Absolutely hillarious ain't it. What wont this Idiot Bush do to fuck the world. You know of course he believes in armegheddon, so I guess distributing nuclear technology all over the middle east kinda fits that scenario.
They will not launch nuclear missiles at the US. They will be smuggled in the country with a bunch of keys of coke and heroin that goes into the country every day. Then they will assemble it once it gets into the country. They will fit into a suit case or put it in a trunk of a car and set off any place the choose. Don't count on star wars and patriot missiles to keep you safe. You are thinking cold war. This is a totally different enemy and tactics.I think its a great idea, levels the playing field in the middle east.
Soon they all will have them and we couldnt stop it if we wanted to.
any war head shot from over seas will be shot down, right before we send a cluster of them over-by-der.
Again, I'm not worried! let these smelly fucks even think of crossing that line.
Such actions would infact help this timelss fight that where in and end it quite quickly.
It's a win win in my book.
(yes,my book is missing a few pages and is waterlogged)
Quoted For Truth.They will not launch nuclear missiles at the US. They will be smuggled in the country with a bunch of keys of coke and heroin that goes into the country every day. Then they will assemble it once it gets into the country. They will fit into a suit case or put it in a trunk of a car and set off any place the choose. Don't count on star wars and patriot missiles to keep you safe. You are thinking cold war. This is a totally different enemy and tactics.
And who would "approve" this NUKULAR deal? Just Bush or would it involve Congress?If this Bush nuclear deal moves forward