Why is Molasses so good for your plant?


Well-Known Member
1. It provides several secondary and micro nutrients, albeit at a rather low concentration, in other words it is a mild "fertilizer".

2. It provides natural, organic, sugar (sucrose) that your plants can use to help bulk-up the buds during the flowering stage, increasing yield.

3. It helps keep the "micro heard" fat and sassy by nourishing all the micro-organisms so that they can convert even more of your nutrients into available forms - making them more efficient.

Easy P

Active Member
molasses and other sugars increase microbes in soil,feed the plant directly with carbs,also has fungicidal properties...


Well-Known Member
where are we getting this black strap at? My stores only have grandmas. I mean how much better is strap then the grandma's?


Well-Known Member
I did a search on google just now, and typed in nutrition fact search on both brands and the iron/calcium were the same in both.