Why I stopped growing...


Well-Known Member
That's a bold statement. What type of cancer? Has a parent or relative been diagnosed with cancer? How was he smoking? What was he smoking? Did he eat any processed garbage?... etc.

Catch my drift? A lot of variables. You'd be naive to base your opinion off that single statement.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get... is why make a whole damn thread to tell us you're quitting? And then say the reason is something every single one of us is obviously going to argue. xD

If anything, this has brought more attention to you. *IF ANYTHING*


Well-Known Member
This makes me pissed and CannaCole is right

There's a TON of shit that had gone into this

Is it in his genes???

Just weed???

What type of weed???

Origin of weed???

What does he work as???

What does he eat???

Tell us NOW cuz my jimmies are rustled now

Damnit what type of fuckery is this???


Well-Known Member
I don't get it, what makes you think marijuana can't be a carcinogen when anything you burn in excess and inhale can cause it? Since there are fewer studies, one can not conclude that MJ is cancer free. Benzpyrene is in MJ and cigs and causes cancer so I wouldn't go off and say MJ is that oh-so perfect substance. My brother is a chronic MJ smoker and is paralyzed from a stroke. He smokes cigs too but he failed to possess the motivation to rehabilitate and walk again which the doctors said he could do if he just applied himself. I blame the Marijuana for that lack of motivation, which will eventually kill him. Let's stop putting MJ on some pedestal and get real. Shits nice to have but should only be used in moderation just like anything else, except sex.


Well-Known Member
Going vegan would give you more problems than any grow ..

Not eating meat? That's just silly ...


Well-Known Member
Yeh why do people think smoking cannabis can't give you cancer of some sort? Smoking is terrible on us mang...


Well-Known Member
I love cannabis as much as the next, and there are UK folks who say the same thing, that it can't cause cancer, because it cures it..