Why evertime me and my girl smoke together

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Well-Known Member
She wants anal sex. I have never done that and neither has she.. If she was some hooker i didnt care for id go for it....her ass is so soft and flat. But i dont want to fuck her hard in the ass like she wants. Anyone else got that problem? Id be fucing her in the pussy and she just says put it in my ass, then i fake like im trying and she says, doit! Doit dammit! So i back out and get mad. I hate tripping while im stoned,.... Oh and she sux my dick until her mouth is sore whats up with that? Does weed make all girls horney like that?????????need help dont know what to do!! Here a photo of her no face of course.



New Member
dude what the fuck is your problem???? you better put that lil pecker of yours in her ass you dont know what you are missing....


Well-Known Member
My wife loves anal,has no bearing on her being high or not but she loves it all the same.


Well-Known Member
Its really not that big of a deal. If she likes it like that... what the hell. I guess if it really is something your against you should tell her about it. Me... I dont think twice when my girl tells me...LOL


Well-Known Member
Dude take advantage of it! If you don't give it to her how she wants it, she will seek it out elsewhere. This is the fun part about women, they all secretly want to be rode hard and banged like a whore(not saying anything bad there). Most wont admit it easily and make you have to work to bring the dirty out in the girl. I've had some girls who are real horny when high and some who wont even let you touch them. This is a good problem to have,. Just flip her over and stick it in her ass, spit on her and call her a few names for good measure. She will do anything you want her to after you do that. Bring the dirty out of that girl!


Well-Known Member
well ok then..... i guess ill fuck her in her tight ass tonight. im not really wanting to have shit all on my dick and all. but i guess people do it. i think ass should be exit only but that just me i guess....i rather ass fuck her then her going out and getting idicked some where else.... ill think about her getting dicked somewhere else and fuck her real hard...teach her a lesson....Peace


Well-Known Member
Scream bloody murder when you do it. Ask her if her ass goblins like the punishment. Sing a song at the top of your lungs while you do it. Do whatever to make sure she never asks again.


Well-Known Member
well ok then..... i guess ill fuck her in her tight ass tonight. im not really wanting to have shit all on my dick and all. but i guess people do it. i think ass should be exit only but that just me i guess....i rather ass fuck her then her going out and getting idicked some where else.... ill think about her getting dicked somewhere else and fuck her real hard...teach her a lesson....Peace
Just tell her, she has to clean it. ;-) :hump:


Well-Known Member
I meant - she has to clean you DICK........ ala a blowjob......

Actually, I was watching Howard Stern with Tera Patrick on a few months back. He asked her about anal..........She does an enema before every scene. So, if your that worried about it. Thats what you need to do.


Well-Known Member
Um....you HAVE to clean it if you don't want shit on your dick, and even then....If you're cool with that, then by all means, don't risk spoiling the mood :razz:

Anal sex :spew:


Well-Known Member
*****This is Ph03nix. Young doxxxx... you are about to receive a lesson from the master.
You would do well to heed his words, young grasshopper. :bigjoint:*****

She wants anal sex. I have never done that and neither has she.. If she was some hooker i didnt care for id go for it....her ass is so soft and flat. But i dont want to fuck her hard in the ass like she wants. Anyone else got that problem? Id be fucing her in the pussy and she just says put it in my ass, then i fake like im trying and she says, doit! Doit dammit! So i back out and get mad. I hate tripping while im stoned,.... Oh and she sux my dick until her mouth is sore whats up with that? Does weed make all girls horney like that?????????need help dont know what to do!! Here a photo of her no face of course.
OK. I've read through this thread and most of what I've seen are just purile, childish replies that won't answer your question. At the risk of getting flamed by the badass players, I'm 45 years old and have experienced just about anything some of these kids are still fantasising about.
My partner Ph03nix has also been reading this thread and we've discussed this quite seriously before posting this reply.

First up, and most importantly, if your partner is offering you her arse (for want of a nicer word), then she obviously has some strong feelings for you and trusts you.
Secondly, the anal area, externally and (if you are very carefull) internally, can be an extremely sensitive erogenous zone. For a woman, anal penetration can stimulate the 'G' Spot and other sensitive places. For men, anal penetration and pressure on the Prostate can induce a spontaeneous orgasm. You see, the prostate also acts as a pump for your sperm when you ejaculate. If you tickle your prostate, your head sometimes explodes :shock::bigjoint:.

Now, forget 'ramming it up her bunghole', or 'rolling her over and jamming it in her poo poo' or whatever crap has been said so far. The whole key to mutually enjoyable anal sex is to go slow, be gentle and lubricate. You need to be able to relax. Oh, and make sure you are 'clean' so to speak (you get the drift I hope). Remember, that dick of yours may need to go back in 'the other' hole later. Getting realistic about it, fecal matter can cause infections, so cleanliness is important. I'm serious about this bit. If you or your partner want to engage in anal sex, make sure you are both clean. If you're a male it should be easy, because you should already be inspecting your prostate for abnormalities that can be associated with cancer. Just as women are taught at a young age to examine their breats for lumps. You wouldn't inspect your prostate if your bum was full of poo. Just ask your girl to make sure she's 'been' recently, if you know what I mean.

Next time she asks you for it, take her in your arms, gently kiss her back, and see how things go. However, if you don't feel comfortable with anal sex, be honest and let her know. Maybe buy her a toy and see if she likes that. You may find that the sex could end up with you in the place you want to be, and the toy where she wants it to be. Double penetration is an attractive thing to a lot of women, and often more enjoyable than pure anal or vaginal penetration.

Now, onto the oral sex thing... SHE LIKES YOU. She REALLY likes you. Enjoy it. Return the favour. Don't go straight for the 'magic button' or the 'deep tongue dive'. Be gentle. Kiss her in places...

But, the most important thing about engaging in 'different' sex, is that you both need to to have a mutual trust and respect for each other. Which is basically a love for each other, not a desire to possess or control your partner. Enjoy each others company and sexuality. Just relax bloke.

Look, this thread should really be in the 'Spirituality and Sexuality' forum. How about I post this there and anyone interested in the discussion can check it out?
Or maybe FDD or someone could move it for you?
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