it will start growing again? Should I top it--snip the tip--to prompt it back into veg state?

PLease, any help, experienced or not is appreciated

Thank you, I am in SOCal and the strand is a indica Kush



Well-Known Member
When it goes dark bring them inside and give them some artificial lighting.
Put them under cfl's or HPS/MH. They started flowering because they days are still too short.


Well-Known Member
If all those plants are supposed to be the same strain, it looks like thats the problem. I would guess that wherever you got the clones from, mislabeled an auto flowering strain and sold it unknowingly. Mistakes happen. Plus with the timing you said, if it is an aoutflowering strain, it would be flowering now. Since all the other clones are fine, just let it finish up, harvest it around day 60(most auto flowerers finish at day 60) and enjoy the mix up.

P.S. the flowering plant even looks way different than the rest(even besides the fact its in bud)

Good luck


Active Member
Thanks, never heard of autoflowering. FYI, the other clones are different strains from the flowering one. they were planed two weeks ago, where as the other was planted about 6 weeks ago.

If I prune the top, the tip of the main stem, do you think that will awake it to re veg. It seems like it's at a stand still right now, where the buds aren't developing anymore and it's not growing any more. It's very weird and I have never seen this before. I am just wondering what I can do to force it back into the veg state..

Thanks for the responses so far..........



Well-Known Member
Unfortunatly the only way to force something into a "re-veg" , a light cycle with daylight greater or equal to 18 hours to 6 or less of darkness.But you said you werent in 12-12 so i dont think theres anything ecept maybe bringing it into indoor lighting for a 24 hours of light a day for a while, but I have a feeling its auto flowering strain.