Why is everyone buying into this Auto-Flower and Female seed crap?


Active Member
Look, for all the people that like fem seeds and auto-flowering plants. The simple truth is auto flowering plants are a ruderalis hybrid. The ruderalis plant is a hemp plant and by itself is pretty much bunk. Even when crossed out to a sativa or indica the hybrids still contain the junk genetics. For the Fem seeds, basic laws of genetics apply. The hermaphroditic traits will be forever passed on to whatever is bred with it. Yes, in some cases a marijuana plant will through out some nanners late in flower to keep the genetic alive but breeding with hermaphroditic plants is a whole different story. While you might grow out a plant that shows no male flowers the genetic trait is still there and will be forever passed on and the genetics will be highly unstable. These seed are a set back in preserving the genetic line as a whole because your introducing inferior genetics into the gene pool. In the long run this will be problematic but I know most of you don't care about that because you can't see beyond yourselves. Supporting these company's producing fem seeds and auto's only puts more shit genetics out in the world to ruin what good genetics we have left. This plant is hard enough to keep alive with it being illegal all over the world. I know someone is going to say " there's weed everywhere dude" but the truth is people like us are the ones keeping this plant alive. Governments all over the world would love to eradicate this plant and the least we could do is try and progress the quality of the herb instead of hinder it.
blah blah blah. Ok weed master, no one gives a crap about your marijuana snobbery. Who the fuck cares? Let them grow what they want. Getting so angry about a fucking plant. Get a life.


Well-Known Member
I know from personal exp that Feminised seeds are shit mate hermies 95% of the time for me. I'll only grow regular seeds now. As for Auto's LOL LST works better for lowering a plants overall height if you ask me...


Active Member
Ok first off auto's they are total crap ditch weed crossed with good gene's they are crap the bs of I don't have room lol yeah right if ya have room for a few flowering females you have room for several seedlings so that is bs also they are faster this is also bs you just don't know how to grow if ya say this! I just finished some blueberry in 60 days clone to flower and they are potent and heavy so this is bs!
As for femed seeds they can be more potent for the current gen but are hurting us in the long run they are killing the gene pool ya they are stable lol bs if ya did a f5 fem what would happen if ya know the answer you would understand!!! The reason they can be more potent is because you can see the flowers on the plant the pollen came from where as males its hard to tell witch is best!

Anyone who says otherwise is just a noob or a dumbass!


Well-Known Member
Dude let people learn from their mistakes. I never bought femmed seeds cause I'd rather pay for double the amount and take the chance, but I had no clue they were just hermies. Also, having one hermie in the bunch wouldn't be too bad either, could just flower that guy outside and get a shit ton of seeds for later, or take it's pollen? I wouldn't get so worked up about people making mistakes. Growing is a learning process, let people learn themselves.
The room dilemma makes sense to me, cause I personally can't tell if it's a male or female until a week or two into flowering. So if you have a room constraint, you can't fit double the amount of vegged plants in a room, which you would have to do to get close to the same success rate of females. If you would like to tell me how to spot gender prior to flowering that would be fucking awesome. You can insult me too, I would just like the answer.
Auto flowers are bullshit, I'll give you that, they cross it with some weed native to Asia, and if you've been to Asia you'd know that their weed sucks ass. But maybe if you took that plant from asia and started growing it in optimal growing conditions and started to breed the plants, they would get better over time, and eventually turn out being a good species? I dunno, just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
This thread is pointless. I'm currently smoking some auto blue mystic that i grew myself. It's a great high and it was convenient to grow. Some people don't have a whole grow season to produce bud. I've successfully grown 1 auto, and am currently on another. Neither of which has hermied. I've found no seeds or pollen sacs so far. And what hype are you talking about? I never even heard of auto's til I actually looked at seeds to buy. I chose auto's for my own personal reasons. So FUCK YOU to all who call auto growers dumbasses. You don't like them, don't grow them. But don't jump on my shit a proclaim your way is the best in all situations.


New Member
I think there is plenty of room for enhanced and stretched genetics, including those from Ruderallis. There are definitely instances where a Ruderallis plant becomes so strong and hardy and totally dominates it surroundings that these genetics become very interesting to breeders, as you would expect. They are very resistant to pests and to damp and to fungus and have lots of benefits to be taken from them.

To hint that 'old time cannabis' is pure and somehow sacred and being lowered somehow is a misconception, not really the case at all. Back in the 70's when growing really started taking off, it was because these very same breeders brought out new messed with strains like skunk and growers realised that these seeds produced ten times better crap than the sticky busy rubbish that 90% of people were smoking in reality.

