• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why is everyone so afraid of the word Socialism?


Well-Known Member
The banking industry needed fixing too. It didn't get fixed, now look at us. The market is making the correction for us and a lot of ppl are hurting. No matter how we tried to fix it, some ppl would have been hurt. Doing nothing only makes it worse when the hammer comes down. The health care hammer is coming and soon. There will be no easy way out of it. the longer we wait the worse it gets. All but the rich will pay the price. thats the way its always been and the way it will stay. The only thing we can do is demand something be done before it get done to us.


Well-Known Member
The banking industry needed fixing too. It didn't get fixed, now look at us. The market is making the correction for us and a lot of ppl are hurting. No matter how we tried to fix it, some ppl would have been hurt. Doing nothing only makes it worse when the hammer comes down. The health care hammer is coming and soon. There will be no easy way out of it. the longer we wait the worse it gets. All but the rich will pay the price. thats the way its always been and the way it will stay. The only thing we can do is demand something be done before it get done to us.
The attempt to fix banking will fail, we'll see another artificial bubble (I know not where, maybe in Home Accessories and other Home-related Luxury Items) that will then burst.

The inflationary policies of the Federal Reserve will not solve the problem.

Of course, the problem would not have been a problem if the Federal Reserve had not sought to create a Bubble in Housing to replace the collapsed NASDAQ Bubble. Perhaps the imbeciles in government fear that if they do not keep on forming Bubbles in the economy then we will revolt.

I'm more inclined to revolt because they are taking the wrong tact, and have been since Hoover.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying socialism is the answer or even close. The fact is, the current system is broken badly. It's not if it needs fixed, but how and when. I don't have a clue how to fix it. But I didn't know shit about growing until someone smarter than me helped me out. We need the same thing with health care. We need several different Ideas, then choose the one that every one has a problem with. Because that's probably the best were going to do. If every one is unhappy with it, it's probably the most fair.
I'm no expert or anything, but I think we can all agree that giving the government the power to regulate EVERYTHING is a BAD IDEA.

That being said, here's an Idea... BAN POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. The problem with our government is the same as with our health care. Rich corporations buy votes. They make huuuuge "contributions" to their parties and expect the parties to act in their best interest. Same thing with doctors. Pharmaceutical companies are paying doctors to endorse certain drugs and not others, undermining science! The best thing we can do (I think.. and could be totally wrong) Is banning all sorts of those political bullshit contributions. That's the problem with America. The government doesn't work for the WE THE PEOPLE anymore, it works for ME THE BANK...

I don't know... what do you guys think? It would never be passed because it's like telling our reps to bite the hand that feeds them, but I think it would do good for our country, no? :joint:


the dankness if you read the whole wiki story on socialism u know that its filth,,,,dony just put the line that concurs with wat u say put the whole article up and this thread will be done,,,,because it will answer your question in its entirety,,,the one line i put up on response #4 answers your question

If for once we put down the bong long enough to turn a page and closed our youtube tabs, maybe we would be exercising more critical thought regarding this whole socialism thing.

It is not controversial to say that Russian "Communism" was tyrannical, oppressive, and essentially state-capitalist. State run Capitalism is still Capitalism and if you haven't been paying attention, Capitalism fucking sucks. This is not to say that competition sucks - it doesn't always suck. I am also not saying that market economies have no place on Earth. But Capitalism, a system of domination, coercion, and exploitation, has no place on Earth.

Socialism is just a container for a bunch of different economic and political systems whose aims are usually justice for the oppressed and the environment. There are many, many different types and some of them have enjoyed amazing popularity and success.

As an anarchist I oppose authority which I feel causes domination, coercion, and exploitation. These behavior patterns I feel are responsible for much of the world's grief.

Anarchism is a collection of principles and the sum of theoretical discourse on liberty and cooperation. There are many many strains of anarchism and they can all be read about at Wikipedia pretty much.

Communism was not the cure, but Capitalism is still the disease.

I do not trust market economics and I think their complexity is largely unnecessary for a fairly sophisticated civilization to exist.

I favor anarcho-syndicalism, cooperatives, communes, mutual-aid associations, collectives, anarcho-communism, participatory economics, participatory democracy, gift economies (permaculture blitz parties and the Open Source Software movement), DIY sustainable cottage industry, but I wouldn't decline to join an anarcho-mutualist bank. Anarcho-mutualism is a form of anarchism that still has competition, market economics and of course a currency. I highly encourage people who call themselves Libertarians to check out anarcho-mutualism.

You can learn a lot by reading the Anarchist FAQ at http://www.infoshop.org/faq/index.html
It contains sharp criticisms of authoritarian marxist-leninism and also "free market" capitalism.

