• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why is Communism bad?


Well-Known Member
What we need is Demunism (I claim that word)

Communist principles with democratic decision makeing.
Without transparency, you can not have democracy...
You can not choose which colour bottle to drink from if you don't know what is inside.

Humanity as it stands today have too much freedom...
Even the freedom to choose to be a bum and make children and force other people to work to pay for all their needs.

As children, our parents force us to do many things against our will... almost 100% of those made us and the home environment better things...


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be bliss, just an absence of class warfare and one class exploiting the other for their labor power.
:: cough ::

You mean more than three classes exploiting the others for their labor power. The way I see it, according to the Communists I'm getting fucked by my boss (which is total bullshit, but I'll pretend to believe it for the sake of this post.)

So that's the Rich that's screwing me over.

Then there's the poor, who suck on the government tit, because they don't have a pair, and are too whiny to join the real world.

So that's the Poor that's screwing me over.

And there's government employees

The Affluent that are screwing me over.

Yep, the working class and the middle class are getting shafted by the other three classes due to taxes, and entitlement programs, and the capitalist system.

Of course, I think I object more to the poor and the government screwing me over. My boss at least gave me a job, and is helping me accomplish things that I want to accomplish by proving me enough compensation to be comfortable with out a lot of undue stress.

Win-Win situation, I bust my ass, I get a nice pay check. No complaints there.

As far as the taxes, that's a lose-win situation. I get screwed out of that money, and the government workers and leeches on the government tit get the benefit.

All of this however relies on me accepting that my boss is some how evil. Based on his actions, I have to disagree.

Of course, all this came to be, because I got off my ass and learned a useful skill...

:spew: on Socialism, Communism, Demonrats and "Progressives"


Well-Known Member
communism is not bad
It denies the individual, and ignores the fact that with out individuals there would be no society.

It's an assbackwards ideology that puts the cart before the horse, and then expects the cart to pull the horse.

It's very concept involves theft, and in practice it has been shown to encourage dishonesty and corruption.

Every country that has tried it has failed.

USSR - Failed

China - Switched to Capitalism

Western Europe - Sliding towards Failure (just ask the Middle Class how far their paychecks now go.)

Eastern Europe - Failed under Socialism and then switched to Capitalism. Guess what, Czechoslavakia is still growing under CAPITALISM despite the "Global Recession"

United States - Becoming more and more Socialist, racking up more and more debt, and now we have an idiotic Communist for President that has no idea that if it isn't good for a family then it sure in the hell isn't good for a country to have debt that exceeds its income.

Under Obama we are going to see the amount thrown away on interest to the Bankers soar from ~$450 BILLION to over $800 BILLION



Well-Known Member
What we need is Demunism (I claim that word)

Communist principles with democratic decision makeing.
Without transparency, you can not have democracy...
You can not choose which colour bottle to drink from if you don't know what is inside.

Humanity as it stands today have too much freedom...
Even the freedom to choose to be a bum and make children and force other people to work to pay for all their needs.

As children, our parents force us to do many things against our will... almost 100% of those made us and the home environment better things...
Too much government, not too much freedom.

There is no such thing as too much Freedom.

Being free to be a bum is not Freedom, at least not in the traditional sense.

Freedom to FAIL is Freedom.


Well-Known Member
comunism isnt bad, it just is impossible to have work, in theory anarchist comunism is the ideal government, imagine a world in which every simply works at what they want for the greater good, in reality however people are greedy and want to get paid bassed on what they do, hence why capitolism is the best "real" economic system.
get money, get paid...
I am probably the most conservative person you will ever meet.(if its not in the constitution why the fuck is it a law)


New Member
Too much government, not too much freedom.

There is no such thing as too much Freedom.

Being free to be a bum is not Freedom, at least not in the traditional sense.

Freedom to FAIL is Freedom.

So I guess that these bailouts are anti-freedom. I say they are socialistic hand outs to greedy capitalists that failed. I say, let them fail and let the cards fall where they may, fuck them. They certainly weren't sharing in the profits now, were they? Let them take all their bail out bonuses and put that money back into the company they shredded.