No one who is older than 40 can suggest that weed is worse than it was years ago. Breeders have improved the quality, the strengths, the flavours, the yields, everything. Now they make it more accessible to even more people by making certain strains like autos's to suit certain niches who want something really quick (its not always commercial)

Yes, some breeding isnt very good, the same as some cuttings are no good if you don't know the stock they come from. Some Hermie issues will be from degenerate strains and it is difficult to trace this kind of thing, but equally, 90% of people are still germinating seeds in paper towels and damaging the finest hairs there that is just as likely to cause stress than the genetics themselves.

There is room for more, in fact the more the merrier as far as I am concerned and yes I am totally for quality strains, totally infact.

Try some of Dinafems auto strains. I have here some critial + auto (not on the market yet) that are the equal of many good strains. mmmmmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
With resources like this, RIU, and new innovations by breeders, people are becoming more open to trying to growing their own buds. The unfortunate part of that is that many people dont do their homework before they grow. So when they see things like, "grow danks 45 days from seed" or some other dummied down way to grow, they get caught up in it.


Active Member
Well part of the growing true photo plants is you can get them with no limit to the high and you can breed so you don't get immune to it! Try to find a auto with those qualities bet you can't thank god there are great breeders out there like dj who does not make fems or auto's!

Also you want a tip for sexing flower some clones males are not all photo sensitive they act like autos so the ones that don't show right away are either male or not the best anyway!

I don't understand why people veg so long anyway I never veg at all even indicas and they still produce huge unless you like growing stems indoor light is only useful 3 feet down in the canopy so any larger is a waste of time and money!

Brick Top

New Member
No one who is older than 40 can suggest that weed is worse than it was years ago. Breeders have improved the quality, the strengths, the flavours, the yields, everything. Now they make it more accessible to even more people by making certain strains like autos's to suit certain niches who want something really quick (its not always commercial)
I am well over 40-years old and I not only can say what you said someone my age can't say, but I will. The pure landrace strains of the distant past were better than modern crossed strains. The biggest difference is in the olden days there was not the variety that can be found with crosses that will give you a bit of this and a bit of that all in one strain.

There is a lot of confusion about herb over the years. In the 60's and about half way through the 70's you could find tremendous pure strains that would knock your socks off, even though most of it had seeds. What gave many people the wrong impression of older strains is what followed soon after that.

Pure indica strains were bred with pure sativa strains by people who did not have a clue what they were doing. Average quality plummeted. If you did not know how to grow and did not have a good stash of pure beans you did not smoke quality herb. Later when better breeders became involved things again improved, but new smokers/growers incorrectly believed that the low grade herb they first knew of was the same as we smoked years or decades before. It wasn't though.

Another thing that helped perpetuate the myth is THC ratings in those days came from confiscated pot and the test results were averaged so the lesser grade herb naturally brought down the average. But the biggest thing that made older herb seem to be less potent than new 'modern' strains is in the past testing for THC percentages was done differently.

What became the test was what percentage of THC was found in all cannabinoids within tested trichome heads. In the past it was a percentage of all matter found within trichome heads. With everything inside a trichome head factored into the testing process THC would always end up being a lower percentage than if it were only a percentage of cannabinoids.

Of course the 'Dutch Masters' never bothered to tell the world that and instead kept their mouths shut so they would be seen as being Ganja Gods rather than the lucky recipients of the testing process being changed. Being seen as a Bud Buddha is much better for sales than being known to have gotten lucky.

I always have to chuckle when I hear or read where someone says how terrible Mexican strains have always been. Evidently they are unaware of the lineage of the very best strains today and how many of them relied on pure Mexican strains, strains that only later were destroyed when commercial growers who did not know what they were doing introduced indica strains into their pure sativa strains.

The same can be said for many other pure sativa strains of the past. They were amazing, but for some inexplicable reason most growers/tokers today need to believe that while they were used in modern crosses that the potency of the modern crosses came only, or mainly, due to the use of indica strains in the crosses. It is absurd for anyone to believe that the introduction of indica strains is the main or only reason that modern strains are potent, but very many growers/tokers of today do believe that too be true. Many old pure sativas, some being Mexican, had a mind bending high that no indica ever had.

Much of the credit for the modern strains that growers/tokers today love rightly has to be given to the strains that most growers/tokers of today like, and for some reason seem to need, to believe were garbage and no where near as good as modern strains, that it was only the combining of strains that created potency and that most of that potency came from indicas.

I am not saying that today's strains are garbage. I am only saying they are not really better than many pure strains of the past. What they really are is just different.


