Why Fox News is KILLING it!!!!


She seems like a likable person. She likes to keep her babies and shoot guns. Whats not to like?

Nitro -

you see the one thing about pro-choice, is the women gets to choose what she can do with HER body.

how would you feel is someone took away your right to choose?

after all, you get to choose whether or not to own a gun.

kinda different when it's not part of your religious right, fire and brimstone agenda.

you don't want A-N-Y-O-N-E to tell you what to do..why do you feel you have that right to dictate to others?

that's what's wonderful about america..choices and lot's of 'em!:wink:

Nitro -

you see the one thing about pro-choice, is the women gets to choose what she can do with HER body.

how would you feel is someone took away your right to choose?

after all, you get to choose whether or not to own a gun.

kinda different when it's not part of your religious right, fire and brimstone agenda.

you don't want A-N-Y-O-N-E to tell you what to do..why do you feel you have that right to dictate to others?

that's what's wonderful about america..choices and lot's of 'em!:wink:


I don't think that way at all. I am not against choice at all, I think we should help how ever we can as a nation. It should be free 24/7 all the time. Just like a circle K or 7/11, or jack in the box.
Are they fair and balanced? Overall, I would say that given some of their commentary programs they certainly lean a little right. Hannity is far right, the show with the governor is right obviously and a snoozer.

However, when you get into the later night hours it definitely moves more toward center. O'Reilly is a conservative that has not made any bones about it but he has been fair to President Obama.
Oh man.. you're killing me NLXSK1. I was gonna do situps today but after laughing at that I don't think I need em anymore.

I think you have a good perspective on a lot of things but I'll have to agree to disagree on this one...Good ratings? Yes. Fair and center? About as much as MSNBC.
Oh man.. you're killing me NLXSK1. I was gonna do situps today but after laughing at that I don't think I need em anymore.

I think you have a good perspective on a lot of things but I'll have to agree to disagree on this one...Good ratings? Yes. Fair and center? About as much as MSNBC.

Hey, to be fair I said Hannity is far right. MSNBC and the other networks are far left and have been for so long it is hard to even see where the centerpoint is anymore.

But Fox News tag line is "We Report, You Decide" which is fair enough for me. I dont get all my news from there, when I see a story I go on the internet and check things out. When That real right wing guy was on I checked things out, bought his book and realized he was full of shit and never watched his show anymore. They dropped him due to low ratings, go figure. He was right wing sensationalist feed into the stupid redneck perspective and he failed on Fox News, go figure...

Nobody should form their beliefs from the news anyway. I watch Fox news because I am a conservative, not the other way around.
once again, they don't..is rachel maddow the only female dem you know besides hillary?

se cupp:


What are her qualifications besides being hot? I can show you hundreds of Miss America Beauty Pagent contestants that fit that role.
hey I don't care much for her ideologies but I'd let SE Cupp cup her conservative lips around my independent dick. We could keep it that way for a while too since progress is overrated. You know...conserve the moment.

Never quite understood why a woman would want to fight to make women worthless. Kind of a slap in the face of the people who fought so hard to give women the rights they do have in this country.

On the flip side I don't get why you'd want to give free cell phones to motherfuckers that don't work either so what's left...guess there's always communism.

IDK all joking aside, the more I think about politics the sicker I feel and the more I lose hope in this country...I'm starting to be one of those people that would just rather 'not know'. Used to think I could change things but lezbehonest...
Nitro -

you see the one thing about pro-choice, is the women gets to choose what she can do with HER body.

how would you feel is someone took away your right to choose?

after all, you get to choose whether or not to own a gun.

kinda different when it's not part of your religious right, fire and brimstone agenda.

you don't want A-N-Y-O-N-E to tell you what to do..why do you feel you have that right to dictate to others?

that's what's wonderful about america..choices and lot's of 'em!:wink:

" the women gets to choose what she can do with HER body."It's not her body she's killing, tho. I choose not to support your lazy ass,. but that "right" has been taken away.. you don't want A-N-Y-O-N-E to tell you what to do..why do you feel you have that right to dictate to others? Bit hypocritical, aren't you?