Why I personally don't like Rock Wool


Well-Known Member
I am currently using Rock Wool and will never use it again. To each his own.

1.) you have to soak it in 5.5 PH H20 b4 even using it

2.) Algae loves to grow on it

3.) Mold loves to grow on it

4.) I think it holds too much water. If your hydroponic system malfunctions and continues to run (luckily has not happened to me) it will retain so much water it can kill your plants

5.) I don't know if it's my nutrients or my water but my PH is always on the rise, I have a feeling the Rock Wool is helping

6.) Fuck Rock Wool lol

7.) It's really expensive

8.) it is not bio degradable so it is really hard to get rid of. Not good for our mother earth. . . .


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about 4-5 of those things as i was putting my sprouts (that are in 1" rockwool) into the 3" net pots and they were just soaking wet... hope they will end up ok.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Well, to each his own. I understand you are frustrated, and have made up yer mind, so more power to ya!;-)
But. . . Rockwool can be made of organic materials, the rock wool I have used has all been natural materials, and VERY biodegradable, cause theres no trace of ne of em in my compost pile ne more:-P


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about 4-5 of those things as i was putting my sprouts (that are in 1" rockwool) into the 3" net pots and they were just soaking wet... hope they will end up ok.

A lot of people have awesome results, I had a lot of bad luck unfortunately. I also used 4" inch Rock Wool, so I don't think 1" should give you any problems.


Well-Known Member
Well, to each his own. I understand you are frustrated, and have made up yer mind, so more power to ya!;-)
But. . . Rockwool can be made of organic materials, the rock wool I have used has all been natural materials, and VERY biodegradable, cause theres no trace of ne of em in my compost pile ne more:-P
What kind of Rock Wool are you using? Never heard of such a beast.