Why I love shoplifting from major corporations

I only condone stealing as a means to feed oneself and have the upmost empathy for people who are struggling through poverty. Its a last resort after growing your own food, food banks and soup kitchens have still left you hungry.
There are too many hungry people and especially children hungry in this country. Food gets thrown out on a massive scale and wasted and some markets aren't even allowed by law to give it away they have to toss it into a dumpster.
worse, some companies then pour chems on yhe thrown out food, thats still good..even other items like curtains they bleach...cut open pillows etc

family dollar for example

however if you have a little motivation its impossible to go hingry in this country.
there are enougj churches and food banks in most major cities that you can grab groceries a couple times a week every week
thats if your not wanting free meals at soup kitchens

(i run a food pantry and soup kitchen)
worse, some companies then pour chems on yhe thrown out food, thats still good..even other items like curtains they bleach...cut open pillows etc

family dollar for example

however if you have a little motivation its impossible to go hingry in this country.
there are enougj churches and food banks in most major cities that you can grab groceries a couple times a week every week
thats if your not wanting free meals at soup kitchens

(i run a food pantry and soup kitchen)
I can get paid for stabbing pillows? Family dollar here I come.
I can get paid for stabbing pillows? Family dollar here I come.

if corporate fuckers decide to switch brands or no longer carry a product they have a certain time frame to sell then it gets pennied out in the system and unsellable for whatever reason..
or say a manufacturer changes product labeling.. or lower the amount of laundry detergent by a couple ozs (same price)

same concept

family dollar (each store) might open couple 100 lbs of chocolate that didnt sell every Valentines day and pours bleach on them instead of donating ..
donated chocolate t someone that may not have gotten anything for v day could easily bring alot of happiness and just maybe stop a crime.
robberies and theft skyrockets around holidays due to depression or simply trying to get a present or have a decent holiday

i mean really.. what purpose does cutting open pillows serve?
ti keep the homeless out your dumpster?
just donate it all!?

shout out to coyote creek farms..
sustainable all organic...still donates a few thoisand eggs when theycan. every couple weeks
I worked at Family Dollar a long time ago, we used to mark down holiday candy all the way down to 90% until it all sold. The only candy I remember not being able to sell were those god awful Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses, AKA Satan's dingle berries. Even at a penny a bag nobody wanted the damn things.

I worked at Family Dollar a long time ago, we used to mark down holiday candy all the way down to 90% until it all sold. The only candy I remember not being able to sell were those god awful Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses, AKA Satan's dingle berries. Even at a penny a bag nobody wanted the damn things.

anything made by necco is some rough shit. i bet those mary janes are better than necco wafers