Why dose weed need so much care i mean its a weed


Well-Known Member
Seriously....why so much care ??? i mean its a weed, weeds are suppose to be able to grow everywhere...:neutral:
it doesnt need "so much care"... you can throw it out in your backyard and it will grow... without your help.. or attention... it is a weed.. it grows in subpar environments... poor conditions... and is one of the only plants that grows about everywhere around the world with great success.. it does grow everywhere 90% of "everywhere".. the only places it doesnt grow is the north and south poles i believe.. and im sure soon enough there will be a strain that can withstand sub-freezing temps... well maybe not that... but you get the point...
it only takes "so much care" if you want to get the absolute most out of your plant... its like anything else, you get what you give... a neglected plant will still grow buds without any care but they will be far superior to buds that are on a plant that was taken care of... and for those of us who grow good buds, it isnt a chore to take care of our girls... we enjoy it... if you think its a chore why grow?? just go buy what you smoke... but the care and time i put into my girls is well well worth it... that first hit of some dank buds that i just grew and harvested makes every moment of care worth it...


Well-Known Member
Not only is sampson right but you chose to take her out her natural environment. Outside she could of withstanded any tough comings she may encounter with wind heat or bugs. If chose to bring her in she's way out if her environment so you produce a fake stable living area for her. Your plant can very well be inside in grow tent Tempe up to 95. She may be stressed & look poor but she will continue to grow.

Care & more care insures your buds are going to be everything you want. This is one aspect of your life you can fully controll. You can't plant a seed of resume & expect to produce an impressive resume worth any job.
But you can plant a seed of bud & take care if it soo good that your buds will be great even if everyone said it was bunk bud from the start.

Man growing is a not hard nor a chore. I hope you don't have pets cuz I know theere are some days I sit with my dog in my grow room & he feeds on his snacks I blow trees & I watch over my girl under her lights.


i know what u mean man....i love taking care of them 2 .. i give them all the TLC they want... but im high and i didn't know why dose it need all the different types of light and u know so much stuff like that.....


Well-Known Member
Like I said outside she has everyhing she needs. Light(perfect spectrum through all her life stages & LUMENS) & her co stant supply of new oxygen with co2 so she can breath. Plenty of natural nutes to feed on in what err dirt she's in.
Inside it's all different.

You don't take a gold fish out of a pond & place it in a rabbit cage now do you?