Well-Known Member
med what you just said is capitalism, let failing companies fail(lasse faire). They are not capitalist in those companies, they are socialists. you got the right ideas but are blaming/calling them by the wrong names.


Well-Known Member
Communism by its very nature needs a totalitarian leader to enforce and make it work....Kinda beats down the whole ethos of the system,besides when did you last see a working class communist leader....I'm not getting drawn either =)


Well-Known Member
Ok, all you commie's as soon as you can invent star trek replicators that are powered by urine, we will have your utopia. In the real world we like private property. Many would like to not pay your taxes and take care of themselves. Many don't want to be subject to what the collective believes (often incorrectly). Many don't want to be forced to be charitable at the point of a gun.

The reason Communism is bad is because it subordinates the will of the individual to the collective. Which is no diffrent then the arbitrary ruling of a monarch. Once in place their can be no desent. The minority is not protected. You must have an enormous state to manage the labour of the people. This State will have a monopoly of force (much as the US does over its people now that we don't have posse commitatis). Government ultimatly knows nothing but force. And Force no matter how well hidden, begets resistance. The system will eventually grind to a halt.

Now you want to set up Voluntary Taxation (They will claim up one side and down the other our tax system is Voluntary, BS.) to enroll yourself in SS go ahead. It must be truely Voluntary or your a slave.

All of you who want Communism Should love the idea of of reintrodusing plantations. The people who want to be free can take responsability for all the people who want to be slaves. As long as it is Voluntary servitude give up all your rights for the security of slavery.

Maybe God invented Free Men and Slaves. And people just long for what they were made to be. That is the only reason I can come up with why so many people would be willing to enslave themselves to government. Maybe you were just born to it. Maybe I am the Cruel one, Believing All men should be free. Maybe by Forcing you to be free I am cruelly preventing you from being what you where born to be, Hmm.


New Member
med what you just said is capitalism, let failing companies fail(lasse faire). They are not capitalist in those companies, they are socialists. you got the right ideas but are blaming/calling them by the wrong names.
No way, they were capitalists when the good times were rolling, but now that their shit has hit the wall, they want socialism to come to their rescue. While all these greedy motherfuckers were rolling in high cotton, they didn't want to hear the word socialism, just leave us and our money alone. Now it's, help poor people, send us your money and bail us out, were hurting. As a poor people, I say fuck them, they shouldn't get one red cent of my money, unless they send me shares of their company. I never got one thin dime when they were rolling in dough.


Well-Known Member
No way, they were capitalists when the good times were rolling, but now that their shit has hit the wall, they want socialism to come to their rescue. While all these greedy motherfuckers were rolling in high cotton, they didn't want to hear the word socialism, just leave us and our money alone. Now it's, help poor people, send us your money and bail us out, were hurting. As a poor people, I say fuck them, they shouldn't get one red cent of my money, unless they send me shares of their company. I never got one thin dime when they were rolling in dough.
Who was the mouths that were saying that they were "too big to fail" Politicians. Of course the fact that the employees of those companies (and of the Big 3) were whining, does not change the fact that the United States has a mixed economy.

In a true Laisse Faire Economy they would have failed.

That's not Capitalism, it's Socialism.

Instead of reaping what they sowed (failure) those companies got billions in bail outs the only "Capitalists" (:spew:) that are supporting that are the Faux Capitalist Managers of those companies.

To call them Capitalists is an insult to everything the term stands for.

And yes, Med, you are right. When they were making money hand over fist they wanted freedom, but now that they have shown that they are a bunch of disfunctional failures they expect the State to take care of them. It's the opposite of Capitalism, and Hypocritical.

Managers' Capitalism, where the Managers and Executives reap all the benefits screwing over the Employees and the actual owners.


