Why Exactly Is Cannibalism Wrong?


Active Member
I don't know why y'all gotta be hatin' on cannabilism. It wasn't his fault. He felt so alone. He thought that if he ate them, they could never leave him. Personally, I think the mofo was batshit crazy but I love my screen-name!!


Man, good question! I've been thinking about this lately too!

Personally, I'd try it. Why not? I've always wondered what the taste would be like.

I don't really think there is anything wrong with canibalism, in the sense I'm talking about. If you're out looking to eat people then yeah, obviously there is something wrong with that..

Though I do believe there are some detremental physical aspects of it, if you eat enough of it. I forget the name of the disease, but there are certain things you become more at risk of if you practice cannibalism...

No doubt I'd eat a person to survive, that question is easy!

I think it would be really wierd to know the person your actually eating though, like if your buddy was going to get his leg amputated I'd opt out of trying that sample. Something about knowing the person who you are eating is a little strange..

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i don't belive in it but if i were a part of the donner party , i would be the first one to break out the kingford and the webber.....


Well-Known Member
i would eat my clothes and snow and all other things before i ate your ass. please, dont toss any salads in emergency situations, its not helpful to anyone

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
please , like i was saying ,as in the in the donner party , if you were dead , i would cut a chunk off flesh off ,just to survive.


people should not eat people, i cant believe this is an ongoing debate......
lol, but why? That's the point of the thread, getting to the bottom of the reasons that make it so wrong.

All that other stuff you listed doesn't have any nutritional value, you could eat snow all day long, all that would happen is you'd get a little colder quicker. Gotta get calories son!


Active Member
Look online and you'll find out why....did you know that most serial killers that are cannibals won't admit it. It's even too taboo for them. It is also a form of ultimate control and domination Morally is what you are asking for not why it is so bad for physically right? Cause physically it can be very bad for you. When I was in college about 15 years ago I did a paper on Cannabalism, it covered everything from the Donner Party, to tribal cannabalism.

Why would you ask such a question? Are you hungry or something...lol:mrgreen:
you said the magic word my friend! taboo is taboo and that is why it is taboo...:fire:


Oh... she'd get eaten alright, but not in the cannibalistic sense.. ;)


New Member
oh... She'd get eaten alright, but not in the cannibalistic sense.. ;)
now thats what im talkin bout....lol thats the right kind of eatn..... And i mean for me not me to another woman to clear that up......lol... Damn im full of it today..........what the hell am i on????? Weed........yeah............


Active Member
Back in vietnam, stranded/lost soldier's would feed off other dead soldiers..It was most certainly for survival. But if someone want's to eat human's, they clearly have no feeling's or emotion's toward's other people. lol, rough question, I guess there really is no good answer to that, just personal opinion's~!~ :) :D :P


Active Member
animal's eat other animal's in it's own species!!! Mostly the young of the same species, but there is no difference. Survival is survival.


Active Member
animal's eat other animal's in it's own species!!! Mostly the young of the same species, but there is no difference. Survival is survival.
I agree, we as humans just don't NEED to use that survival tool, and I think it is taboo because it would relate us to animals too much...
and we're much more advanced:roll:


Definitely begs the question eh... Howbout if we discovered an advanced intelligent species of alien? Say they were totally peaceful, living among us in some cooperative civilization in the future, hypothtically, say one died... would it then be wrong to eat it? It was aware of it's existence, it had memories, feelings, emotions... it just wasn't human. Would that be wrong? (howbout if it wasn't for survival, just pleasure?)