Why Doesn't The RIU Search Bring Up Today's Posts When I Hit "Find All Posts"?


Active Member
Hello everyone. just wondering why when i search for all my posts, that it doesn't bring up todays posts? It seems to only bring up the ones from a day older and beyond, but nothing newer
I wondered this too, The only thing I came up with is,

That you can only edit your post's so long before they are un-editable.
I believe once that started thread is unable to be edited, its locked into the forums and now will yield a result in the search.
I remember when I first joined this site, it used to bring up todays posts. Wonder what changed?

The short answer of things is our database is just to big. With everyone using the search feature of the site I am glad as this cuts down on countless repetitive posts, we had to implement a new search engine similar to what google uses for their search algorithm. This is done in a separate "database" and is re-indexed on a scheduled basis, if you are looking for really recent posts they will not show up until the next re-index.

For the tech guys out there we moved over to an engine called sphinx.
