Why don't I enjoy being sober anymore?

Dude, no hate here... it seemed real, and I dont think of you to be less of a man/person because you're going through something. We've all been through shit. Handle it like a G! suck it up and move forward. one foot in front of the other. Just keep on keep in on
since this is a pot-growing forum I thought i'd share a particular favorite analogy of mine...
take two plants, clones from the same donor mother.
one of the plants is growing under plenty of light, but with no wind, no stress, no nothing to "toughen" it.
then one day it gets it's first mediocre wind, and the plant falls flat on it's face, shrivels up, and dies.
because it never faced adversity, never had to WORK to improve or overcome something..
the other plant gets it's ass beaten daily, wind blowing it around like mad, that stem and stalk of that plant are used to the abuse, and are used to having to overcome adversity, because it happens daily...
so when that mediocre wind blows and kills off the other plant?
the abused plant is laughing at the wind, ready and prepared for MUCH worse...
the saying goes
"whatever doesn't kill you, builds character "
bones that break?
Heal back stronger..
time will cure all.
Even the loss of loved ones
James, Like @Gary Goodson says, keep moving forward, sometimes you can run sometimes it's literally one step at a time. The key is to keep going forward. Don't talk to your mum. She still sees you as her little son and will want to protect and take your side (or vent about her problems). If you don't have anyone post on this thread. You'd be surprised at the insight here sometimes. But there is no magic formula. And stay off social media. People only post the best highlights of their lives anyway and most of THAT is total made up shit too.

Hang in there buddy, it will get better. each step forward puts you further away from this current misery
You're suffering from pms
Stop using drugs and alcohol it'll never help ever
Don't waste your time going to some ones office to talk because they have a diploma from the community college framed on the wall.
Find an N.A. meeting in your area walk in and sit down, you don't have to talk to anyone,there are no papers to sign, no payments to be made. The first move is up to you, nobody's hold your hand and nobody's gonna help if no one knows you need it. It might take a couple times of going but something will hit you and you'll realize you're in room full of people just as fucked up as you.
Option #2 is to keep smoking drinkin poppin pills whatever you have to do to make yourself comfortable until you find your one true love, the one you give everything to, family, friends ,money, smiles, dreams, health, heart, soul, eventually your life. They have a saying in those places, give it a shot and if you don't like it your misery can be refunded at any time.