Why is greenhouse seeds so crap


Well-Known Member
...i had 3 in just the one 5 pack im sure their are more...and in a "pollen chucker" 5 pack your likely to get 3 as well, same same imo.


Well-Known Member
I know its not the same as dogs but you can breed a good strain that is consitent it will take you years but it will be great and consitant thier will be some variation just like you can create a new breed of dog it takes a few generations of inbreeding cannabis till you get inbeeding deppresion wich is when they do a little worse but you can create a great consistent strain that will even breed consistent that is why thier are so many phenos cause seed copanys have these consitent strains they just don't sell them they make crosses to keep you coming back or fem seeds like green house like nl#5 I only see crosses with this strain it must be great thats a strain worth buying if you get the chance but they won't sell it its only in crosses just like haze
well dude if you get down 2 it all dogs even chiwawas n shit all are evolved from Grey wolves, its in their DNA. so all domesticated dogs came from a grey wolf at some point....completely not comparable 2 marijuana which there are hundreds of different landrace natural varieties around the world which our modern day strains are combinations of....completely different kind of gene pool from the dog gene pool. all they did with dogs was take grey wolves specifically n breed aggression out of them, as the aggression is bred out, the way the animals looks starts 2 vary all on its own and then they take those certain variations and breed specifically for them so on and so forth where in marijuana your using different naturally occuring differnet breeds on top of different pheno type variations. i understand your point though hahaha


bud bootlegger
I know its not the same as dogs but you can breed a good strain that is consitent it will take you years but it will be great and consitant thier will be some variation just like you can create a new breed of dog it takes a few generations of inbreeding cannabis till you get inbeeding deppresion wich is when they do a little worse but you can create a great consistent strain that will even breed consistent that is why thier are so many phenos cause seed copanys have these consitent strains they just don't sell them they make crosses to keep you coming back or fem seeds like green house like nl#5 I only see crosses with this strain it must be great thats a strain worth buying if you get the chance but they won't sell it its only in crosses just like haze
you can still get northern lights unmolested in seed form, maybe not by greenhouse, but sensi has a killer version of nlhttps://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/sensi-seeds-northern-lights/prod_2431.html

and i have heard good things about nirvana's nl's, although i will admit i'm not a big fan of nirvana's gear for the most part...


New Member
I can accept 3 phenos...anything more and it is NOT a true breeding strain but just a pollen chunking cross.... the gene pool for cannabis is MUCH LARGER than for humans or any animal other than insects....study some botany and PLANT breeding selection then you will understand...jus sayin
thats what i was saying haha. i understand both points though, its not really comparable 2 animal genetics and definetly not applicable 2 people haha. but anyhow im not even running Greenhouse shit anymore i just lost my last Chemdog clones.


Well-Known Member
A quick comment about GHS: I tried what I thought was the original WW a couple of years ago (DAH!). Out of ten seeds one germed and I was lucky it was female. The plant was shit. That said their SLH is tits if you get the right pheno which I did get. It hermed so I have a bunch of S1 seeds that I grow at least one every grow. They don't herm now since I make sure all conditions don't change too fast. They are about 6' tall even after topping once. Some of the Lemon skunk phenos really suck but are pretty cool looking though. (my avatar, pretty <plant, sucky smoke)


Well-Known Member
I would love to get some of the northern lights but its the northern lights #5 that is soppoused to be great nobody sells it but there are tons of crosses with it sensi, mr. nice, and I think greenhouse have crosses with this strain its sopoused to be better than the original thats why they only use it in crosses cause they don't want you to have their best they wan't you to come back or they sell fem seeds so you have no choice cause even franco says your better off breeding with regular seeds
you can still get northern lights unmolested in seed form, maybe not by greenhouse, but sensi has a killer version of nlhttps://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/sensi-seeds-northern-lights/prod_2431.html

and i have heard good things about nirvana's nl's, although i will admit i'm not a big fan of nirvana's gear for the most part...


Well-Known Member
I'm definetly gonna try the original northern lights from sensi but I'm gonna order some skunk #1 from them and I was thinking of trying greenhouse black and white variety pack its got 2 white widow and 3 white rhino I know skunk #1 aint the greatest but its not to bad worse case I could just sell it all but its sopouse to be great for indoors,high yielding and pretty consistent and thats where cheese comes from and its cheap as hell like 40 bucks I think


Sorry to bump an old thread but it is better than making a new one. I tried one of their colored seed wheels with bad germ results. 4 out of the 5 failed. I got 2 seeds, 3 seed went with two other people. I was the only one to get a sprout. Great white shark. She is 6 1/2 weeks into flower and is a nice plant. Big fat buds on every level of the plant. Smell damn good but lacking in crystals like I hoped. The chiesel I grew before had double the amount of crystals.

Probably will not use GHS again cause of the poor germ rate. Will definally keep clones of the shark though.


Active Member
My personal experience from GHseeds : I've grown Super Lemon haze, Super Silver haze (germinated 1 out of 5),Cheese, Grren-o-matic. I had a million of shitty phenos the one worse than the other. I guess what they are doing, when they are going those exotic hunter strains trips having fun, they just pick seeds by chance and then they start thinking what will be the name of it, job done. Or even they think about what colour would be most suitable for that seed! and other important staff like that. GH seeds get serious.

