Why Hello Everybody!


hello everyone, my names mike and ive been smoking for about 6 years, since i was 12.. ive been thinking about growing lately so that i can rid myself of the whole "calling your dealer" process.

still live with my mom, although i pay rent since ive turned 18, and still burn trees like im a clear cutter in the rain forest.

so anyway, i hope ive finally found a good place to discuss my.. habits.. online with some good people


no, but i wasnt going to ask her lol.. my house has an apartment with a shared kitchen that she use to rent out that (i live in it now), so i have plenty of freedom to grow without being caught. i just cant smoke easily when shes around because of smell.. i figured under my bathroom sink may be a decent place to start off with for now


Active Member
Hey man, welcome to the forum. If your mom is cool with weed, especially if she smokes it, you will actually have a pretty good chance of getting a crop up and going. If she isn't, growing outdoors is always an option, but if you are in the northern hemisphere you will need to wait until spring to start.


yeah, i live in New York, so growing out doors is a challenge for me until spring. even then it'll be risky. She is not really that cool about it, but she isn't incredible strict. as long as i dont smoke in my house or have any in the house, she's ok with it. She is really against anything considered a drug because my dad was a junkie, so she isnt ok with weed (believes it is a 'gateway drug').

do you think growing in a bathroom cabinet would be something considered plausible?


Active Member
Plausible, but highly risky considering what you mentioned above. Power, smell, and noise will be your biggest concerns. If you can keep these at a minimum you might be able to get away with it, but if she does do into that bathroom for any reason, you could be looking at destroyed plants and a new place to live. In all honesty you would be better off to find a different place to live or grow, but I know that money could pose a problem. I would really hate for me to say "yeah, go ahead" and hang you out to dry if she does find it.


Well, it's a risk I'd take willingly. I mean, she doesn't ever go in there and I have a lock on the door leading into my whole section of the house. IDK, I'll think about it for a little and if I DO decide to grow then you can bet I'll be asking for tips here if I need.

Does it really smell that strong while growing? I always just thought it didn't smell until it was cured and dried or whatever.


Weed Modifier
no, but i wasnt going to ask her lol.. my house has an apartment with a shared kitchen that she use to rent out that (i live in it now), so i have plenty of freedom to grow without being caught. i just cant smoke easily when shes around because of smell.. i figured under my bathroom sink may be a decent place to start off with for now
They will smell during flower...look into odor control so you don't get mom mad, if she stops by.
And your in an apartment. Don't want the smell to wander out of your pad!

Welcome to RIU! Bro.


Active Member
Yeah, they get pretty stinky after just a couple of weeks into flower. Some smell more and some smell less; if i were in your shoes I would look for a strain that doesn't smell too much. Autoflowers might be something to look into, but there is a wealth of information buried in the forum about strains, setups, stealth, etc.
wow i see lime73 and homegrown&smoked beat me to the punch line.
I was totally going to say your girls will give off a tremendously strong odor when they go into flower.
you can make an odor neutralizer tho.
do you have a closet that has a door and maybe an outlet.
or how is your apartment set up.
you need alot of space unless you get autoflower.
I have really learned that over time.

what kind of lights are you expecting to use
and you can make or buy a stealth grow cab
there are diy's for grow cabs all over the net
as well as other diys that might be useful
there is alot of time and money put into this
but its alot cheaper if you are willing to do research
and make most of your grow supplies


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!
DIY'ing your grow equipment will help save lots of money...
And I'm guessing that you're thinkin' cfl's?



Might be a bit risky if you go out a lot, hopefully your mum dosn't like to snoop through everything like mine :P
Managed to hide my plants from her so far though (:


Active Member
Might be a bit risky if you go out a lot, hopefully your mum dosn't like to snoop through everything like mine :P
Managed to hide my plants from her so far though (:

haha my moms a snoop too!!!

Hey Msizzle, l'd definitely look into all the DIY's around stealth grow cabs and odor control it was a huuge help for me!
when I was living with mumzy I was growing a plant that was fairing very well, but I got busted cause of the dank kush I brought home! I was accused of growing because of the smell, even though the smell was coming from a bag in a tin under some clothes in a drawer haha.