Active Member
alaskans r hurtin for gas and cesar chavez' communist ass in venezuela whose sucking off castros dik told them ill give millions of dollars of my citgo gas for free - the alaskans told them we dont want your communist gas you piece of shit why dont you take that money to free and educate your own ppl that should tell you something in itself ------why dont u go spend a month in cuba with its free health care- stay with somebody not in a hotel - and see how it feels to have to get ur bucket and wait and fight in line for them to turn on the one single neighborhood hose for water - yould be LUCKY if they turned it on twice a wk for an hr - btw when your hungry - if you get a chicken and u arent one of the very few govt appointed ppl to have chickens you get life in a pirates of the caribean type dungeon where you will be 50 ppl on dirt floor in one cell no bathrooms everybody covered in their own shit - tortured everyday and most likely killed by the guards - oh how you ppl take our freedom forgranted - fuck socialists and communists no freedom of speech no freedom of press no freedom to celebrate holidays NO FREEDOM TO DO ANYTHING OR EVEN SAY HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT ANYTHING ESPECIALLLLLLY THE GOVT B/C YOU WILL BE KILLED OR THROWN IN JAIL FOREVER AND THAT IS A FACT those are not revolutionaries those are cowards ---- COMMUNISM KILLS TAKE IT FROM SOMEONE THAT KNOWS - - HERE IS A VIDEO TO EDUCATE THE IGNORANT PLEASE PASS IT ON : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xHirDOoRu8&feature=player_embedded


Well-Known Member
All I can say on the subject is the only place pure communism has ever worked is in China and only after they mixed in just enough capitalism to boost the economy. Now they are the fastest growing economic force on earth... The problem with an economy growing so fast is that sooner or later the bubble will burst and the economy will spiral into recession.

Now I'll go back to watching this thread for the entertainment value.
yea..it worked all right..mao murdered over 100 million people. to put that into perspective one of every three people would be dead in the USA had he done that in the USA at this time.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why is Communism bad? I'll assume you are referring to Communism as a "political system" instead of an economic system... Any form of "government" or forced economic system that insists you belong to it is bad. If a group of people want to VOLUNTARILY pool their resources that's fine. If that group insists I (or you) participate I'm not fine with that.

See a pattern here? When governments goal is to perpetuate itself and it ceases to protect individual rights it doesn't matter what we call it. To my knowledge there aren't any governments that will allow a person that harms nobody not to participate...making them ALL what? Non voluntary ie "not free". People can argue about right wing , left wing, Repulican , Democrat etc. it doesn't matter who your master of the moment is, nobody is free as long as you are unable to make choices about your body, your property or the fruits of your labor.

what... huh?

Active Member
Because the tennants of communism are counter to human nature. We are not ants, or borg. Without competition we do not succeed. Without motivation beyond altruism we do not innovate.

Why has every major technological leap forward in every field practically all been a result of US efforts? Because we are smarter? Not according to test scores or education.

A communist authority in every single example has fallen into brutal authoritarianism because of the nature of man. This not simply a series of circumstantial conditions. It is human nature as demonstrated since recorded history. Insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Remove in man narcisism, competitiveness, and the desire to provide more for our children than we had, and then you can give communism a try. Until such time, the answer to your question is history.

Much more to add... But on my blackberry. You know, one of those obsene benifits of a free market society.


New Member
Pure communism would not be possible at the current state of mind of most peoples. The rise and fall of capitalism is in the end stages as we speak. The majority is getting damn tired of supporting the minority on their labor. The poor are starting to wise up, they are starting to see the ways of capitalism only benefit a small minority. When this financial crises is over, (If ever) I think you'll see more of a socialist country, that would be the natural progression. The average person that is consumed with gaining wealth might have seen how easy wall street can take your money away by a few assholes getting greedy. It will certainly happen time and again, no matter what regulations are put in place. Remember, rules are made to be broken.


Well-Known Member
communism is the answer to global happiness but we have to have the RIGHT people on top.

every communist nation has had the man on top being a greedy piece of shit that only tried to build up military and didn't really give a shit for the people.

could you imagine if we only took what we needed from this place called earth. it would be pretty beautiful


Well-Known Member
Pie in the Sky BS.
The right people, never gonna happen
shit always floats to the top.
One group will always be subjected
to another group without freedom.
Freedom first then strive for communism.
It will never work unless you can do it
without pointing guns at people.