Why dont i have big healthy roots!


So I'm a first time grower , Im currently flowering under a 450 watt hps light. I'm growing in a mylar lined grow tent. I'm using a DWC "billyponics" ebay bought set up , Hydroton , and Rapid Rooters plugs, This was pretty much just my first crack at it . I'm just wondering Why aren't my plants roots hangin down in my water ! What am I doing wrong ? Im using humboldt nutrients .I'll post some pictures later , Because Im upgrading my set up ,and wanna make not so many mistakes next time .


Well-Known Member
And u ain't got roots in the water ? Haha u weren't feeding water through the top ? U have to do that until the roots reach the water level 1-2" below the hanging net pot...then u don't need to worry about it the plant will start thriving. But Im just saying because I had the same Exact problem until I realized and people told me to just take a cup and scoop water out of your reservoir and water your plants ....do this as many times a day as u can if u don't have an automatic watering drip or something. U want to keep the roots and hydroton wet until roots reach the water. It dries out really fast so you might want to set up a drip but I didn't


Well-Known Member
Yeah you vegged for months and have no roots drinking water??? As soon as I transfer my rapid rooter plug from the dome to DWC I get roots touching the water in about 3-5 days.


Ok here is some pictures of my set up , One of my plants have been flowering for about 3-4 weeks , and The other i started on 12/12 a couple weeks ago.Im upgrading my set up and wanna fix this problem. I think its my water levels. First time taking pictures im paranoid about stuff like this

(All these pictures aren't really mine , I'm a compulsive liar , And am just trying to fit in on these forums) ;)



Well-Known Member
Dude, you're torturing those babies. Get some drip line and pump, and run a dipper to each one. Make sure your PH is about 5.8 and run an EC of about .8 to start with.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! He has no roots! That's freaky.

Sorry, but your plants are alive somehow? Have the pot bottoms been absorbing that moisture in any way? If not, hand water or drip feed like these other guys say.



They have drip lines yall !I just dont know why the fuck the roots aint going down into my thingy , Should I add more water How high should my water level be!


Well-Known Member
They have drip lines yall !I just dont know why the fuck the roots aint going down into my thingy , Should I add more water How high should my water level be!
raise your water level 1 inch under the net pot the splashing of the bubbles should keep everything wet. I would lose the drip ring you might be over watering making the roots not search down for water. hand feed a couple times a day. If you water too much the roots wont "look for water" they will just stay there because why move ? they have all the water they need.


Well-Known Member
you need to keep your water temps low, and pump a shitload of air in there.
Yes sir something a lot of hydro companies wont tell you because they want you to buy their DWC system... In DWC and i cant stress this enough. If you want a good grow with minimal problems in DWC you are going to have to keep that water cool 70 degrees and under all the time. There are ways around it like buying beneficial bacterias and what not, but if you play your cards right and dont let that water get warm you shouldnt have to buy that stuff.
Dude, you're torturing those babies. Get some drip line and pump, and run a dipper to each one. Make sure your PH is about 5.8 and run an EC of about .8 to start with.
He is absolutely right ^^^^^^, are you checking your PH with a DigitalPH Tester not the ColorMix ? Fill UP TANK ALL the way UP if you do not have the Dipper and put a good Airstone and you should be good in no time.



DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
PH? PPM? Nute company/type? Rez temps?

All of those factor into getting roots in DWC. I'll go ahead and answer these in advance.. PH should be around 5.8, ppm can be about 300 (normally more by now but you have no roots established,) and your rez temps should be below 70.