During the Spanish civil war, there were three anarchist economies operating simultaneously and they all were interwoven. I believe diversity is desirable and I believe it requires liberty - liberty to mutate current ideas into something new, liberty to participate in the ones we want to, and liberty to explore all available options as long as they do not violate consent, coerce, dominate, or exploit anyone.

Of note regarding anarcho-syndicalism is the abolition of unemployment.

Here are some links to more information:

Here's a cool article from a great anarchist magazine: http://www.zmag.org/znet/viewArticle/22021

It starts out, "Inspired by the participatory planning model outlined in Parecon, this essay intends to suggest a tentative initial proposal concerning the creation of an internet portal website for producers and consumers to come together and engage in a variety of services including trade that will be used as a medium to strengthen the alternative workplace movement, the long term objective being to remove the dependency on the market and guide us along the path toward a participatory economy."

P.S. - participatory ecnomics == parecon

From Canada to Mexico, intentional communities run by consensus decision making with organic sustainable gardens, permaculture and urban foraging interest groups, and documentary presentation groups and student movements, and radical democracy union movements are all on the rise on this continent.

I think this is the way to go and I think everyone should check it out for themselves, consider it carefully, and research it as much as you would anything else, or more so!


Well-Known Member
Ban political contrabutions of more then $1200 a year.
From any single entity, person, PAC or corparation.
That will make it so personal contributions win the election.
Make taking 'gifts' and stuff from lobeyists a feleny.
That would make a good start, IMO.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Everyone keeps saying "something has to be done."
How many people here even think the republicans have a plan?
A plan that makes a damn sight more sence then destroying our current system.
I don't know how costs have gotten so out of control.
It is litterally breaking economic laws prices should be coming down as tech goes up.
I am not sure of the reasons but I will bet you 3-1 says its governments fault.

The simple fact of the matter is government has no, zero, authority to do any of this!
Government does one thing well.
Defend the country.
Protect the people from fraud, theft, abuse and murder.
Thats it, Period.
They have no authority to tell me what doc I see.
What meds I take
What food I eat
Who the hell do they think they are?
Anyone who backs this nonsence is
What Linin called a "useful idiot."

I know you mean well but socialism really?
We just defeated comunism and you want to install it here WTF.
Rant Over.
What he said.


Well-Known Member
Ruin Freedom hell lets expand it.
Everyone blames capitalism it isn't capitalism.
Its the FED inflating bubbles.
IMO the bubble is the 'recovery' we are seeing now.
All these people are jumping back in the markets.
In order to save their retirements.
They will lose it all next time.
Just my uneducated guess.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
The loophole in political contributions is this. Companies have their employee's give "private donations". A prime example of this would be Goldman Sachs employees that contributed to Obama's campaign.


Well-Known Member
American Capitalism…Gone with a Whimper

The irony of this article appearing in the English edition of Pravda (Russian State Newspaper) defies description.

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless “sheeple”, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was “dumbed down” through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather than the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas than the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a Burger King burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more than Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more than happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America .

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been record setting, not just in America 's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, losses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more than ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the sheer volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more than a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motors) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantor of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less than two months ago, warned Obama and UK 's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism. It only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.

The proud American will go down into his slavery without a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Will we let Ignorance and Laziness bring our Demise!!!!


Well-Known Member
I especially like this part lol: Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue)

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I especially like this part lol: Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue)
He ran a gay prostitution ring out of his house, but he is qualified to run our lives.

Funny the only thing you point out is this.

Can't quite find the words to respond to the rest huh?


Well-Known Member
He ran a gay prostitution ring out of his house, but he is qualified to run our lives.

Funny the only thing you point out is this.

Can't quite find the words to respond to the rest huh?
Nope, not much to respond too, I suppose I agree with the premise, but the article is senstationistic garbage with an arrogant religious and anti-American undertone.


Well-Known Member
The proud American will go down into his slavery without a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Sounds like about a third of the people on this sight.
And about 60% of the general public.
IMO, wait for the next Republican.
He will make Bush seem like a liberty loving sage.
Mark my words, they just get worse and worse and worse.
One side pushes the police state, the other pushes socialism.
Its like good cop bad cop.
In the end the people will be so dumbfounded we will give up anything.
Just to get rid of the last asshole.


New Member
One side has to defend us from the foreign policies of the weak ones (dem). That's why you see such a swing in events. Clinton did literally NOTHING about Al Quaeda, axcept gut his own CIA at the very time the storm clouds were forming...and giving off thunder to warn us to boot.