Why I am voting for Romney

One word.. BAhhhhhhhhh one thought.. do sheep know they are going to the slaughter house after being taken care of and having a "good" life
Bahhhhhh is all I'm hearing.. nothing is anything, everything is everywhere, but honestly its all in your head.. Everything is free in a fiat system, the shits worthless beside they made all you believe it's not.. Intelligence makes a man unfit to be a slave.. I think we should bring back the roman "as" as the dollar so we can pay in "asses"
This is the best shit ever and no one even acknowledged it.. BOO RIU

I'm stealing this!
One word.. BAhhhhhhhhh one thought.. do sheep know they are going to the slaughter house after being taken care of and having a "good" life

As Jesse Venture recently said, Politicians are like pro wrestlers. They put on a show for the public like their bitter enemies, but behind the scenes they're business partners.
One word.. BAhhhhhhhhh one thought.. do sheep know they are going to the slaughter house after being taken care of and having a "good" life

There is always someone who pretends that he is above it all and he knows what is really going on. There is always someone who accuses all of the others of being sheep, of believing what he does not. Most times when that person is asked outright what is the truth, he will come up with some vast conspiracy that he is aware of because some obscure genus has written a book or article about it. In fact he is simply a member of a different flock.
There is always someone who pretends that he is above it all and he knows what is really going on. There is always someone who accuses all of the others of being sheep, of believing what he does not. Most times when that person is asked outright what is the truth, he will come up with some vast conspiracy that he is aware of because some obscure genus has written a book or article about it. In fact he is simply a member of a different flock.
The thing about a smart mother fucker is they sound like crazy mother fuckers to dumb mother fuckers
youre over here talking about revenue and bs and im sying that its not real fucking money and only means something because its all that the master is giving us as food..
There is always someone who pretends that he is above it all and he knows what is really going on. There is always someone who accuses all of the others of being sheep, of believing what he does not. Most times when that person is asked outright what is the truth, he will come up with some vast conspiracy that he is aware of because some obscure genus has written a book or article about it. In fact he is simply a member of a different flock.

Wake Up!!!!
You cant see the forest for the trees
and who said anything about being "above" anyone.. that's like me saying there's always that one sheep who says the other sheep is crazy.. ( which is kinda what I just did) idk if my English is making since or not though
Dont vote. Its fucking pointless

Currently, it is about the least pointless thing one can do. As has been said, several decades of the future are riding on this vote - another Scalia or Thomas on the courts and you might even lose your right to abortion, they are just itching to overturn roe. You might lose your already tenuous right to be free of constant surveillance. Marijuana has cost us more of our rights and freedoms and safeguards than any other substance - it has confered more power to government than any other issue. Election of someone who would place yet another conservative jurist on the court could mean the end of many of the liberties you now hold dear. Shifting the balance to the liberal side may just help the cause of marijuana enlightenment.

Voting is not pointless.