Sorry ty - the cheapest fusion power source is the sun - and only 8min. away.
In my religion she is in the center - and master of desaster and fertility.
is the only GOD for plants and animals like us
- don`t believe in the stupid popes and other religions and theories -
as long as they pretend to play a more important role than she
There is an effect called "albedo" -
The Albedo is a measure of the brightness of a body. The brighter the body is. The bigger the albedo. An important consequence is that the brighter the body is, the more the light is reflected ( "returned").
If you calculate the difference in energy balance of a white - and a black-painted sqmeter.
you will see that with 1 white sqm and 80 cent for the white paint - you can dimm the sun power
~ 35000KWh during the next 10 years. - So politics is not only criminal but also stupid.
"My" sun will kill you all easiely - if you keep on ignoring, that oil, gas, coal and wood is
nothing else than stored sun energy.
The Mayas and all the other sun-cultures will laugh till down their graves.