Well-Known Member
Well, in comment to that... No one who knows anything about growing would think that an indica is stronger than sativa. They are just different highs. One strain is not innately better.
As far as mexico is concerned. It's possible to get good weed from there, but, the majority of it is crap, like you said. So, it's hit and miss, with a 90% chance of being bammer.
I will agree that weed was good a few decades ago. It's still possible now to grow chronic outdoor, but indoor is always going to be a little bit better than it's outdoor counterpart. Because indoor replicates perfect outdoor conditions. Arguing against that is just silly. That's why people say weed is better now than it was back then. Not because of strain fucking, but because optimal growing seasons can be achieved with every grow now.


Active Member
I use fem's when i use seeds as i have niether the time or space to grow out double amount of regular seeds. I hardly think that constitutes me being an idiot
i agree. i dont have the time, space, or $$$ to run double the amount of plants i need.

double the plants mean: double the space, double the lights, double the time, double the soil, double the nutes, etc.

its worth it more to me to just simply spend the extra $$$ for fem's and then carry on business as usual rather than deal with having to transplant them into bigger pots later, etc.

i simply buy the seeds...pop em in the soil (no paper towel method, etc. just straight in the soil from the pack)...add water..and 3-7 days later BOOM! plants. females...

end of story...no extra non-sense...and besides my soil costs me roughly $20 for 10 gallons of soil...i'd have to waste a lot of soil for 24 regular seeds when i can just get 12 fems...if you add it all up buying fem seeds is cheaper than buying double in regulars (if you factor the cost to grow them out long enough to see if they are winners or not).


Well-Known Member
MyTwoCents bongsmilie
I always buy fem seeds and nothing else, just my preference. In 3 years of growing 5-10 different strains from fem seeds every year, I have only had one hermie and that was from an auto.
Has for auto's:bigjoint:Respect~
Yeah I grew Double Diesel and Red Dwarf (organic). Very first time with auto's and one DD harvest a dry 3 oz of sticky,stoney herb. But the Red dwarf would really grab you by the balls.
Every plant (4) weighed in over 1.5 oz. I did a test run through town and smoked a bowl or a joint with friends/associates, told them it was some mids and they ALL thought it was decent mids:blsmoke:

These are all Auto's. First time growing them.


Well-Known Member
God damn golden ganja. That's what i'm talking about. Show them what autos can do. +rep for nice plants.


Well-Known Member
this is my fourth year growing, I have yet to germinate a male plant :(, useing ordinary bagseed.


Well-Known Member
Fem seeds = hermie seeds? I must be the luckiest guy in the world cuz all my hermie seeds go fem on me.


Well-Known Member
Landrace poulations are just fine and the future of seeds is fine and I am fucked up from some weed I grew from a hermie seed.


Well-Known Member
landrace poulations are just fine and the future of seeds is fine and i am fucked up from some weed i grew from a hermie seed.
most ignorant statement ever!

landrace poulations are just fine
No they're not. Where do you get your information? Humans have taken an active role in eradicating this plant over the past 100 years.

and the future of seeds is fine
Without any regulation and documentation it will be certain that we will continue to lose particular species at a steady rate do to human intervention.

and i am fucked up from some weed i grew from a hermie seed.
Good for you. No one said it wouldn't get you high. They're are just unstable genetics and more prone to pass on hermaphroditic traits or at least more so the properly bred strains. You need to think of people besides your self and future generations and the effect that sloppy breeding habits will have.


New Member
"There is a lot of confusion about herb over the years. In the 60's and about half way through the 70's you could find tremendous pure strains that would knock your socks off, even though most of it had seeds."

Surely thats a contradiction in terms and agrees with me that it was garbage, who has ever liked twiggy seedy smoke? No one unless they are retarded.


Well-Known Member
Surely thats a contradiction in terms and agrees with me that it was garbage, who has ever liked twiggy seedy smoke? No one unless they are retarded.
I have a few friends that were smoking in the 70's. They really hated the 80's because they said quality dropped to zero with all the garbage coming into the US from Mexico. They would tell me about the weed they were getting "10 years ago" that was awesome. Things like golds and reds. They would grow sensimilla land race Sativas. By the time I started smoking, most of "the good stuff" was Indica based strains, though some good Thai or Acapulco would surface once in a while from someone that was sustaining the pure strains.

Just be careful not to lump all cannabis from the 60's and 70's into the Mexi brick weed of the 80's. With care, even that weed could be great if one took the time to cultivate it correctly. The 4000 seeds per bag were a result of mass unmonitored growing techniques in the hills of Mex, not because of the strain itself.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone thought there is a really really good chance that these hybrid seeds havent made it to third world countries, most of which are were the landrace strains come from? sure there are female seeds everywhere, but hardly in the hands of the people from nepal, afghanistan, panama......... IMO. I hardly think there is a threat to original genetics...