To me, gay marriage comes down to one and only one thing (at least here in the U.S.): is marriage a RIGHT? If it is a right (and there is plenty of case history to support this) then it cannot be denied to ANY law abiding-citizen. Case over, screw you California (Prop 8 ) and the horse you rode in on, the United States Constitution reigns supreme.
EVERYTHING else is a smokescreen put up by religion, homophobes, and extremists to, as James Madison would put it, enflame “the passions most unfriendly to order and concord” and to divert the public’s reason from “the true merits of the question” so that “the PASSIONS, therefore, not the REASON, of the public would sit in judgment.”
Homosexuals have the same rights under domestic partnerships! Equal but separate never has and never will pass muster.
It’s Gods will! God has gone against the Constitution many times and lost: Women’s Suffrage, interracial marriage, segregation, etc. Either He got over it or He is really for equal rights.
It’s an abomination! Maybe, but it’s legal (at least here in California).
It’s tradition! Traditions change; slavery, the oppression of women, and a host of other things that have changed are based on traditions that go back to the beginning of recorded history. Marriage traditions themselves have changed many times since the beginning of recorded history.
Gay marriage will be taught in school! Uh, isn’t the purpose of education to teach age-appropriate R-E-A-L-I-T-Y? If you don’t want gay marriage to be taught, then don’t teach marriage – the only reason it is taught now is because of the Church’s agenda to push the idea that “chastity has boundaries and sex is to be only between a man and a woman lawfully married.”
Homosexuality is a choice! Not relevant to the same-sex marriage issue. For instance, being a Christian is a choice…it doesn’t matter if Christianity is ultimately THE reality or truth…what matters is that Christian's think it is reality and truth…therefore, it IS reality to them. While many might say that being a Christian is a psychological disorder that is the result of brainwashing or the way you were indoctrinated and is a perversion of reality, etc, etc, etc, I don’t think that a true Christian feels they have any choice but to believe the way they do. You can probably see where I’m going with this: it doesn’t matter if homosexuality is a choice or not…what matters is that most homosexuals think they have no choice…that is their reality.
Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true. ~ Demosthenes
We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are. ~ Anais Nin
Ultimately, I don’t think that a homosexual should be stripped of their right to marry because it may be a choice, anymore than I would want to strip a Christian of any of their rights because of their “choice” to be a Christian.
All of these things are not relevant to the one issue that is paramount: is marriage a right? And if it is a right, should it be denied to any LAW-ABIDING citizen of the United States? My stance is this: homosexuality is not illegal -> we live in a free country that dictates that all law-abiding citizens must abide by the Constitution -> the Constitution says we cannot deny rights to ANY law-abiding citizens -> marriage is a right (as defined by precedent) -> therefore we MUST give homosexuals the right to be married. If we deny homosexuals this right we might as well tear up the Constitution and become a society where our rights are dictated by some other source, like say the Bible.
On a personal level, while I don't "get" homosexuality I do "get" love and the pursuit of happiness, and the happiness that marriage can bring. I even believe that marriage is a sacred institution - perhaps in a different way than many do - but I would never deem my personal beliefs too important to disallow ANY law-abiding citizen from enjoying the same thing I have had the opportunity to enjoy.