Why doesn't Obama submit to a DNA test to prove his blackness?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
That white supremacist dude sure had egg on his face when it was found out he was around a quarter black.

Why isn't Obama doing the same?

He's the one who made such a big about his precious race. I say race doesn't exist, but those in power still like to use race to break us apart.

In Obama's book, Dreams Of My Father, he brought up how he was the second black senator since the civil rights act got passed. There's only been 9 black senators total since reconstruction.

But how black is he really? He may be less than 10% black. 50% white on his mother's side, which includes about 25% jewish ancestry.

Why is he so ashamed of his jewish heritage? All we hear about is how black he is, or from his detractors how white he is.

Isn't this supposed to be the multicultural melting pot of freedom, this United States? Yet all we can do is polarize the issue.


Well-Known Member
Sorry my black brothers, and I don't know about the women but black men make bad leaders. Don't believe me check history.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Who fucking cares? Black or white he's a terrible president.
It matters because his blackness is the only only reason anybody gave a fuck to elect him. I read his book. The people who cheered him on said he had to succeed for his race's sake. If he didn't want race to be an issue, he shouldn't have been such a bigot and put it in his book.


Well-Known Member
Yes Theres people who voted for him bc he is black but there also people who didnt on the sole fact he is.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Yes Theres people who voted for him bc he is black but there also people who didnt on the sole fact he is.
If it wasn't for his blackness, he wouldn't have written his book, went on Oprah to promote it, and got elected as the second black senator since the Civil Rights Act. To say it wasn't a large factor for his becoming president, is delusional. If he were 100% white, what else did he have to offer? I'm willing to hear you out and others how he could've became a senator and eventually president, if he were white like everyone else.

They wanted him in there so bad, they forced Hilary to step down at the primary level.


Well-Known Member
If it wasn't for his blackness, he wouldn't have written his book, went on Oprah to promote it, and got elected as the second black senator since the Civil Rights Act. To say it wasn't a large factor for his becoming president, is delusional. If he were 100% white, what else did he have to offer? I'm willing to hear you out and others how he could've became a senator and eventually president, if he were white like everyone else.

They wanted him in there so bad, they forced Hilary to step down at the primary level.
Jesus fucking christ, what are you 12? And live in a trailer?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Winning with some nonsensical rambling sentences?
You're not paying me to write. Buck even understands and he's the liberal poster child. He endorses my experiment. Pay me my usual rate of about $3,000 and I'll make every post in this thread Walter Cronkite worthy.


New Member
If it wasn't for his blackness, he wouldn't have written his book, went on Oprah to promote it, and got elected as the second black senator since the Civil Rights Act. To say it wasn't a large factor for his becoming president, is delusional. If he were 100% white, what else did he have to offer? I'm willing to hear you out and others how he could've became a senator and eventually president, if he were white like everyone else.

They wanted him in there so bad, they forced Hilary to step down at the primary level.
What is his book about anyway? I notice the rest of his predecessors write their autobios after leaving office. Clintons was actually a good read.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What is his book about anyway? I notice the rest of his predecessors write their autobios after leaving office. Clintons was actually a good read.
About how awesome it is to snort coke and smoke weed, that you can become hopefully the first president to openly admit such. Because it's so cool to be black and the white man oppressed me!

He was right, huh?


New Member
About how awesome it is to snort coke and smoke weed, that you can become hopefully the first president to openly admit such. Because it's so cool to be black and the white man oppressed me!

He was right, huh?
I also wrote a book about snorting coke, smoking weed and fucking bitches... I'm happy to send you a signed copy if you like...



New Member
It matters because his blackness is the only only reason anybody gave a fuck to elect him. I read his book. The people who cheered him on said he had to succeed for his race's sake. If he didn't want race to be an issue, he shouldn't have been such a bigot and put it in his book.
"America's first mulatto president" it just doesn't have the same dynamic or ring to it.

A DNA test would dominate the news and at minimum, it would remind everyone of his not so marketable whiteness.