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
As an amateur grower (3years) 30= strains continual harvest full organic soil), and a 35 year daily medicator, I search for good reg seeds strains. I scour this and a couple other forums for info and recommendations. I support the notion that Cali and west coast US have some of the best genetics going. Problem is, most posters just give it up the wazoo to gh, barneys, basically anything dutch or european. From what I have seen, these companies who are established, legit, and productive from Holland have burned the candle bright for the last couple of decades. Nobody "except local insiders" new anything about Cali/west coast pot in the 80's and 90's, and amsterdam was the holy grail of vacations for potheads. Since the state govt's are finally easing up some, the US fire is coming out and typically badmouthing everything that came before. While yes there is some fire, but these guys come and go, scream they are the best, and then they are gone. If you can't supply the world, then don't get into the game. Some of these 'highly touted breeders are simply pollen chuckers like evryone else, or S1 masturbaters. Riot seeds, OGRaskal etc. where are they now? do deals with shady seedbanks, then presto, the best shit ever is no more. I wish some of the breeders on the west coast would set up to last as a company, not do 2 runs of some otherguys crap and then evaporate. A lot of the breeders mentioned get caught with mickey mouse distributors or they are made of the same moral fibre attributed to arjan. Make the fire available to everyone or shut the fuck up. There are chevys and there are DeLoreans. My cavalier might not be the fastest or coolest, but it starts everytime, and there are a lot more happy Chev owners than Ferrari owners in the real world. If you're a small market seed breeder, don't advertize in an international magazine. I'll stick with TGA and Soma, proven and established.


Well-Known Member
Where is everyone getting their seeds from? You must be getting old stock or something if they aren't poppin. I buy direct and have never had that issue, i do agree though finding the right pheno's is getting harder to find. But thats the case with all seeds.
What if all the phenotypes were so good that it's hard to choose your keeper?

Bodhi's beans will make picking your mother a very hard decision...
Multiple winners in the same packs is what keeps me buying his beans!

If you don't mother/clone from regular breeders, Spain has some Fem. breeders that have stable lines.

Finding the right pheno. is only getting harder if you grow beans from worthless breeders.
You'd be extremely lucky to find the right pheno. in 100 GHS


Well-Known Member
I like a breeder that knows what to look for in a Male, and tests the crosses before releasing(or atleast tells you if it isn't tested)


Well-Known Member
I can't believe ANYBODY even CONSIDERS using Greenhouse.

Arjan is the King of Douche.

Just ask Racerboy :) :) :)

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
^ LOL out 'King of Douche'.

I was one of the noobs. Got Kalshinikova and a couple other cheapies when first beginning the hobby. I think they were all pretty much crap, but so were my gardening skills in all honesty. A couple of Exodus Cheese actually turned out pretty well, and did have the cheese flavor found later in better repped cheese strains. [ got the free yellow grinder, too! ]

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
Gosh I hope the new reality in colorado, lets some of the 'FIRE KEEPERS' actually set up a seedbank that everyone can access without jumping thru hoops or sending cash cc info to Europe. I know the states laws on seeds are assinine (like everyone else) but us NOOBS want to share in the pissing contests, grow our own, and decide. Seems the breeders (minus TGA, Gage green humboldt) in the west are doin screwy deals with shady middlemen. Until they get their collective business shit together, most of us can't find seedstock. Its easy to say this is crap or that is crap, but put it out there to everybody, not just an elite group of pot dealers. Regardless of the type of product, if its good and available, you will make money, and the people will come. I think most of us NOOBS are waiting until the breeders stop being NOOB businessmen, we don't want our money going to Britian for something developed in California and unpackaged and handled by someone else.


Well-Known Member
Lots of bad things and good ,, I've tried almost his whole catelouge along with many other seed banks strains with the same names , there r so many different pheno types for every seed but I have been growing for 20 years and I've noticed that when I first started using ghs in the early 90s when I was still a novice grower I had a lot of throuble with germ rates and vary stretchy plants which I thought it was different phenols quiet possibly was but nun the less I met a guy who had been growing since the 70s and he had strains growing from almost any seed ask u cld think of at the time I was looking at so,e of thg ghs trains he had and they were a 10/10 compared to my garbage needless to say from wh t I learned from this guy and with a lot of trial and error I eventu ly had top quality can ibis from the same genetics I thought I wasted 100s of dollars on before everyone had different technique not saing some of gh gens don't have issues but so does every other seed bank I've tried , and personally now with alto ore experience ad wisdom about the beautiful can ibis plant I've realized that there's strains that work with my technique n not others techniques and also vise-versa don't judge a strain or a seed bank entirely until uve seen if those gens work for u find the cannibis king inside of u because cannibis is only king if it's superior to u find the gen u like the phenols u like and perfect it , please be safe happy growing everyone


Well-Known Member
I dislike Green House because they have shite genetics and in my opinion, dont have talented breeders. I wont touch them ever again. But, all this crap like, "they just care about money and colouring seeds and Arjan is a tosser etc" makes me cringe tbh. I mean, theyre a business...of course they want to make money...as every seed company wants to do. In hindsight, the coloured seed thing was a bad idea. But surely you can understand why they did it. I mean, its a good idea in principal (have you never dropped a seed and had a hard time finding it? or got a couple of seeds mixed up?) But I guess they failed to do adequate market research which would have clearly shown them it wasnt going to be popular. Anyways, Im trying to say why would the coloured seed thing be any part of why you dont like em. And regarding Arjan being a douche...well, maybe so. But he is a more public figure than most so I know him better. Im sure if I got to kniw every breeder and what not as well as I know Arjan, I would dislike a whole bunch of them.