Why Fox News is KILLING it!!!!


Well-Known Member
You can argue about global warming but you cannot argue about TV ratings and Fox News is and has been killing it for years in most news categories.

Are they fair and balanced? Overall, I would say that given some of their commentary programs they certainly lean a little right. Hannity is far right, the show with the governor is right obviously and a snoozer.

However, when you get into the later night hours it definitely moves more toward center. O'Reilly is a conservative that has not made any bones about it but he has been fair to President Obama.

It is pretty easy to see that Megan Kelly isnt a liberal either. But she is an experienced lawyer and she brings people on like Bill Ayers and other controversial characters from the far left and has meaningful interviews with them.

On the 5 you have Bob Beckel who is hilarious and wrong most of the time but he gets to put his views on the table like everyone else.

What the left will not acknowledge is that they are much less tolerant to other opinions than most people. And the left leaning media is the same way. They only bring on people who reinforce their liberal leanings. They ignore information that is not supportive of their world view.

And intelligent people dont like having news and information filtered before they get a chance to evaluate it. Those people are going to Fox News because they are actually presenting both sides.
You can argue about global warming but you cannot argue about TV ratings and Fox News is and has been killing it for years in most news categories.

Are they fair and balanced? Overall, I would say that given some of their commentary programs they certainly lean a little right. Hannity is far right, the show with the governor is right obviously and a snoozer.

However, when you get into the later night hours it definitely moves more toward center. O'Reilly is a conservative that has not made any bones about it but he has been fair to President Obama.

It is pretty easy to see that Megan Kelly isnt a liberal either. But she is an experienced lawyer and she brings people on like Bill Ayers and other controversial characters from the far left and has meaningful interviews with them.

On the 5 you have Bob Beckel who is hilarious and wrong most of the time but he gets to put his views on the table like everyone else.

What the left will not acknowledge is that they are much less tolerant to other opinions than most people. And the left leaning media is the same way. They only bring on people who reinforce their liberal leanings. They ignore information that is not supportive of their world view.

And intelligent people dont like having news and information filtered before they get a chance to evaluate it. Those people are going to Fox News because they are actually presenting both sides.
I like how Rachel Maddow does it.

She has a conservative on, gives a terribly soft interview. Later on when they are no longer on her show, she goes back to it. She takes snippets and makes a point against them like she is doing good work.

She is lame.

Maher has a lot of conservatives on his show.
You can argue about global warming but you cannot argue about TV ratings and Fox News is and has been killing it for years in most news categories.

Are they fair and balanced? Overall, I would say that given some of their commentary programs they certainly lean a little right. Hannity is far right, the show with the governor is right obviously and a snoozer.

However, when you get into the later night hours it definitely moves more toward center. O'Reilly is a conservative that has not made any bones about it but he has been fair to President Obama.

It is pretty easy to see that Megan Kelly isnt a liberal either. But she is an experienced lawyer and she brings people on like Bill Ayers and other controversial characters from the far left and has meaningful interviews with them.

On the 5 you have Bob Beckel who is hilarious and wrong most of the time but he gets to put his views on the table like everyone else.

What the left will not acknowledge is that they are much less tolerant to other opinions than most people. And the left leaning media is the same way. They only bring on people who reinforce their liberal leanings. They ignore information that is not supportive of their world view.

And intelligent people dont like having news and information filtered before they get a chance to evaluate it. Those people are going to Fox News because they are actually presenting both sides.


Good post, I totally agree. Hannity is a little over the top for me sometimes, but a least he isn't filtered. I guess the sheep like that filtered shit. And at the same time they think they are smart? Oh rolli came out swinging again. Thats funny.
way to use it against me when i was generally just answering your questions honestly about my modding. i never go into politics but i dont think it fair that you did that suppose ill go delete it now
way to use it against me when i was generally just answering your questions honestly about my modding. i never go into politics but i dont think it fair that you did that suppose ill go delete it now


I didn't intend any harm to you. Sorry you feel this way. I've been trying to figure out how this place works when it comes to the mods.

I regret if I've put you in a compromised position. I thought it was an open post so no harm.

My bad and I apoligize.
way to use it against me when i was generally just answering your questions honestly about my modding. i never go into politics but i dont think it fair that you did that suppose ill go delete it now

I found your replies to be upfront and honest.
way to use it against me when i was generally just answering your questions honestly about my modding. i never go into politics but i dont think it fair that you did that suppose ill go delete it now

That was a cool thread, thanks for taking the time to do that. Very informative, fair and open.

Would be interesting to see a thread like that in politics. By interesting, I mean rubbernecking to see the dead bodies at the train wreck interesting.

Good post, I totally agree. Hannity is a little over the top for me sometimes, but a least he isn't filtered. I guess the sheep like that filtered shit. And at the same time they think they are smart? Oh rolli came out swinging again. Thats funny.

At one point I thought I was a republican, then I thought I was a conservative, now I fit best in Libertarian. I used to like Hannity but over a long period of time his show is one I find myself turning off both on the radio and TV. He talks over people, he repeats republican talking points and he is still in the one side versus the other crowd. He also has these big panels of people and personally I dont give a fuck what most of them think and have no idea why anyone else would either.

Did he change or did I change? I think I changed.

Rolli isnt attempting to have a discussion.
At one point I thought I was a republican, then I thought I was a conservative, now I fit best in Libertarian. I used to like Hannity but over a long period of time his show is one I find myself turning off both on the radio and TV. He talks over people, he repeats republican talking points and he is still in the one side versus the other crowd. He also has these big panels of people and personally I dont give a fuck what most of them think and have no idea why anyone else would either.

Did he change or did I change? I think I changed.

Rolli isnt attempting to have a discussion.


I went through all that same shit with Hannity. I was a registered Dem for over twenty years than a republican for 14 years, and now I am just a business man that votes for whats best in my world, if that is libertarian/ conservative / republican I am not sure anymore. I know that when I left the democratic party I was never going back.

When I think of Rolli , It's like you got one hand on his forehead and his little arms are just a swinging.